P. 2

               Thursday 15 November 2018

            Justice legal opinion backs Whitaker’s naming as acting AG

            By ERIC TUCKER                                                                                                      ing  been  with  the  Justice
             Associated Press                                                                                                   Department  for  at  least
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            90  days  and  earning  high
            Justice   Department    on                                                                                          enough  pay  for  consider-
            Wednesday  released  an                                                                                             ation.
            internal  legal  opinion  sup-                                                                                      “As  all  three  branches  of
            porting the legality of Mat-                                                                                        government    have    long
            thew  Whitaker’s  appoint-                                                                                          recognized,  the  President
            ment  as  acting  attorney                                                                                          may  designate  an  acting
            general as Democrats press                                                                                          official  to  perform  the  du-
            the  case  that  President                                                                                          ties  of  a  vacant  principal
            Donald Trump violated the                                                                                           office, including a Cabinet
            law  and  Constitution  by                                                                                          office, even when the act-
            making Whitaker the coun-                                                                                           ing  official  has  not  been
            try’s chief law enforcement                                                                                         confirmed by the Senate,”
            officer.                                                                                                            the opinion said.
            The  20-page  opinion  from                                                                                         The opinion identified more
            the  Office  of  Legal  Coun-                                                                                       than 160 times before 1860
            sel, which provides  advice                                                                                         in  which  non-Senate  offi-
            to executive branch agen-                                                                                           cials  were  temporarily  ap-
            cies,  aims  to  rebut  mount-  Acting  Attorney  General  Matthew  Whitaker,  center,  greets  state  and  local  law  enforcement   pointed  to  fill  vacancies
            ing  complaints  that  Trump   officials at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Iowa, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018,   as  Cabinet  secretaries  or
            illegally sidestepped proce-  in Des Moines, Iowa.                                                                  equivalent  jobs,  including
            dure  by  appointing  Whita-                                                                       Associated Press  some  with  no  prior  experi-
            ker  over  Deputy  Attorney  arguing  that  the  top  Jus-  and a handful of GOP sen-  The  opinion  tries  to  recon-  ence  in  federal  govern-
            General Rod Rosenstein.      tice  Department  job  must  ators are urging their lead-  cile two seemingly conflict-  ment.
            Rosenstein,  the  second-    be  held  by  a  Senate-     ership  to  hold  a  vote  on  ing  statutes  by  saying  that  It  said  that  both  Presi-
            ranking   Justice   Depart-  confirmed  official  such  as  legislation  that  would  pro-  even  though  the  depart-  dents  George  W.  Bush
            ment  official,  has  been  Rosenstein. A defense law-    tect Mueller.                ment’s  own  line  of  suc-  and  Barack  Obama  had
            confirmed  by  the  Senate  yer in Las Vegas is arguing  It was unclear whether the  cession  specifies  that  the  designated    unconfirmed
            and  had  been  oversee-     a  drug  case  involving  his  legal  opinion  would  satisfy  deputy  attorney  general  agency  officials  as  acting
            ing  special  counsel  Robert  client  should  be  halted  if  opponents  of  Whitaker’s  may  hold  the  top  spot  in  agency  heads  and  that
            Mueller’s  Russia  investiga-  Whitaker  was  improperly  appointment, but the doc-    the event of a vacancy, a  Whitaker  was  not  the  first
            tion.  Whitaker  had  been  appointed.                    ument does provide by far  more general law known as  unconfirmed  official  to  run
            chief of staff to now-ousted  Congressional  Democrats,  the most detailed defense  the Vacancies Reform Act  an  agency  on  an  interim
            Attorney  General  Jeff  Ses-  meanwhile,  have  called  from  the  Justice  Depart-   empowers  presidents  to  basis in the Trump adminis-
            sions,  a  job  that  didn’t  re-  the  appointment  uncon-  ment  of  a  selection  that  depart from that order and  tration.
            quire  Senate  confirmation.  stitutional  and  demanded  has roiled Washington.       to  promote  officials  who  Even so, the opinion could
            He  became  acting  attor-   that  Whitaker  recuse  him-  The opinion concludes that  haven’t  been  confirmed  identify  only  one  instance,
            ney general when Sessions  self  from  overseeing  the  Whitaker,     even   without  by the Senate.                in 1866, when a non-Senate
            was  forced  out  on  Nov.  7  Mueller  investigation.  At  Senate  confirmation,  may  Although  Whitaker  is  not  confirmed  assistant  attor-
            and was given oversight of  least  two  former  Repub-    serve  in  an  acting  capac-  Senate   confirmed   and  ney  general  became  act-
            Mueller’s inquiry.           lican  attorneys  general,  ity because he has been at  was  not  the  deputy,  the  ing  attorney  general.  The
            Since  then,  the  state  of  Alberto  Gonzales  and  Mi-  the  department  for  more  opinion  concludes  that  he  Justice  Department  was
            Maryland  has  challenged  chael  Mukasey,  have  also  than a year at a “sufficient-  nonetheless satisfies a third  not  established  as  its  own
            Whitaker’s   appointment,  raised  questions  about  it,  ly senior pay level.”        element of the law by hav-   agency until 1870.q

            U.S. panel warns against government purchase of Chinese tech

            By MATTHEW PENNINGTON                                                                  contributing factor in trade  lect  and  share  data  and
             Associated Press                                                                      tensions that have seen the  connect to the internet.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A                                                                 world’s two largest econo-   Such devices could be ev-
            congressional      advisory                                                            mies  slap  billions  of  dollars  erything  from  household
            panel  says  the  purchase                                                             in  punitive  tariffs  on  each  appliances  like  refrigera-
            of  internet-linked  devices                                                           other’s products this year.  tors  and  air  conditioners
            manufactured  in  China                                                                The U.S. also has had long-  to  warehouse  delivery  sys-
            leaves  the  United  States                                                            running  concerns  about  tems, smart traffic signs and
            vulnerable    to   security                                                            state-backed  cyber  theft  aerial drones.
            breaches  that  could  put                                                             of corporate secrets, some-  “The scale of Chinese state
            critical infrastructure at risk.                                                       thing that China agreed to  support  for  the  IoT,  the
            In  its  annual  report  on                                                            stop in 2015.                close supply chain integra-
            Wednesday,  the  U.S.-Chi-                                                             But the bipartisan commis-   tion  between  the  United
            na Economic and Security                                                               sion highlights the potential  States and China, and Chi-
            Review  Commission  warns                                                              security  risks  to  the  United  na’s  role  as  an  economic
            of dangers to the U.S. gov-  In  this  Sept.  16,  2018,  photo,  American  flags  are  displayed   States  by  China’s  pre-  and  military  competitor  to
            ernment and private sector   together with Chinese flags on top of a trishaw in Beijing.   eminence  in  the  so-called  the  United  States  creates
            from  a  reliance  on  global                                         Associated Press  internet  of  things,  or  IoT,  enormous economic, secu-
            supply  chains  linked  to  information     technology  in the high-tech industry by  which  refers  to  the  prolif-  rity, supply chain, and data
            China, which is the world’s  equipment.                   2025 already is a sore point  eration of physical devices  privacy  risks  for  the  United
            largest  manufacturer  of  China’s  push  to  dominate  with  Washington  and  a  that have sensors that col-       States,” the report says.q
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