P. 12
Thursday 15 November 2018
Pro-Trump diplomat to become Brazil’s foreign minister
By MAURICIO SAVARESE never been in charge of an
Associated Press embassy during his 29-year
SAO PAULO (AP) — Presi- diplomatic service.
dent-elect Jair Bolsonaro Bolsonaro’s aggressive rhet-
announced Wednesday oric has already caused
that he is naming an admir- tensions with Egypt and
er of U.S. President Donald Cuba, issues that Araujo will
Trump to be Brazil’s foreign deal with once in office.
minister in the new admin- The Arab nation cancelled
istration. a trip of Brazilian lawmakers
Bolsonaro, a far-right politi- this year after the president-
cian who takes office Jan. elect promised to move the
1, went on Twitter to an- Brazilian Embassy in Israel
nounce the choice of dip- from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
lomat Ernesto Araujo. Bolsonaro later said the de-
Araujo now heads the for- cision was not taken.
eign ministry’s department Cuba announced ear-
for United States, Canada lier Wednesday that it was
and Inter-American affairs. ending a program that
He is anti-left and a self-pro- sent almost 9,000 medics
claimed nationalist, and he to Brazil, acting after Bol-
campaigned for Bolsonaro, sonaro said the program
who was elected Oct.28. could continue only under
“The Brazilian foreign policy Brazil’s President-elect Jair Bolsonaro attends a joint statement with Brazil’s president, after a new conditions. Among
must be a part of the mo- meeting at the Presidential Palace, in Brasilia, Brazil, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018. other things, he said the
ment of recovery that Brazil Associated Press doctors must receive their
lives today,” the president- of the West that is based on captain and longtime sitions resemble more those salaries directly from Brazil
elect said about his ap- the recovery of its symbolic congressman, has on sev- of Philippines President Ro- and not through the Cu-
pointee. Araujo has praised past. The Brazilian diplomat eral occasions compared drigo Duterte. ban government and be
Trump’s approach to for- also believes globalism is himself to Trump, although Some diplomats were sur- allowed to bring their fami-
eign relations, saying the an anti-Christian ideology. many analysts say his tough prised with Araujo’s ap- lies with them during their
U.S. leader proposes a view Bolsonaro, a former army anti-crime and pro-gun po- pointment because he has assignments.q
Former Honduran president criticizes brother’s prosecution
By FREDDY CUEVAS Authorities also arrested late my human rights and
Associated Press Wilfredo Cerrato, a presi- trample my dignity,” Porfirio
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras dential administrator during Lobo said. “It is all a show, a
(AP) — Former Honduran Lobo’s term and who now trick, to divert public atten-
President Porfirio Lobo said represents Honduras at the tion from the government’s
Tuesday that the Central Central American Parlia- notorious corruption cas-
American country’s current ment. Cerrato allegedly es.” An international anti-
government is trampling passed checks to Ramon corruption mission backed
his honor by bringing cor- Lobo. Porfirio Lobo’s wife by the Organization of
ruption cases against his has been held since Febru- American States is working
wife and most recently his ary on charges of diverting with Honduran prosecutors.
brother. Last week, pros- $700,000 in public funds. His In June, prosecutors an-
ecutors accused 91-year- son, Fabio, was sentenced nounced an investigation
old Ramon Lobo of pock- in the U.S. last year to 24 into public funds that were
eting some $300,000 that In this Jan. 27, 2010 file photo, Honduras’ President Porfirio years in prison for drug traf- allegedly diverted to the
the government had paid Lobo, waves during his presidential inauguration ceremony in ficking. 2013 campaign of Presi-
soldiers guarding him at a Tegucigalpa, Honduras. “Those running this country dent Juan Orlando Hernan-
ranch north of the capital. Associated Press are allowing them to vio- dez. q