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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 15 November 2018

            Dozens plead with Trump administration to keep air rules

            By DAN ELLIOTT                                                                                                      agency conceded that the
             Associated Press                                                                                                   rules “may also degrade air
            DENVER  (AP)  —  Dozens  of                                                                                         quality  and  adversely  af-
            people  who  live  near  oil                                                                                        fect  health  and  welfare.”
            and gas wells pleaded with                                                                                          It said the new rules would
            the  Trump  administration                                                                                          allow an additional 380,000
            Wednesday not to roll back                                                                                          U.S.  tons  (350,000  met-
            rules for methane pollution,                                                                                        ric  tons)  of  methane  and
            while  industry  represen-                                                                                          100,000  U.S.  tons  (91,000
            tatives  said  the  changes                                                                                         metric  tons  of  volatile  or-
            should go further.                                                                                                  ganic compounds into the
            The  Environmental  Protec-                                                                                         atmosphere  from  2019  to
            tion Agency held a hearing                                                                                          2025. Volatile organic com-
            in  Denver  on  the  admin-                                                                                         pounds  an  ingredient  of
            istration’s  plans  to  loosen                                                                                      ozone or smog.
            regulations imposed by the                                                                                          The  EPA  wants  to  reduce
            Obama  administration  in                                                                                           the  frequency  of  inspec-
            2016.  The  rules  require  en-                                                                                     tions  for  methane  leaks
            ergy companies to step up                                                                                           and  give  energy  compa-
            the detection and elimina-                                                                                          nies  more  time  to  repair
            tion  of  methane  leaks  at                                                                                        leaks  after  they  are  de-
            well sites and other oil and                                                                                        tected. The changes would
            gas facilities.                                                                                                     also allow an energy com-
            Methane  is  the  primary                                                                                           pany’s  in-house  engineers
            component  of  natural  gas   Activists  from  ProgressNow  Colorado,  grassroots  organizations  and  stakeholders  join  forces  to   to  certify  some  aspects  of
            and  also  is  a  greenhouse   demonstrate outside the United States headquarters of BP, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018, in Denver.   methane control instead of
            gas.  Opponents  argued                                                                            Associated Press  requiring an outside profes-
            Wednesday that changing  abetting  polluters,  looking  ing and other health prob-     sions even while natural gas  sional engineer to do so.
            the  rules  would  threaten  out  for  the  wealthy  and  lems.                        production  is  increasing.  The  EPA  also  wants  to  let
            people’s health, worsen cli-  failing its legal duty to pro-  Susanne  Beug  told  agen-  He said the EPA should do  energy  companies  opt  to
            mate  change  and  squan-    tect public health and the  cy officials, “The EPA is the  more  to  allow  technologi-  follow state rules instead of
            der natural gas by allowing  environment.  “Polluters  do  Environmental   Protection  cal innovation and stream-   the federal rules in Califor-
            leaks  to  go  undetected.  not need your protection. I  Agency,  not  the  Energy  line the rules.                 nia, Colorado, Ohio, Penn-
            They  also  argued  it  would  do,” said 13-year-old Alexis  Protection Agency.”       When  it  unveiled  the  new,  sylvania, Texas and Utah.
            cost  taxpayers,  investors  Elliott,  who  said  emissions  Matthew Todd of the Amer-  looser  rules  in  September,  The  EPA  rules  apply  to  oil
            and mineral owners money  from oil and gas wells near  ican  Petroleum  Institute  the  EPA  said  they  would  and  gas  drilling  on  private
            from the lost sale of the gas.  her school are causing her  said the industry is already  save energy companies up  land  and  some  public
            Many  accused  the  EPA  of  nosebleeds,  rashes,  bruis-  reducing  methane  emis-    to $75 million a year. But the  land.q

              Official: Michael Avenatti in

              Los Angeles police custody

              By MICHAEL BALSAMO          allegation of domestic vio-  The  official  wasn’t  autho-
               Associated Press           lence, a law enforcement  rized to discuss the matter
              WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Mi-    official told The Associated  publicly and spoke to The
              chael  Avenatti,  who  sky-  Press.                     Associated Press on condi-
              rocketed  to  fame  as  a  Police  had  responded  to  tion of anonymity.
              chief  critic  of  President  a  domestic  violence  in-  Avenatti remained in cus-
              Donald  Trump  and  the  cident  Tuesday  and  took  tody  Wednesday  after-          In this July 27, 2018, file photo Michael Avenatti, talks to the
              lawyer  for  porn  actress  a  report,  but  Avenatti  noon and a call and text      media during a news conference in front of the U.S. Federal
              Stormy  Daniels,  was  tak-  was  taken  into  custody  message  seeking  com-       Courthouse in Los Angeles. Avenatti is in police custody in Los
              en  into  police  custody  Wednesday,  the  official  ment weren’t immediately       Angeles following domestic violence allegation.
              Wednesday  following  an  said.                         returned.q                                                          Associated Press
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