P. 14

               Thursday 15 November 2018

            Let’s talk about the Orange Economy

              Maastricht – No country survives without a thriving economy. Aruba    ticipation of women compared to  The CCI value chain
              has been developing for quite some time and has explored numerous     more traditional industries. Now to  The most explicit way of portraying
              options for diversification. In the past columns, I have indicated the   be able to visualize the economic  the  CCI  economic  overview  is  to
              importance of expanding the economic horizon of the island. Con-      impact of a CCI towards the Aru-    indicate the value chain surround-
              sidering the negative developments of the oil refinery in San Nicolas,   ban economy is to measure it. The  ing  the  CCI.  The  CCI  value  chain
              the  vulnerable  developments  of  the  small-medium  enterprises,  we   most common way to measure an  consists out of 4 layers. These four
              have been solely depending and relying on the growth of the tourism   industry’s contribution (any type of  layers include the creators on the
              sector for decades since our independence.  Today we will discuss     industry) to the national economy  top level, the primary investors on
              the first part of possible economic impact of introducing a CCI here   is to measure its value added, in-  the second level, secondary inves-
              in Aruba.                                                             cluding its share of labor and capi-  tors and facilitators on the third lev-
                                                                                    tal.  The  summation  of  the  value  el, and lastly, the consumer at the
                                                                                    added  of  all  industries  is  equal  to  lower level.
              How so an economic impact?                                            the gross domestic product (GDP),
              In the past, many professionals would have considered it a bit too    the  standard  measure  of  the  size  Thinking  back  at  the  definition
              extreme to merge culture and the economy with each other. Culture     of  national  economies.  However,  of  the  CCI  in  one  of  the  first  col-
              being flexible, creative and multi-dimensional can also be related to   generally  the  value  added  by  in-  umns,  we  can  conclude  that  the
              economic  developments  of  a  community.  According  to  UNESCO,     dividual  CCI  is  not  available  from  CCI  is  very  broad,  extensive  and
              culture has been a productive sector and is playing an increasingly   government  sources.  This  lack  of  very much diversified across many
              critical role in national economies all over the world. Cultural activi-  official  data  makes  it  difficult  to  niche  markets.  For  the  first  layer,
              ties and industries are becoming drivers for growth, enabling the di-  estimate  the  creative  economy’s  some examples for the creators in
              versification of national economies, generating income and creating   contribution  to  world  output.  Dur-  this  scheme  are  composers,  mu-
              employment  in  developed,  developing  and  emerging  economies.     ing my research, this was also the  sicians,  poets,  performing  artists,
              The “Orange Economy” is a relatively new phenomena that express-      case.  I  was  unable  to  find  out  software engineers, painters, archi-
              es the Cultural and Creative Economy, even though the CCI has al-     based of the current information at  tects,  designers,  cultural  workers
              ready been in development for years. The color orange is representa-  the government what exactly the  or writers. This can be any profes-
              tive of creativity and cultural expression in many global societies.   economic impact of a CCI would  sional  that  creates  something  out
                                                                                    be. So, this means, we should con-  of  their  own  imagination,  craft  or
              Further along, CCIs provide the opportunity for entrepreneurship and   duct more research as a whole.     specialty.
              a diversified employment. Besides this, CCIs tend to favor the par-                                                      Continued on Page 15
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