P. 16
Thursday 15 November 2018
O cOndominium on Eagle Beach, hosts a Spantenbier Event
EAGLE BEACH – After months of in- low-rise resort area with its pristine
tense construction, and years of beaches.
careful planning, O cOndominium, Following current trends of mod-
is pleased to celebrate its span- ernism and minimalism, a team of
tenbier, the topping of the roof, at highly talented and creative Archi-
its iconic Eagle Beach location. O tects, Interior Designers, and Land- on the Island’s prestigious Eagle +297.586-2200, J.E. Irausquin Blvd.
cOndominium was conceived as scape Artists created a stunning Beach, the developers’ vision for 224. Email: sales@o-eaglebeacha-
a barefoot lifestyle enclave of pure building with lush grounds, excep- O includes amenities and services, and become one of the
island cool. tional services, and a spectacular comparable to 5-star resort hotels, few who will experience the blissful,
collection of luxury residences, in with an inviting modern lobby with unparalleled luxurious resort living
Its location is legendary. Situated seven distinctive unit designs, tak- reception, lounge areas, an ex- concept that awaits O residents.
on the edge of one of the world’s ing full advantage of the incom- pansive beachfront pool area with About the developers: The devel-
top beaches, and just ten minutes parable oceanfront location and infinity edge pool, Jacuzzi, lounge opers of O cOndominium are also
from picturesque downtown Oran- sunset orientation. chairs, umbrellas, BBQ area, show- the developers of Gold Coast Aru-
jestad, Aruba’s new premium ad- The happy residents of O cOndo- ers, and coded date for beach ba, a subsidiary of Cas Bon Devel-
dress boasts 4O luxurious ocean- minium will find an enjoyable mix access, beside a state-of-the-art opment Group (Cas Bon). Cas Bon
front condominiums, featuring of spacious Apartment Home liv- air-conditioned fitness facility with is a family-owned corporation spe-
spectacular views of the famous ing with countless luxury amenities outdoor space, spinning bikes, and cializing in residential community
white Eagle Beach sands, crystal in every room. From flawless space up-to-date gym equipment. development and consists of local
clear turquoise waters, and irides- planning to sound attention to de- Some of the services offered by investors who have over 20 years
cent sunsets. tail, O cOndominium delivers a true O include concierge & reception, of real estate experience in Aru-
O cOndominium, just minutes from and comfortable island life haven. 24-hour Security, optional vacation ba. The company has developed
happening Palm Beach and the Some of the spectacular design rental program & management, a wide range of projects over the
indulgences of the high-rise hotel features include spacious sun- maintenance and janitorial servic- years, that resulted in the construc-
area, offers easy access to a great drenched rooms, panoramic es, furniture packages and related. tion of more than 70 homes annu-
mix of shopping, dining, entertain- views, avant-garde design ele- Best of all, all units are delivered ally, and laid a solid and experi-
ment, gaming, and exciting night- ments, and luxury finishes for the 2- turnkey with trendy interior design enced organizational foundation.
life. and 3-bedroom residences, rang- fixtures, contemporary European Cas Bon is the largest construction
ing in size from 140 m2 to 256 m2. Kitchens, quality finishes, and pre- company of private homes in Aru-
In addition, the complex is just steps (1,507 sq. ft to 2,755 sq. ft) mium architectural elements. ba; it enjoys a close contact with
away from a wide variety of ocean Creating what is the first Boutique Visit the onsite sales office, south of customers, suppliers, employees,
activities, golfing, and the tranquil Resort-Style Residence Compound the Screaming Eagle restaurant, T.: banks and the local community. q