P. 21
CLASSIFIED Friday 16 November 2018
Rare conservation win: Mountain 527 4000
gorilla population ticks up Imsan- San Nicolas
524 8833
Renaissance Aruba DOCTOR ON DUTY
las’ numbers could still slip Week 17 Unit 320 $3,000 Oranjestad
back very quickly. We still Week 23 Unit 326 $2,750 Dr. A. Wever Tel. 583 1223
have just two fragile and Week 36 Unit 315 $2,750
small populations,” split be- Call us at 737-3006 San Nicolas
tween two national park __________________________________21041 Dr. Every Tel. 584 4484
Women in Difficulties
Several factors have en- TIMESHARES
abled mountain gorillas’ Divi 11/17-12/15 Studios Oranjestad:
Central Tel. 585 8077
modest rebound, said rent $725 1br $795 week 50 San Nicolas
Masozera. Studio divi Golf 12/15 rent San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
The three governments $735 Sale $3250 and week 44 Women in Difficulties
have stepped up enforce- Studio 11/2 Sale $2500 bo OTHER
ment of national park Dental Clinic 587 9850
boundaries — areas where _________________________________210413 Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
This 2014 photo provided by the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund shows hunting, logging and Direct to Baby Beach Mobility Equip . Gire
568 5165
a group of mountain gorillas in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National paved roads are illegal. Urgent Care 586 0448
Park. Tourism helps too: Visitors pick up time 9 am Women in Difficulties
Associated Press pay up to $1,500 an hour to and stay until 1 pm EMERGENCY
By CHRISTINA LARSON range of dormant volca- watch gorillas, money that at the beach Police 100
Associated Press noes in east Africa. Their helps pay for park rangers. only $20 p.p Oranjestad 527 3140
WASHINGTON (AP) — There habitat falls inside national “Primate ecotourism, done T.U. Tours Noord 527 3200
are more gorillas in the mist parks spanning parts of right, can be a really sig- Call 297 731 2727 Sta. Cruz 527 2900
— a rare conservation suc- Rwanda, Uganda and the nificant force for funding _________________________________210418 San Nicolas 584 5000
cess story, scientists say. Democratic Republic of conservation,” said Russ Police Tipline 11141
After facing near-extinc- the Congo. Mittermeier, chief conser- Fire Dept. 115
tion, mountain gorillas are Fossey, who died in 1985, vation officer at Global Red Cross 582 2219
slowly rebounding. On had projected that the pri- Wildlife Conservation. “It
Wednesday, the Switzer- mates may be extinct by gives local governments TAXI SERVICES
land-based International 2000. Instead, their popu- and communities a tangi- Taxi Tas 587 5900
Union for Conservation of lations have been slowly ble economic incentive to Prof. Taxi 588 0035
Nature updated mountain increasing thanks to sus- protect these habitats and Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
gorillas’ status from “criti- tained and well-funded species.” Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
A1 Taxi Serv.
280 2828
cally endangered” to “en- international conservation There’s also health care. Women in Difficulties
dangered,” a more prom- efforts. Gorilla Doctors, a non- TRAVEL INFO
ising, if still precarious, des- “We have made progress governmental group, has Aruba Airport 524 2424
ignation. There are now just in terms of their protection, trained veterinary staff American Airlines 582 2700
over 1,000 of the animals in in terms of allowing an en- in each of the countries Avianca 588 0059
the wild, up from an esti- vironment where moun- where the mountain goril- Aruba Airlines 583 8300
mated population of 680 a tain gorillas can continue las live. Jet Blue 588 2244
decade ago. to thrive and grow,” said Hunting in the national Surinam 582 7896
“In the context of crash- Anna Behm Masozera, parks is illegal, but nearby Venezolana 583 7674
ing populations of wildlife director of the Interna- residents still set traps to Women in Difficulties
around the world, this is a tional Gorilla Conservation catch other animals, such CRUISES
remarkable conservation Program, based in Kigali, as antelopes. Those traps
success,” said Tara Stoinski, Rwanda. “But it’s important can also grab gorillas’ arms
president and chief scien- to note that mountain goril- and legs.q
tist of the Dian Fossey Go-
rilla Fund. November 18
The Atlanta-based non- Koningsdam
profit is named for the pri- Freewinds
mate researcher whose November 20
marella explorer
work helped draw interna- Women in Difficulties
tional attention to moun- AID FOUNDATIONS
tain gorillas and whose FAVI- Visually Incapasitated
memoir became the ba- Tel. 582 5051
sis for the 1988 Sigourney Alcoholics Anonymous
Weaver film “Gorillas in the Tel. 736 2952
Mist.” Narcotics Anonymous
“This is a beacon of hope Tel. 583 8989
— and it’s happened in Women in Difficulties
recently war-torn and still Tel. 583 5400
very poor countries,” said Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
Stoinski, who is also a mem- Child Abuse Prevention
ber of the IUCN’s primate Tel. 582 4433
specialist group, which Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
recommended the status Women in Difficulties
change. General Info
Mountain gorillas live in lush Phone Directory Tel. 118
and misty forests along a