P. 6
Thursday 15 November 2018
Mattis defends use of military on US-Mexico border
By ROBERT BURNS tary, Mattis said he defers to
AP National Security Writer the judgment of Homeland
WASHINGTON (AP) — De- Security Secretary Kirstjen
fense Secretary Jim Mattis Nielsen, who joined him at
on Wednesday defend- the border Wednesday.
ed the use of active duty Nielsen and Mattis spoke
troops on the U.S.-Mexican with senior U.S. command-
border, saying that in some ers and addressed rank-
ways it provides good train- and-file troops. Mattis told
ing for war. He argued that the troops their mission is
it’s analogous to a 1916 to “back up” Customs and
deployment to counter Border Protection. “Right
the Mexican revolutionary now that’s our role and
Gen. Francisco “Pancho” that’s all our role is,” he said.
Villa. “The eyes of the world right
Speaking to reporters on now — certainly all of the
his way to visit U.S. troops Americans — are on you,”
along the border in south Mattis told the soldiers,
Texas, Mattis declined to adding that they are part
provide an estimate of how of a “non-traditional” mis-
much the mission will cost. sion. “We’re here because
He said cost figures he has of the number of illegals
received thus far are “not who say they are going to
anywhere near right.” He illegally try to cross into our
added that he believes, Migrants traveling with a caravan hoping to reach the U.S. border, wait to board a bus in La country,” he said, appar-
“very quickly we’ll know Concha, Mexico, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018. ently referring to the several
the real cost. So we’ll keep Associated Press thousand migrants moving
you posted as the real costs Pancho Villa’s troops — tially requested by Customs Critics have questioned the north through Mexico.
come in.” revolutionary raiding across and Border Protection, al- wisdom of using the military One soldier asked Mat-
In his most extensive re- the border into the United though additional tasks are on the border where there tis what are the short- and
marks about the hastily States,” he said. He noted now being worked out be- is no discernible security long-term plans for the mili-
arranged border mission, that more recently, Nation- tween the Pentagon and threat, although President tary mission.
Mattis argued that it fits an al Guard troops were used the Department of Home- Donald Trump has said Mattis said the short-term
historical pattern dating to in border missions ordered land Security. Mattis did not that a caravan of Central objective is to get sufficient
early in the 20th century. by President George W. say how soon the mission American migrants trav- numbers of wire and other
He noted that President Bush and President Barack might end; current deploy- eling northward through barriers in place along the
Woodrow Wilson deployed Obama, although not on ments are scheduled to last Mexico amounts to an “in- border as requested by
tens of thousands of Na- the cusp of a midterm elec- until Dec. 15, but that could vasion.” Since the election, Customs and Border Pro-
tional Guard and active tion. change. Trump has said little about tection. The longer-term
duty troops to the border in The Pentagon chief said In addition to the 5,800 ac- the matter, and no border objective, he said, is “some-
1916 in response to a Mexi- that within a week to 10 tive duty troops in the bor- threat has yet materialized. what to be determined.”
can military raid into the days the 5,800 troops cur- der area, about 2,100 Na- Asked whether he believes “When you’re in something
U.S. rently deployed for the tional Guard troops have there is a security threat at like this,” Mattis said, “it’s
“That’s over a century ago, border mission will have ac- been providing border sup- the border that justifies the dynamic, it’s unpredict-
and the threat then was complished all the tasks ini- port since April. use of the active duty mili- able. We’ll have to see.”q
Guardsman at Texas border accused of sexual assault
HOUSTON (AP) — A Texas A witness told police the Ontiveros is the second
National Guard member woman knocked on his guardsman in Texas known
serving at the U.S.-Mexico door, saying Ontiveros had to have been arrested
border is accused of sexu- tried to rape her. since the Guard was sent
ally assaulting a woman Ontiveros was released to the border.
in a motel, authorities said Tuesday on $20,000 bond. Edwin Baez , 20, was
Wednesday. A message left at a number charged in August with
Police in Alpine, Texas, ar- listed for Ontiveros was not stealing 1.5 kilograms of
rested Luis Carlos Ontiveros, immediately returned. The methamphetamine. Fed-
30, on Monday. The Texas Associated Press generally eral prosecutors said Baez
National Guard confirmed does not identify victims in was detailed to an inter-
that Ontiveros was serv- sexual assault cases. national bridge in Laredo,
ing in a mission launched The Texas National Guard Texas, when he allegedly
in April following President said it would cooperate ended up in the hospital for
Donald Trump’s call for the with authorities in Alpine, a “drug-induced emergen-
National Guard to go to This undated photo provided by the Alpine, Texas Police a remote West Texas town cy.” Investigators deter-
the border. Department shows Luis Carlos Ontiveros. in the region of Big Bend mined he had taken meth
According to an affidavit Associated Press National Park. The Guard from a picture frame being
obtained by KOSA-TV, the to her motel room. The and touched her. would not confirm whether used to smuggle the drugs
woman told police she had woman alleged that On- The woman said she fled Ontiveros had been sus- that he was supposed to
been drinking and Ontive- tiveros started kissing her, after Ontiveros told her he pended or how long he have thrown away. Baez
ros offered to take her back then removed her clothes would perform oral sex. had served in the Guard. has pleaded not guilty.q