P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 15 November 2018

            Suspension over early, Wilson helps lead Caps past Wild

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             Smith  had  31  saves  in  his
            ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Tom                                                                                          third straight start.
            Wilson  returned  early  from                                                                                       MAPLE LEAFS 5, KINGS 1
            his player-safety suspension                                                                                        LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Na-
            and  scored  a  first-period                                                                                        zem Kadri scored two pow-
            goal, helping the Washing-                                                                                          er-play goals and John Ta-
            ton  Capitals  cool  off  Min-                                                                                      vares had a goal and two
            nesota with a 5-2 victory on                                                                                        assists for Toronto.
            Tuesday night for the Wild's                                                                                        Morgan  Rielly  and  An-
            first regulation loss at home.                                                                                      dreas Johnsson also scored
            Dmitry Orlov had his first two                                                                                      in  Toronto's  fourth  win  in
            goals of the season and an                                                                                          five  games  overall  and  its
            assist,  Andre  Burakovsky                                                                                          seventh  win  in  eight  road
            and  T.J.  Oshie  also  scored                                                                                      games this season. Frederik
            and Pheonix Copley made                                                                                             Andersen  made  22  saves
            26  saves  for  the  Capitals,                                                                                      as the powerful Leafs swept
            whose  four-game  trip  was                                                                                         their two-game season se-
            jump-started in the morning                                                                                         ries  with  NHL-worst  Los  An-
            by an arbitrator's reduction                                                                                        geles by a combined 9-2.
            of Wilson's 20-game ban by                                                                                          Adrian  Kempe  scored  for
            six games to make him im-                                                                                           the  Kings,  who  have  lost
            mediately eligible.                                                                                                 three straight while scoring
            Mikko  Koivu  and  Matt      Washington Capitals' Tom Wilson, top left, scores a goal on Minnesota Wild goalie Devan   just  two  combined  goals
            Dumba  had  goals  for  the   Dubnyk, right, in the first period of an NHL hockey game Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018, in St. Paul, Minn.   since  winning  their  debut
            Wild, who played at home                                                                           Associated Press   under  interim  coach  Willie
            for the first time in 17 days                                                                                       Desjardins  last  week.  The
            after  a  5-2  finish  on  their  Andreas  Athanasiou  add-  goals  to  lead  New  York  zel scored for the Penguins,  NHL's  lowest-scoring  team
            franchise-record    seven-   ed a goal and an assist for  past Vancouver.              who have one win in seven  went  3-4-0  on  a  seven-
            game  road  swing.  They  the third straight game, and  Jordan  Eberle  had  a  goal  games  (1-5-1).  Casey  De-   game homestand.q
            fell to 5-1-2 at Xcel Energy  Anthony Mantha, defense-    and  an  assist  and  Josh
            Center,  becoming  the  last  man Dennis Cholowski, Mi-   Bailey  also  scored  to  help   Penguins star Crosby
            team in the NHL to lose at  chael Rasmussen and Luke  the  Islanders  end  a  three-
            home in regulation this sea-  Glendening  also  scored  game skid.                     skips practice with
            son.                         for  Detroit,  which  has  won  Mathew  Barzal  and  Brock
                                         back to .500 (8-8-2) after a  sists  and  Thomas  Greiss  upper-body injury
            Wilson  played  right  wing  seven of its last eight to get  Nelson  each  had  two  as-
            on  the  first  line  with  cap-
            tain  Alex  Ovechkin  and  1-7-2  start.  Jimmy  Howard  stopped  22  shots  as  New
            center  Evgeny  Kuznetsov.  made 24 saves.                York  improved  to  5-0-2  in
            He  just  finished  serving  his  Lawson  Crouse  scored  for  the  last  seven  meetings
            fourth  suspension  in  a  little  Arizona.  Darcy  Kuemper  against Vancouver.
