P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 15 November 2018
            Swedish parliament rejects proposed government

            By DAVID KEYTON                                                                                                     cuss  with  Loof  should  she
            Associated Press                                                                                                    be tapped to try to form a
            STOCKHOLM  (AP)  —  More                                                                                            coalition.
            than two months after elec-                                                                                         Loof  earlier  said  that  she
            tions  that  left  Sweden  in                                                                                       doesn’t  want  to  be  prime
            political  limbo,  lawmakers                                                                                        minister herself but is willing
            on  Wednesday  rejected  a                                                                                          to try form a government.
            proposed minority coalition                                                                                         Pundits  say  either  Loof  or
            led  by  the  second-largest                                                                                        Lofven  would  be  next  in
            party, the first time in Swed-                                                                                      line to try to form a govern-
            ish  history  that  a  proposal                                                                                     ment.
            for  a  new  prime  minister                                                                                        The emergence of Sweden
            has been defeated.                                                                                                  Democrats  —  with  roots  in
            Parliament  voted  by  195                                                                                          a  neo-Nazi  movement  —
            votes  to  154  to  reject  the                                                                                     reflects  how  deeply  that
            Speaker’s  plan  for  a  co-                                                                                        Sweden  is  being  trans-
            alition  of  the  center-right                                                                                      formed by migration.
            Moderates  and  the  small                                                                                          In  2015,  Sweden  took  in  a
            Christian  Democrats,  with                                                                                         record  163,000  migrants
            Moderates  leader  Ulf  Kris-                                                                                       —  the  highest  per  capita
            tersson as prime minister.   Ulf Kristersson, lesder of the center-right party Moderates, makes his way to a press meeting in the   of  any  European  country.
            Those  opposing  the  coali-  Riksdag, Stockholm, Wednesday Nov. 14, 2018.                                          Since  then,  the  country
            tion said it would give influ-                                                                     Associated Press  has sharply restricted immi-
            ence to the anti-immigrant  ter has ever been rejected  for  months  of  uncertainty  her party and the Liberals.   gration,  but  many  Swedes
            Sweden  Democrats  —  the  by the 349-seat Riksdagen.     and    complex    coalition  Kristersson  said  that  that  complain that society can-
            third-largest party but con-  Norlen said he would con-   talks.                       although  the  alliance  has  not  cope  with  integrating
            sidered  a  pariah  by  many  tinue talks with party lead-  Both blocs have refused to  suffered “its worst crisis,” it is  so many newcomers, many
            —  because  the  govern-     ers  on  Thursday,  without  cooperate  with  the  Swe-   not dead.                    of them Muslims from Africa
            ment would be dependent  giving details.                  den Democrats, who made  “We have a common plat-          and the Middle East.
            on  that  party’s  support  in  The  September  election  great strides in the election.  form, but we cannot agree  Ahead  of  Wednesday’s
            parliament.                  produced  a  hung  parlia-   Annie  Loof,  the  leader  of  when  it  comes  to  taking  vote,  Jimmie  Akesson,  the
            Wednesday’s vote was the  ment  with  the  left-leaning  the Center Party that voted  power.”                       leader of the Sweden Dem-
            first  of  a  possible  four  be-  side  and  the  center-right  against  Kristersson,  said  he  Caretaker  Prime  Minister  ocrats, said he sees “a new
            fore Speaker Andreas Nor-    bloc  securing  about  40  had broken up the 14-year-     Stefan  Lofven,  who  heads  political  landscape  mush-
            len must call new elections.  percent of the vote each,  old  center-right  alliance  Sweden’s  largest  party  —  room  in  Sweden,  exactly
            It  was  the  first  time  that  a  leaving neither with a ma-  by  suggesting  a  two-party  the  Social  Democrats  —  like in the rest of the west-
            candidate  for  prime  minis-  jority  and  paving  the  way  government,  leaving  out  said  he  was  willing  to  dis-  ern world.”q

