P. 20

                Wednesday 21 august 2019
            Angels back in Texas after Skaggs’ death, Rangers rally, 8-7

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             (8-9)  kept  Kansas  City  hit-
            ARLINGTON,  Texas  (AP)  —                                                                                          less  until  Lopez  led  off  the
            The  Angels  squandered                                                                                             sixth inning with a single to
            a  six-run  lead  and  lost  to                                                                                     spark a three-run uprising.
            the Rangers in their first trip                                                                                     Jorge  Lopez  (2-7)  allowed
            back  to  Texas  since  pitch-                                                                                      one  run  and  two  hits  over
            er  Tyler  Skaggs  was  found                                                                                       five innings and Ian Kenne-
            dead in his hotel room last                                                                                         dy recorded his 22nd save.
            month.                                                                                                              Jonathan Villar and Rio Ruiz
            Isiah  Kiner-Falefa  brought                                                                                        homered for Baltimore.
            home the winning run with                                                                                           ASTROS 5, TIGERS 4
            a  high-chop  infield  single                                                                                       HOUSTON  (AP)  —  Yuli  Gur-
            off Noé Ramirez (4-2), scor-                                                                                        riel had two hits and drove
            ing  Jose  Trevino  and  end-                                                                                       in two runs as Houston built
            ing the Rangers’ four-game                                                                                          a lead with a big first inning
            losing streak.                                                                                                      and held on to defeat De-
            Shohei  Ohtani  extended                                                                                            troit.
            the longest hitting streak of                                                                                       The  Astros  jumped  on  De-
            his career to 10 games with                                                                                         troit  starter  Edwin  Jackson
            an  RBI  triple  ,  then  had  a                                                                                    (3-6) for four runs in the first
            broken  bat  line  drive  that                                                                                      inning.
            turned  into  an  inning-end-                                                                                       Yordan  Alvarez  and  Rob-
            ing  double  play  with  the                                                                                        inson  Chirinos  also  drove
            bases  loaded  in  the  10th.                                                                                       in  runs  for  the  Astros  on  a
            The Japanese star reached    Los Angeles Angels’ Kole Calhoun, center, is congratulated in the dugout after making an over-  night  shortstop  Carlos  Cor-
            base four times and scored   the-shoulder catch on a Texas Rangers’ Elvis Andrus flyout to end to bottom of the fourth inning of   rea left after the first inning
            twice.                       baseball game in Arlington, Texas, Monday, Aug. 19, 2019.             Associated Press   with back discomfort.
            Albert  Pujols’  652nd  ca-                                                                                         Ronny  Rodriguez  and  Tra-
            reer homer and 19th of the  left of Odor, who was play-   a  walk,  including  a  three-  Seattle. The Rays had their  vis  Demeritte  homered  for
            season  capped  a  five-run  ing  in.  The  second  base-  run  homer  in  the  first  and  lead  over  Oakland  for  the  Detroit.  Designated  hitter
            first inning, and the Angels  man  made  the  catch  on  a  solo  shot  in  the  fifth.  He  second AL wild card cut to  Miguel  Cabrera  had  two
            led 7-1 before Trevino’s first  his  knees  and  flipped  to  has 15 homers in 52 games.  one game.                 hits and drove in a run be-
            career  homer  and  Scott  first,  barely  beating  Trout’s  Nola had a two-run homer  ROYALS 5, ORIOLES 4          fore  he  was  ejected  for
            Heineman’s  first  two  big  head-first slide.            during a four-run second off  BALTIMORE  (AP)  —  Nicky  arguing  balls  and  strikes  in
            league  RBIs  got  the  Rang-  Rafael   Montero    (2-0)  Rays two-way player Bren-    Lopez  and  Nick  Dini  hom-  the  fifth  inning.  Manager
            ers closer.                  pitched  two  scoreless  in-  dan  McKay  (2-3)  and  had  ered on successive pitches  Ron  Gardenhire  was  also
            Hunter  Pence,  who  had  nings.                          an RBI single in the fourth.  in  the  seventh  inning  and  ejected in that inning.
            three  hits  and  reached  MARINERS 9, RAYS 3             Marco  Gonzales  (13-10)  Kansas  City  stretched  Bal-   Roberto  Osuna  earned  his
            base five times, pulled Tex-  ST.  PETERSBURG,  Fla.  (AP)  went five innings, giving up  timore’s latest losing streak  28th save as the Astros won
            as within a run with a single  —  Tom  Murphy  homered  three  runs  and  five  hits  to  to eight games.           their  second  straight  after
            in  the  eighth.  Rougned  twice  and  drove  in  four  get the win.                   Kansas City (45-80) won for  losing five in a row.
            Odor followed with a tying  runs, Austin Nola also went  Tommy  Pham  and  Aus-        the  sixth  time  in  its  last  22  Houston starter Wade Miley
            RBI single.                  deep  and  had  three  RBIs,  tin   Meadows   homered  games, and Baltimore (39-       (12-4)  allowed  a  season-
            Mike  Trout  walked  to  load  and  Seattle  beat  Tampa  for  Tampa  Bay,  which  is  86) absorbed its 13th loss in  high 10 hits and three runs
            the bases in the 10th when  Bay.                          2-2  on  a  six-game  home-  14 games.                    in  5  2/3  innings  to  win  his
            Ohtani  hit  a  smash  to  the  Murphy had three hits and  stand  against  Detroit  and  Orioles  starter  John  Means  sixth straight decision. q
              Red Sox shut down Chris Sale for rest of season

