P. 20

               Thursday 15 November 2018
            Saints on top of Pro32 poll; KC stays 2nd; Rams up to 3rd

            By SIMMI BUTTAR                                                                                                     stead,  the  dominance  of
             AP Sports Writer                                                                                                   both  the  AFC  West  rival
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  For  the                                                                                        Chiefs  and  their  neighbors
            past  two  months,  the  rest                                                                                       in  LA,  the  Rams,  has  re-
            of the NFL has tried to slow                                                                                        ceived  most  of  the  head-
            down  Drew  Brees  and  the                                                                                         lines.
            New Orleans Saints.                                                                                                 “Shaking off a 1-2 start, the
            And no one has been able                                                                                            Chargers  have  remained
            to figure out how.                                                                                                  firmly in KC’s rear-view mir-
            The  Saints  (8-1)  rolled  to                                                                                      ror with a well-balanced at-
            their  eighth  consecutive                                                                                          tack  and  impactful  rookie
            victory  with  a  51-14  pum-                                                                                       safety Derwin James,” said
            meling  of  the  Cincinnati                                                                                         Ira  Kaufman  of  Fox  13  in
            Bengals on Sunday.                                                                                                  Tampa, Florida.
            The  Saints  kept  the  No.  1                                                                                      The  New  England  Patriots,
            spot  in  the  latest  AP  Pro32                                                                                    who  were  tied  for  No.  2
            poll  .  They  received  10  of                                                                                     last week, dropped to No.
            12 first-place votes and 382                                                                                        6  after  their  34-10  loss  at
            points  in  balloting  Tuesday                                                                                      Tennessee  on  Sunday.  The
            by  media  members  who                                                                                             Titans made a major jump,
            regularly cover the NFL.                                                                                            moving five spots to No. 12.
            The  Kansas  City  Chiefs  re-                                                                                      The  Patriots  (7-3)  have  a
            ceived  the  other  two  first-  New Orleans Saints wide receiver Michael Thomas celebrates his touchdown in the first half of an   bye  this  week  before  fac-
            place votes and remained     NFL football game against the Cincinnati Bengals, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018, in Cincinnati.   ing  the  New  York  Jets  on
            at No. 2 with 368 points. The                                                                      Associated Press  Nov. 25.
            Los  Angeles  Rams  were  a  but  because  of  concerns  4. The Steelers (6-2-1) have  season.                      The  Minnesota  Vikings  (5-
            close third with 366 points.  about  the  playing  field  at  surged  to  the  top  of  the  The  Los  Angeles  Chargers  3-1)  moved  up  a  spot  to
            These  two  9-1  teams  are  Azteca  Stadium  after  re-  AFC North despite the ab-    moved  up  a  spot  to  No.  No. 7 during their bye week
            scheduled  to  meet  on  cent  rain  and  several  big  sence  of  two-time  All-Pro  5.  The  Chargers  (7-2),  who  and  return  to  action  on
            Monday  night  in  a  highly  events, it was moved to the  running back Le’Veon Bell.  have  quietly  won  six  in  a  Sunday night at NFC North
            anticipated  matchup  to  Coliseum in Los Angeles.        Bell missed a 4 p.m. dead-   row,  have  not  garnered  rival Chicago. The Bears (6-
            close  Week  11.  The  game  The Pittsburgh Steelers, who  line  on  Tuesday  to  sign  his  much  attention  despite  3) rounded out the top 10
            was  originally  set  to  be  have  won  five  in  a  row,  one-year  franchise  tender  having  one  of  the  top  re-  for the second consecutive
            played  in  Mexico  City,  climbed three spots to No.  and is ineligible to play this  cords  in  the  league.  In-  week.q

            Le’Veon Bell                                                                                                        trademark  while  helping

