P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 15 November 2018

            Let’s talk about the Orange Economy

            Continued from Page 14                          the manufacturers, distributers, retailers, venue  tribute  significantly  to  the  development  and
                                                            operators,  broadcasters,  managers,  booking  success of a CCI.
            When it comes to the second layer, the primary  agents,  lawyers,  tickets  agents,  advertisers  or
            investors, you can think of the entity that helps  the technical services. They make the transition  Overall, the main attribute of today is to under-
            the creative person merge into the economy.  from the primary investor easier to the final con-  stand how the CCI value chain looks like. To un-
            Think of for example publishers, record compa-  sumer.                                          derstand each stakeholder in the value chain
            nies, promoters, directors etc. These people are                                                and the importance of collaboration of these
            the ones who take over what has been creat-     The last layer are the consumers, which are all  stakeholders with the community. The success
            ed in order to make it tangible or ready for the  of us. Consumers in this sense would be for ex-  of a CCI in Aruba does not only depend of a
            consumer, which is YOU.                         ample purchasers of CDs, books, tickets to con-  good  structure  and  design,  but  requires  the
            Next  to  this,  secondary  investors  are  the  con-  certs, listeners of the radio, TV, and social me-  support  and  cooperation  of  the  community
            sidered the middle man between the primary  dia, and subscribers to online services. All layers  and that includes YOU. Are you ready for the
            and the consumer (YOU). They are most times  are important in their own way and each con-       cause? Are you ready to link ORANGE?q

                                                                        Meet Our New Columnist

                                                                        Thaïs G. Franken is a Master Student  at the University of Maastricht in The Nether-
                                                                        lands and Graduate School of Governance | UNI-MERIT.

                                                                        Aruba Today met this remarkable young lady during an interview for our newspa-
                                                                        per. Her ambitions, her drive, her passion and her happy forthcoming made a big
                                                                        impression and out of this came the mutual desire to work together. Aruba Today
                                                                        is more than happy to announce Thaïs as our new columnist. Her column Creative
                                                                        Islander will appear every two weeks on Thursday in Aruba Today. Welcome to the
                                                                        club Thaïs. q
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