P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 15 November 2018

            Missing elite Chinese university alumni spark outcry

            By YANAN WANG                                                                                                       tive  action  and  potential
            Associated Press                                                                                                    threats  to  its  authority.  The
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  Students                                                                                          government  is  particularly
            and alumni of several Chi-                                                                                          guarded  about  campus
            nese universities are sound-                                                                                        movements  after  the  1989
            ing the alarm over the ap-                                                                                          student-led   pro-democ-
            parent  detention  of  more                                                                                         racy  demonstrations  in  Ti-
            than a dozen young labor                                                                                            ananmen  Square  which
            activists  who  have  been                                                                                          were ultimately crushed by
            missing since the weekend.                                                                                          the military.
            Three  recent  graduates  of                                                                                        The sudden disappearanc-
            the  elite  Peking  University                                                                                      es  all  occurred  at  around
            have been taken away by                                                                                             9  p.m.  on  Friday,  the  Ja-
            authorities, the Jasic Work-                                                                                        sic  Workers  Support  Group
            ers  Support  Group  said  in                                                                                       said. Three others in Wuhan,
            a  statement  late  Tuesday.                                                                                        including one factory work-
            According  to  the  group,                                                                                          er, were taken away by po-
            witnesses  saw  one  person                                                                                         lice on Sunday, though one
            being  “kidnapped”  from                                                                                            was released early the next
            the  Beijing  campus,  while                                                                                        day.
            others in Shenzhen, Guang-                                                                                          Peking  University  students
            zhou  and  Shanghai  also                                                                                           and    alumni   expressed
            disappeared.                                                                                                        alarm  after  students  pub-
            They were involved in a co-                                                                                         lished accounts online say-
            alition, led by young Marxist   In this photo provided by the Jasic Workers Support Group and taken Aug 2018, members of the   ing that they were beaten
            activists, that was founded   Jasic Workers Support Group pose for a group photo after a campaign promoting worker's rights   on campus by unidentified
                                         in Dezhou city in Guangdong province.
            this summer to show solidar-                                                                       Associated Press  men  who  forced  a  recent
            ity  with  factory  workers  at                                                                                     graduate  named  Zhang
            Jasic  Technology,  a  weld-  turer in southern China.    tinely  “disappeared”  by  ruling  Communist  Party,  Shengye  into  a  car  on  Fri-
            ing  equipment  manufac-     Activists  in  China  are  rou-  authorities  working  for  the  which is wary of any collec-  day evening.q

             North Korean delegation visits South to attend history forum

             By HYUNG-JIN KIM            mobilization  of  laborers  in  side, according to organiz-
             Associated Press            the  region  during  World  ers.
             SEOUL,  South  Korea  (AP)  War II and how to boost ex-  The  forum  is  organized  by
             —  A  five-member  North  changes now among Asia-        Gyeonggi province, which
             Korean  delegation  came  Pacific countries.             surrounds  Seoul,  and  a
             to South Korea on Wednes-   The  North  Koreans  are  led  South Korean civic organi-
             day to attend an academ-    by Ri Jong Hyok, vice chair-  zation.
             ic  forum  on  Japan's  war-  man  of  the  Korea  Asia-  The  South  Korean  gov-
             time  actions,  as  the  rivals  Pacific Peace Committee.  ernment  has  said  it  has
             continue     reconciliation  Participants   from   other  no  plans  to  meet  with  the
             efforts  despite  stalemated  countries  including  South  North  Koreans  during  their
             U.S.-led  nuclear  diploma-  Korea,  Japan  and  China,  four-day visit.
             cy.                         are  mostly  civilian  scholars  Anti-Japanese   sentiment
             The  North  Koreans  are  and  former  officials.  Ex-   runs  deep  in  both  Koreas
             among  300  people  from  Japanese  Prime  Minister  because  the  Korean  Pen-       North Korean vice chairman of the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace
             nine countries who are tak-  Yukio  Hatoyama,  who  has  insula was colonized by Ja-  Committee Ri Jong Hyok, center, arrives at the Incheon
             ing  part  in  Friday's  forum  been  apologetic  about  pan for 35 years before its   International Airport in Incheon, South Korea, Wednesday, Nov.
             near  Seoul.  The  meeting  Japan's  past  wrongdoing,  division at the end of World   14, 2018.
             will  discuss  Japan's  forced  will represent the Japanese  War II in 1945. q                                                Associated Press
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