                                                                                                                                Pittsburgh  to  four  straight
            Continued from Page 17       the 2013 draft and helped                                                              playoff berths.
                                         mold  him  into  one  of  the                                                          Bell  is  one  of  only  three
            The  unprecedented  move  league’s  most  dynamic                                                                   players in recent NFL history
            sets  Bell  up  for  the  poten-  threats.                                                                          to  be  franchise  tagged  in
            tially  big-time  payday  he  “Even  when  we  don’t  un-                                                           consecutive  seasons.  The
            has  long  been  searching  derstand it, we’re sensitive                                                            first two — linebacker Karlos
            when  he  becomes  a  free  to it, so we’re not shocked                                                             Dansby  and  quarterback
            agent  in  the  spring,  pro-  when  things  happen  from                                                           Kirk Cousins — played all 16
            vided  there’s  a  team  will-  a business standpoint, no,”                                                         games during their second
            ing to splurge on one of the  Tomlin said.                                                                          seasons under the tag then
            league’s  more  talented  if  The  Steelers  (6-2-1),  who                                                          went  and  cashed  in  else-
            mercurial players.           have  won  five  straight  to                                                          where in free agency.
            While  TV  cameras  set  up  sprint  to  the  top  of  the  di-                                                     As his profile rose, Bell insist-
            outside  the  team’s  prac-  vision  heading  into  a  visit                                                        ed he wasn’t merely a run-
            tice  facility  on  Tuesday  to  to Jacksonville on Sunday,   In this Dec. 25, 2017, file photo, Pittsburgh Steelers running back   ning  back,  pointing  to  his
            catch Bell if he decided to  will  turn  to  second-year   Le’Veon Bell (26) warms up before an NFL football game against   success as a receiver — he
            show up for work for the first  back  James  Conner  and   the Houston Texans, in Houston.                          finished 10th in the league
            time  in  nearly  10  months,  reserves Stevan Ridley and                                          Associated Press   with 85 catches in 2017 —
            the    26-year-old   never  rookie  Jaylen  Samuels  to   ered  by  the  idea  of  Pitts-  satility.  Along  with  wide  as proof that he should be
            pulled  up  to  the  gates,  help shoulder the load with   burgh’s  quest  for  a  post-  receiver  Antonio  Brown,  paid far above his peers.
            ending  —  for  now  —  one  Bell out of the picture.     season  berth  continuing  Bell  became  the  linchpin  When Bell and the Steelers
            of  the  more  unusual  labor  Conner,  third  in  the  NFL   without Bell.            in  which  the  Steelers  re-  failed  to  reach  an  agree-
            standoffs between a team  with  771  yards  rushing,  re-  “That train has left the sta-  built  themselves  on  the  fly  ment  on  a  new  deal  last
            and a player in the era of  mained  in  the  concussion   tion,”  Tomlin  said.  “We’re  as  the  franchise’s  identity  summer, he said “both sides
            free agency.                 protocol  on  Tuesday  af-   comfortable  with  how  we  shifted from away from the  worked extremely hard” in
            Pittsburgh   coach    Mike  ter  leaving  last  Thursday’s   function, the people at our  defense  that  fueled  three  an  attempt  to  get  some-
            Tomlin seemed resigned to  blowout win against Caro-      disposal,  the  division  of  la-  Super  Bowl  appearances  thing done. When it didn’t
            Bell’s  decision  shortly  be-  lina  but  could  practice  as   bor and our ability to ready  in  six  years  from  2005-2010  happen,  he  skipped  train-
            fore  the  4  p.m.  deadline,  early as Wednesday.        ourselves  for  the  challeng-  toward  an  offense  that  ing camp again, just as he
            saying  simply  “so  be  it”  All  season  Tomlin  stressed   es.”                     ranked  among  the  most  did in 2017. His teammates
            when asked about the pos-    he  was  focused  on  the    The  Steelers  drafted  Bell  explosive in the league.    stressed it was no big deal,
            sibility  of  Bell  not  returning  players  in  the  locker  room   with  the  48th  overall  pick  The makeover relied heav-  confident  Bell  would  show
            to  the  team  that  selected  and  not  the  ones  outside   five  years  ago,  won  over  ily  on  Bell,  whose  patient  up  in  time  for  the  regular-
            him in the second round of  it. He hardly seemed both-    by  his  youth,  size  and  ver-  running  style  became  his  season opener.q
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