P. 18
Thursday 15 November 2018
Djokovic overcomes illness to progress at ATP Finals U.S. women end
year with 1-0
win over Scotland
Associated Press By The Associated Press
LONDON (AP) — Novak Alex Morgan scored late
Djokovic overcame an ill- in the first half and the U.S.
ness — and Alexander national team wrapped
Zverev — to advance to up the year with a 1-0 vic-
the last four of the ATP Fi- tory Tuesday over Scot-
nals. land in Glasgow.
Despite requiring a tissue The U.S. team is undefeat-
to blow his nose between ed this year with 19 wins
points, Djokovic beat and two ties.
Zverev 6-4, 6-1 on Wednes- The Americans have an
day to earn a second unbeaten streak of 28
straight victory at the sea- games (25 wins, three ties)
son-ending tournament. dating to a 1-0 loss to Aus-
“Unfortunately today hasn’t tralia in the Tournament
been great in terms of that of Nations last year. It was
(illness),” Djokovic said. also the team’s 12th shut-
“Somehow I managed to out of the year.
gather the strength when I “It’s been great this year
needed it.” being undefeated. I
Djokovic’s passage to an don’t feel like this was our
eighth semifinal at the tour- strongest performance by
nament was confirmed Marin Cilic of Croatia plays a return to John Isner of the United States during their ATP World Tour any means, but I do have
when Marin Cilic defeated Finals men’s singles tennis match at the O2 arena in London, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018. to give credit to Scotland.
John Isner 6-7 (2), 6-3 6-4 in Associated Press I feel like they played very
the late match. The top-ranked Djokovic of errors in the next game for Djokovic, who has al- well, pretty physical team,
The five-time champion and third-seeded Zverev to bring up set point for ready secured the year- and, first half, there was a
from Serbia saved two engaged in a number of Djokovic, and double-fault- end No. 1 ranking after lot of times they dominat-
break points at 4-4 in the thrilling exchanges early ed to hand the Serb the dropping as low as 22nd in ed play. It’s a team we
opening set and then on, but it wasn’t until the lead. June. could very well see in the
broke Zverev in the follow- ninth game that Zverev “If I made the break, it goes The 31-year-old ended a World Cup,” Morgan said.
ing game to take the lead. earned the first break point the other direction a little two-year Grand Slam title The U.S. team is the de-
Zverev won only one more of the match, aided by a bit,” Zverev said. drought by winning Wim- fending World Cup cham-
game. friendly net cord. Djokovic The German rallied from bledon in July before col- pion and it qualified for
“Maybe he was a little bit saved it with a service win- 0-30 down in his next ser- lecting his 14th major tro- next year’s tournament
sick or something like that,” ner but then double-fault- vice game to hold, but phy at the U.S. Open two in France at the CONCA-
Zverev said. “But he still ed to give the 21-year-old that was the last of his resis- months later. CAF women’s champion-
played like he felt at his ab- another opportunity. tance. Cilic ended a four-match ship last month. Morgan
solute best. That’s kind of all Zverev played a great de- Djokovic broke for a 3-1 losing streak at the O2 Are- scored her 98th career
that matters.” fensive forehand slice to lead and then lost just one na as he came from behind goal in international play
With Zverev having de- set up a chance to finish more point as he remained to beat Isner, the hard-serv- in the 39th minute off a
feated Cilic in the opening the point with a backhand on track to equal Roger Fe- ing American who is mak- cross from Mallory Pugh.
match of the round-robin, lob, but his attempt drifted derer’s six titles at the tour- ing his debut at the tourna- Morgan has 25 goals in
all three players still have just wide and Djokovic held nament. ment. It was the first match her last 26 matches.
a chance of reaching the on for 5-4. Victory in London would all week that went to three University of North Caro-
semifinals for the first time. Zverev then made a spate cap a remarkable season sets.q lina sophomore defender
Emily Fox made her sec-
ond straight start for the
Former Wimbledon national team, while reg-
ular starters Megan Rapi-
finalist Radwanska noe and Lindsey Horan
were given the night off.
retires from tennis Carli Lloyd wore the cap-
tain’s armband.
Lloyd’s penalty kick in the
62nd minute hit the cross-
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Former Wimbledon finalist bar and caromed away.
Agnieszka Radwanska says she is retiring from tennis after The U.S. team was without
a 13-year career. Christen Press and Tobin
The 29-year-old Pole, who reached a career-high ranking Heath because of per-
of No. 2, says she is “no longer able to train and play the sonal commitments.
way I used to.” The game at St. Mirren
Radwanska won 20 WTA titles in her career. She reached Park was the U.S. team’s
the Wimbledon final in 2012, losing to Serena Williams in last of the year. The Unit-
three sets. Radwanska also reached the semifinals at the ed States won 1-0 against
All England Club in 2013 and ‘15, as well as reaching the Portugal in the first match
French Open semifinals in 2014 and ‘16. In this July 8, 2017, file photo, Poland’s Agnieszka Radwanska of the two-game Europe-
Radwanska says she’s not leaving tennis completely, celebrates after beating Switzerland’s Timea Bacsinszky in their an trip on Thursday. It was
women’s singles at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships in
adding “it’s time for new challenges, new ideas, equally London. the team’s first visit to Eu-
as exciting as those on the tennis court, I hope.”q Associated Press rope since last year.q