            more than a year, this for a  stopped 12 shots and rook-  Brendan Leipsic had a goal
            blind-side hit to the head of  ie Hunter Miska made eight  and an assist, and Jake Vir-
            an opponent during a pre-    saves in his NHL debut.      tanen  also  scored  for  the
            season game.                 PANTHERS 2, FLYERS 1         Canucks,  who  have  lost
            SABRES 2, LIGHTNING 1        PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  Aar-  two  straight  after  a  4-0-2
            BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — Cart-   on  Ekblad  and  Evgenii  stretch.  Jacob  Markstrom,
            er Hutton stopped 29 shots  Dadonov  scored  goals,  starting for the ninth straight
            and the Buffalo Sabres won  Roberto  Luongo  made  29  game  with  Anders  Nilsson
            their third straight game by  saves and Florida beat Phil-  injured,  finished  with  29
            beating  Eastern  Confer-    adelphia for its fifth straight  saves.
            ence-leading Tampa Bay.      win.                         DEVILS 4, PENGUINS 2
            Jeff Skinner scored his team-  Jakub  Voracek  had  the  NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Taylor
            leading 13th goal and Kyle  lone  goal  for  the  Flyers,  Hall scored the game-win-   Pittsburgh Penguins center Sidney Crosby (87) attacks on
            Okposo also scored for Buf-  who had won three straight  ning goal on a breakaway      New Jersey Devils goaltender Keith Kinkaid (1) during the first
            falo.  Defenseman  Nathan  and five of six.               at  8:07  of  the  third  period   period of an NHL hockey game, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018, in
                                                                                                   Newark, N.J.
            Beaulieu  had  two  assists,  Both teams have rebound-    and  added  an  empty-net                                            Associated Press
            and  the  Sabres  improved  ed  nicely  after  struggling  tally  to  lead  New  Jersey
            to 10-6-2 for their best start  early  in  the  season.  The  past struggling Pittsburgh.  PITTSBURGH  (AP)  —  Pittsburgh  Penguins  captain  Sidney
            since opening 11-7 in 2011-  Panthers  are  7-5-3,  while  Hall  also  had  two  assists,   Crosby  has  skipped  practice  while  being  evaluated
            12.                          the Flyers are 9-8-1.        and  Travis  Zajac  and  Da-  Wednesday for an upper-body injury.
            Anthony  Cirelli  scored  for  Just eight seconds after Vo-  mon  Severson  each  had   Coach Mike Sullivan declined to get into specifics about
            the Lightning, who lost con-  racek tied the game, Luon-  a goal and an assist as the   Crosby's  injury.  Crosby  did  not  miss  a  shift  and  played
            secutive games for the first  go stoned him on a break-   Devils  snapped  a  three-   more than 21 minutes during Pittsburgh's 4-2 loss to New
            time since an 0-3 skid from  away  after  Nolan  Patrick  game  losing  streak  by     Jersey on Tuesday night.
            March 24-29 last season.     won  the  face-off.  Oskar  beating  the  Penguins  for   The  31-year-old  Crosby  is  off  to  an  uneven  start  for  the
            RED WINGS 6, COYOTES 1       Lindblom  hit  a  post  on  a  the second time in just over   Penguins, with eight goals and 11 assists in 16 games.
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  Defense-   shot a few minutes later for  a  week.  Keith  Kinkaid  had   Pittsburgh  has  dropped  five  of  six  games  overall  and  is
            man  Mike  Green  had  a  Philadelphia.                   29  saves  for  New  Jersey,   7-6-3 nearly a quarter of the way into the season. The Pen-
            goal  and  two  assists,  and  ISLANDERS 5, CANUCKS 2     which was returning home     guins host Tampa Bay on Thursday night.
            Detroit  extended  its  win-  NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Tom  after a 1-6 trip.               Pittsburgh shook up its lineup on Wednesday, trading for-
            ning streak to four games.   Kuhnhackl    scored    two  Phil Kessel and Jake Guent-   ward Carl Hagelin to Los Angeles for Tanner Pearson.q
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