              BOSTON  (AP)  —  Red  Sox                                                            The  30-year-old  Sale  was  sons.  Sale  signed  a  six-
              left-hander  Chris  Sale  is                                                         coming off two solid starts  year, $160 million contract
              receiving  treatment  for                                                            in which he combined for  in March that includes $50
              inflammation  in  his  elbow                                                         25  strikeouts  —  including  million in deferred money.
              that will shut him down for                                                          the  2,000th  of  his  career  Sale  never  shied  away
              the rest of the regular sea-                                                         — and allowed only three  from  responsibility  for  his
              son,  another  blow  to  the                                                         runs in 14 2/3 innings.     struggles  this  year.  His  ve-
              defending  World  Series                                                             Sale, a seven-time All-Star  locity  was  down  in  April,
              champions  whose  post-                                                              in his 10th season, was the  and he took the loss in five
              season  hopes  appear  all                                                           fastest to reach 2,000 Ks in  of his first six starts.
              but dashed.                                                                          major league history.       “I’m struggling and I don’t
              Orthopedist Dr. James An-                                                            Last  season,  Sale  dealt  know if I’ve really pitched
              drews gave Sale an injec-                                                            with  shoulder  soreness  af-  like this in my life,” Sale said
              tion of platelet-rich plasma                                                         ter the All-Star break, limit-  after  a  loss  to  Toronto  on
              on  Monday  and  said  he    Boston Red Sox starting pitcher Chris Sale delivers in the first   ing him to 29 innings.  April 9.
              will  be  re-evaluated  in  six   inning  of  the  team’s  baseball  game  against  the  Cleveland   He was also limited in the  “It’s a tough spot to be in.
              weeks.                       Indians, Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019, in Cleveland.          postseason, but closed out  But  I’ve  got  guys  up  here
              Looking  beyond  this  frus-                                        Associated Press  the  World  Series  by  strik-  fighting  and  I’ve  got  to
              trating  season,  the  treat-                                                        ing  out  then-Los  Angeles  keep  fighting.  There’s  no
              ment could be good news  John  surgery.  That  would  Boston  was  off  Monday  Dodgers  infielder  Manny  giving  up.  If  something’s
              for the club, which feared  likely  have  cost  him  the  and was 6½ games out of  Machado  to  clinch  Bos-     not working, you got to go
              Sale  might  need  Tommy  2020 season.                   a wild card spot.           ton’s fourth title in 15 sea-  to something else.”q
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