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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 15 November 2018

            Florida’s bitter recount battle lurches toward deadline

            Continued from Front         were  designed  to  work
                                         24/7 — kind of like running
            Critics  have  said  Scott  an old car from here to L.A.
            should have no role in over-  And  so,  you  know,  things
            seeing  the  election  given  happen to them.”
            his close contest.           Right  now,  Palm  Beach
            Trump,  who  has  already  County  looks  like  it  could
            lashed  out  over  the  re-  miss the Thursday deadline,
            count, added to the grow-    even  though  Nelson  and
            ing  partisan  firestorm  by  Democrats  filed  lawsuits
            arguing  without  evidence  seeking to suspend it.
            that  some  people  unlaw-   Lawyers   for   Democrats
            fully  participated  in  the  also asked a federal judge
            election  by  dressing  in  Wednesday  to  set  aside
            disguise.  “When  people  the  state  law  mandating
            get in line that have abso-  that  mailed-in  votes  be
            lutely no right to vote and  thrown out if the signature
            they go around in circles,”  on  the  envelope  doesn’t
            Trump  said  in  an  interview  match the signature on file.
            with  The  Daily  Caller  pub-  No  less  than  six  federal
            lished Wednesday. “Some-     lawsuits have been filed so
            times  they  go  to  their  car,  far in Tallahassee. Nelson’s
            put on a different hat, put  campaign  has  also  filed  a
            on a different shirt, come in  lawsuit  seeking  public  re-  Political observers, foreground, watch as employees at the Broward County Supervisor of Elections
            and vote again.”             cords  from  a  north  Florida   office count ballots during a recount, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018, in Lauderhill, Fla.
            The state elections depart-  elections supervisor who al-                                                                      Associated Press
            ment  and  the  Florida  De-  lowed voters in GOP-heavy   in  McConnell’s  Capitol  of-  lead  over  Nelson  was  0.14  ence  is  0.25  percentage
            partment  of  Law  Enforce-  Bay  County  to  email  their   fice, Scott did not reply to a  percentage  points.  In  the  points  or  less,  meaning  it
            ment,  both  run  by  Repub-  ballots  in  apparent  viola-  question about whether he  governor’s  contest,  unoffi-  could take even longer to
            lican  appointees,  have  tion of state law.              contends  there  was  fraud  cial results showed DeSan-   complete the review of the
            said they haven’t seen any  U.S.  District  Judge  Mark   in the election.             tis ahead of Gillum by 0.41  Senate  race  if  the  differ-
            evidence of voter fraud of  Walker, citing a well-known   State  law  requires  a  ma-  percentage points.          ence remains narrow.
            this sort.                   “Star  Trek”  episode,  said   chine  recount  in  races  Once  the  machine  re-      If  the  Senate  race  does
            Adding  to  the  fray,  how-  during  a  hearing  Wednes-  where  the  margin  is  less  count is complete, a hand  go to a hand recount, the
            ever, a top attorney at the  day that “I feel a little bit like   than 0.5 percentage points.  recount  will  be  ordered  in  deadline for counties to fin-
            Florida Department of State  Captain Kirk in the episode   In the Senate race, Scott’s  any race where the differ-  ish is Sunday.q
            sent a letter last week ask-  with the Tribbles where they
            ing  federal  prosecutors  to  start to multiply.”
            investigate  whether  Dem-   The  developments  are  fu-
            ocrats  distributed  false  in-  eling  frustrations  among
            formation that could have  Democrats  and  Republi-
            resulted  in  voters  having  cans as the recount unfolds
            mail-in  ballots  disqualified.  more  than  a  week  after
            Four   county   supervisors  Election  Day.  Democrats
            turned  over  information  have  urged  state  officials
            that  showed  Democratic  to  do  whatever  it  takes
            Party  operatives  changed  to  make  sure  every  vote
            official  forms  to  say  that  is  counted.  Republicans,
            voters  had  until  two  days  including  Trump,  have  ar-
            after the election to fix any  gued  without  evidence
            problems with mail-in ballot  that  voter  fraud  threatens
            signatures.  Under  current  to  steal  races  from  the
            law,  a  voter  has  until  the  GOP. The Republican can-
            day before Election Day to  didates  for  governor  and
            fix a problem.               Senate,  Ron  DeSantis  and
            Meanwhile, problems con-     Scott, hold the narrowest of
            tinue to arise in Palm Beach  leads over their Democrat-
            County, where tallying ma-   ic  counterparts,  Andrew
            chines  have  overheated.  Gillum and Bill Nelson.
            That’s caused mismatched  Scott  was  in  Washington,
            results  with  the  recount  of  D.C.,  while  the  court  bat-
            174,000 early voting ballots,  tles  rage  on.  He  stood  at
            forcing workers to go back  Senate  Majority  Leader
            and redo their work with no  Mitch   McConnell’s    left
            time to spare.               shoulder Wednesday when
            “The  machines  are  old,”  the  Kentucky  Republican
            said Supervisor of Elections  welcomed  GOP  senators
            Susan  Bucher,  who  said  who  will  take  their  seats
            they  underwent  mainte-     in  January  when  the  new
            nance  right  before  the  Congress is sworn in.
            election. “I don’t think they  During  the  brief  photo-op
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