            Macedonia ex-leader requests asylum in Hungary

            By KONSTANTIN TESTORIDES                                                               influencing  interior  ministry  Janakieski and former gov-
            PABLO GORONDI                                                                          officials  over  the  purchase  ernment  secretary-general
            Associated Press                                                                       of a luxury vehicle.         Kiril Bozinovski to be held for
            SKOPJE, Macedonia (AP) —                                                               Delov  said  the  formal  ex-  30 days. Prosecutors sought
            Former  Macedonian  Prime                                                              tradition  request  will  take  their  detention  amid  fears
            Minister  Nikola  Gruevski,                                                            some  time  as  the  docu-   they  could  also  try  to  flee
            who  fled  his  country  to                                                            ments need to be translat-   the country.
            avoid  a  two-year  prison                                                             ed  into  Hungarian.  Mace-  Gruevski’s  flight  marks  the
            term for corruption, has re-                                                           donia  has  no  extradition  latest  dramatic  episode
            quested asylum in Hungary,                                                             agreement  with  Hungary,  in  a  volatile  confrontation
            the Hungarian government                                                               but can seek application of  between  his  conservatives
            said Wednesday.              In this Friday, Oct. 19, 2018 file photo, Nikola Gruevski, former   the  European  Convention  and  Zaev’s  Social  Demo-
            Meanwhile,  Macedonian       country’s Prime Minister and now a lawmaker of the opposition   on  Extradition  that  binds  crats.
            Prime  Minister  Zoran  Zaev   VMRO-DPMNE, looks on in Macedonian Parliament in the capital   members  of  the  Council  The two sides remain bitter-
            called on Hungary to extra-  Skopje.                                                   of Europe — to which both  ly at odds over a proposed
            dite Gruevski, his bitter po-                                         Associated Press  countries belong.           deal to change the repub-
            litical rival.               office said.                 seph Muscat.                 In   Hungary,   left-   and  lic’s name to North Mace-
            Hungarian  Prime  Minister  For  his  part,  Zaev  said  he  Macedonia’s  justice  min-  right-wing  opposition  par-  donia  and  end  a  dispute
            Viktor Orban’s office said it  expects   the   Hungarian  istry  spokesman,  Vladimir  ties  called  on  the  Orban  with  neighboring  Greece
            considers Gruevski’s asylum  government  to  respect  in-  Delov, told The Associated  government  to  extradite  that would allow Macedo-
            request  “solely  a  legal  is-  ternational law by returning  Press that the ministry is pre-  Gruevski.           nia  to  join  NATO  and  start
            sue” and views Macedonia  Gruevski.                       paring  the  necessary  doc-  Earlier  Wednesday,  Mace-  accession talks with the Eu-
            as “an important ally.”      “What  will  be  (Macedo-    umentation  for  Gruevski’s  donian  authorities  tem-    ropean Union.
            “The  Macedonian  govern-    nia’s) motivation to join the  extradition.               porarily  jailed  two  former  Western  leaders  provided
            ment  of  the  day  is  a  part-  European Union if one of its  Gruevski,  prime  minister  government  officials  on  Zaev’s  government  strong
            ner of Hungary in interstate  member  states  becomes  from  2006-2016,  fled  after  trial for corruption following  backing  in  supporting  the
            relations, and therefore we  a shelter for criminals?” he  Macedonian police tried to  Gruevski’s flight.           deal,  while  Russia  argued
            in no way wish to intervene  said during a news confer-   arrest him to serve the pris-  A   criminal   court   on  that  it  was  the  target  of
            in the internal affairs of sov-  ence in Skopje with visiting  on sentence. He was con-  Wednesday  ordered  for-   the  alliance’s  expansion
            ereign  countries,”  Orban’s  Maltese  Prime  Minister  Jo-  victed in May of unlawfully  mer  transport  minister  Mile  eastward.q
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