P. 13

                                                                                                           local Thursday 15 November 2018

                                           Ocean of Pure Joy

                                                                                                  experience. “Peek time is around sun set when guests
                                                                                                  find their paradise here to collect their thoughts and/
                                                                                                  or dine with their significant other.” Chantal mentions
                                                                                                  the  trend  of  people  being  well-traveled  and  more
                                                                                                  knowledgeable about food. “But with the wines there
                                                                                                  might be a need of some help and there is where we
                                                                                                  come in.” Besides the menu there are the a la carte
                                                                                                  choices, all accompanied by live music on most days
                                                                                                  of the week. “Friday is Pure Romance with a sax or vio-
             Aruba has the most amazing beaches and dining-on-the-sand.  Gazing at the most       lin for example.”
             stunning sunset is not a dream here. Though there is one spot that gives you even
             more: total romance. At the end of the hotel strip we find restaurant Pure Ocean,    The  restaurant  offers  a
             part of the Divi Aruba Phoenix Beach Resort. “Here there is no traffic of people     breakfast buffet too be-
             walking by, you are in complete peace with your feet in the sand while enjoying      tween 7-11 AM, dinner is
             culinary delights and pairing wines,” says Chantal Beke, Food & Beverage of the      on from 6 to 10 PM and
             resort. Now is the time to go as the restaurant just launched their new menu.        –not  to  forget-  there  is
                                                                                                  a Happy Hour from 6 to
                                                                                                  7  PM  offering  2  for  the
             Special Menu                                                                         price  of  1.  Reservations
             Be calm. There is no rush. Take your time and indulge. That is the pace you will get   are  advised,  there  are
             into when taking a part in the sunset dining experience Pure Ocean offers you.       only  80  seats  available
             “Italy stands for culinary joy so our special menu is based on that cuisine, but our   in  this  intimate  setting.
             Executive Chef always ads a bit of local spirit which makes the dishes sparkle”,     “You can be outside on
             Chantal explains. What to think of an appetizer like ‘polenta fries with truffle sea   the  beach,  halfway  on
             salt, parmesan & Pomodoro sauce’ or ‘mango bruschetta’, ‘balsamic pork tender-       the  beach-walk  or  in-
             loin in red wine sauce with risotto asparagus’ or ‘ricotta stuffed ravioli with roasted   side under the ‘palapa’.
             local grown mushrooms’ as entrée while you top of with a dessert chef’s selection?   Let us give you the Pure
             Best of it: there is a bottle of wine included that is paired with your menu.        treatment.”q

             Pure Treatment                                                                       Divi Aruba Phoenix Beach Resort
             The wines specially selected to match the dishes come from different countries,      J.E. IrausquinBlvd 75, Aruba
             but Italy is of course mainly represented. Prices are per couple, very reasonable    T: +297 586 6066  Pure Ocean ext. 7002
             and include 3-courses plus a bottle of wine. The perfect package for the perfect

                                                                                      SAY THANK YOU IN ARUBA TODAY

                                                                                                                        as important as Christmas. In fact,
                                                                                    Please do note: By submitting photos,  more  people  in  the  US  celebrate
                                                                                    text  or  any  other  materials,  you  give   Thanksgiving  than  they  do  Christ-
                                                                                    permission to The Aruba Today News-
                                                                                    paper, Caribbean Speed Printers and   mas. Thanksgiving Day is a secular
                                                                                    any  of  its  affiliated  companies  to  use   holiday  in  a  country  that  officially
                                                                                    said  materials,  as  well  as  names,  like-  separates church and state so this
                                                                                    ness,  etc.  for  promotional  purposes  probably  makes  sense.  Thanksgiv-
                                                                                    without compensation.               ing  can  be  traced  back  to  1621
                                                                                                                        where  refugees  from  England,
                                                                                    What Is It About?                   known  as  Pilgrims,  invited  the  lo-
                                                                                    Thanksgiving  is  on  Thursday  No-  cal Native Americans to a harvest
                                                                                    vember 22nd, the day before Black  feast after they experienced a suc-
                                                                                    Friday,. Thanksgiving Day tradition-  cessful season of produce growth.
                                                                                    ally  kicks  off  the  ‘holiday  season’  But  it  wasn’t  just  the  economic
                                                                                    in  the  United  States.  The  day  was  drive  that  allowed  the  Pilgrims  to
                                                                                    set in stone by President Franklin D.  prosper.  It  was  their  devotion  to
                                                                                    Roosevelt  in  1939  and  approved  God and His laws. And that’s what
                                                                                    by Congress in 1941. FDR changed  Thanksgiving is really all about. The
            ORANJESTAD — Aruba Today gives  lish  it  in  our  edition  on  Thanksgiv-  it from Abraham Lincoln’s designa-  Pilgrims recognized that everything
            you  the  opportunity  to  express  ing  Day,  November  22nd.  Please  tion as the last Thursday in Novem-  we have is a gift from God – even
            your  gratitude  to  your  blessings.  email  to:  ber (because there are sometimes  our sorrows. Their Thanksgiving tra-
            Send us a small Thanksgiving mes-   Thank  you  for  supporting  our  free  five Thursdays in the month).   dition  was  established  to  honor
            sage  (maximum  10  words)  with/   newspaper, we strive to make you                                        God and thank Him for His blessings
            without  picture  and  we  will  pub-  a happy reader every day.        Many Americans think it of it as just  and His grace.q
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