Page 26 - Have Faith
P. 26

Day 29 & 30           Press on towards the goal to win the prize...

        The Goal...                                             Proverbs 3:  5-6
        How easy is it to score a goal on a football  got frustrated, angry, felt like giving up so
        pitch?  When you have nothing in front of  many times but something just kept pushing
        you, it is easy.  Dribble the ball straight down  me forward.  I made a lot of mistakes along
        the pitch and then tap it in.  You don’t even  the way, some worse than others but every
        need to get out of breath.  The thing is, once  mistake  taught  me  a  valuable  lesson  that
        you’ve  scored,  there  is  no  real  feeling  of  gave me the tools to succeed.  I failed many
        achievement.  It is empty, almost false as if  times.    Each  failure  made  me  try  a  little
        you’ve cheated.  But put a team in front of  harder  and  made  me  more  determined.
        you and it suddenly turns in to a real struggle.  When I finally made it happen and I achieved
        Players trying to tackle you, the slow, drib-  my aim.  The feeling was incredible.  This is
        bling straight line to goal turns in to a zig zag  definitely the road God had put me on.  He
        of sprints and huge effort just to get to the  needed me to fail, he needed me to make
        goal.  When you get there, there is a keeper  mistakes, he needed me to suffer in the way
        in the way who is hell bent on stopping you  I have done so this final goal, which will help
        from scoring.  But when you finally hit the  so many, could be achieved properly.  When
        back of the net, you’ve done it!!  You’ve strug-  I look at how St Paul viciously persecuted
        gled  through,  didn’t  give  up  and  scored.  Christians, had innocent people stoned and
        Every week, we see this happen.  90 minutes  imprisoned just for being Christian, I see the
        of hard work with maybe one or two goals to  road that God had put him on.  If he hadn’t
        show for it.  It’s funny, I don’t even like foot-  done these things, he could not have been
        ball.  In our lives, we find the same struggles.  chosen to become the apostle that he turned
        Our  personal  goals  are  seldom  easy  to  into.    He  understood  more  than  most  be-
        achieve,  when  they  are  easy,  they  rarely  cause he had seen both sides of the fence
        leave us with a sense of achievement.  Over  and fought to turn his life from bad to good.
        the last few years, I have been determined to  We read St Paul’s letters throughout the new
        get  realistic  help  for  other  veterans  in  my  testament and we believe what he has to say.
        area.  Every direction I turned lead to a dead  Just  a  though  springs  to  mind,  would  you
        end or another barrier I had to climb over.  I  have believed him 2000 years ago?

        Elephant Sandwiches...                                  Proverbs 3:  5-6
        One of the best army officers I ever knew  would still like to remind you of them.  The
        used to say to me ‘Paul, take small bites out  first is ‘Your future is built on the strength you
        of elephant sandwiches.’  I used to laugh to  have gained in the past’.  This is all about
        myself and consider calling the men in white  having faith in yourself, trust in your abilities.
        coats but what I didn’t realise is that he would  You have been given them for a reason.  The
        always  see  when  I  was  getting  a  little  second is from the Bible. ‘Those who trust in
        stressed and flustered.  He would say this to  the Lord will find new strength’.  This is from
        me to get me to take small bites out of a huge  Isaiah 40: 31.  A very basic and short piece
        task.  That way I would always finish the task.  of advice but so true.  Just trust in him, he will
        These days, I have taken on this saying and  guide you, strengthen you and help you to
        call on it every time the task ahead seems  the end of your journey.  Worth remembering
        daunting.  There have been similar sayings  that  one.    Finally,  I  have  to  say  that  I  will
        such as ‘One day at a time...’ or ‘Never bite  never forget that old crazy saying from my
        off more than you can chew...’ They all mean  army boss.  He taught me how to finish tasks
        the same thing but at the end of the day, I  in a very realistic and eccentric way but it
        suppose it’s what helps you through.  How-  works.  But most of all trust in yourself and
        ever  there  are  two  phrases  I  have  come  your own abilities but most importantly trust
        across  which  I’m  sure  you  all  know  but  I  in God in everything you do.

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