Page 16 - Have Faith
P. 16

Day 17              The longest journey starts with a simple step...

        The Journey...                                             Isaiah 30: 21
        Have you ever started a journey on to have  was one of these people. Saul’s anti-Christ-
        something  happen  on  route  that  changes  ian zeal motivated him not only to arrest and
        everything? All too often on our roads, lives  imprison male Christians but to lock up fe-
        are permanently changed in tragic circum-  male believers as well. Saul was present for
        stances  but  it  doesn't  have  to  be  bad  the trial of Stephen, one of the disciples, a
        changes we consider. Imagine bumping into  trial that resulted in Stephen becoming the
        a long lost friend on the way to the shops  first Christian martyr . The historian Luke tells
        only to rekindle that friendship, your friend-  us that Stephen’s executioners laid their gar-
        ship turns to dating, dating turns to relation-  ments at the feet of Saul, who was in full ap-
        ship,  relationship  turns  to  marriage  -  life  proval of the mob’s murderous actions. Saul
        changed all because you took a journey to  later ravaged the church, entering the homes
        the shops. It's quite amazing to think that if  of believers and committing them to prison.
        our imaginary person didn't run out of milk  Then a journey changed all that. While on his
        that day, her two children may not have been  way  to  Damascus  to  arrest  and  extradite
        born. Who knows what will happen on life's  Christians back to Jerusalem, Saul was con-
        road.  I think this has happened to all of us at  fronted by the very One whom he was per-
        some point. I know its happened to me more  secuting. What followed was one of the most
        times  than  I  can  count.  Some  of  it  good,  dramatic conversions in church history. Saul
        some bad but I do know that everything that  of Tarsus became the apostle Paul, an ardent
        has happened and every one of life's roads I  missionary to an unbelieving world and a fine
        have walked down has brought me to the  example  of  faithful  service  in  the  face  of
        point where I am now. When I look at what I  fierce persecution. Later, becoming the most
        have I do feel blessed. Being in the position  revered Saint in history and writer of much of
        I am to be able to help veterans is truly fan-  the New Testament. St Paul became St Paul
        tastic and rewarding. The journey I took has  because  of  a  journey.  Just  imagine,  that
        sometimes been uncomfortable, sometimes  morning when he set off on his journey he
        joyful, regrettably to get where I am, people  had no idea that his life was about to change
        have been hurt, I have been hurt but to be in  so dramatically. How amazing is that?  I won-
        the position where I am now I can call on all  der where your journey will take you. What is
        of these experiences to help others. Without  round the next corner or over the next sum-
        them I'd have no way of knowing how to help.  mit you need to climb? Only God knows, but
        But I'm not the only one to have walked a  he is guiding you. Trust in your spiritual Sat-
        road like this. I believe we all hold this quali-  Nav, It's got the right route plotted into it by
        fication in one way or another.  Saul of Tarsus  the ultimate navigator. Just trust him.

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