P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 21 august 2019
            Hudson, 2 relievers

            1-hit Brewers,

            Cardinals win 3-0

            By The Associated Press      er threw six sharp innings in
            ST.  LOUIS  (AP)  —  Dakota  a 6-0 victory at Kansas City
            Hudson  and  two  relievers  in his previous start. Before
            combined on a one-hitter,  that, he allowed 11 runs (10
            and Paul DeJong homered  earned) over 11 2/3 innings
            to lead the St. Louis Cardi-  during a three-start span.
            nals  over  the  Milwaukee  St. Louis scored twice in the
            Brewers  3-0  Monday  night  fifth  off  starter  Zach  Davis
            in a series opener between  (8-6),  who  pitched  five  in-
            NL Central contenders.       nings.
            Yasmani Grandal’s ground-    NATIONALS 13, PIRATES 0
            rule  double  with  two  outs  PITTSBURGH  (AP)  —  As-
            in  the  eighth  inning  off  drúbal Cabrera hit the last
            Giovanny  Gallegos  was  of  Washington’s  four  hom-
            Milwaukee’s  only  hit.  Hud-  ers  and  drove  in  five  runs,
            son was lifted with two outs  and  three  relievers  com-  St. Louis Cardinals starting pitcher Dakota Hudson (43) talks on the mound with catcher Yadier
            in the seventh after throw-  bined  for  6  2/3  innings  of   Molina during the sixth inning of a baseball game against the Milwaukee Brewers, Monday, Aug.
            ing  111  pitches,  and  An-  one-hit ball in a rout of Pitts-  19, 2019, in St. Louis.                                         Associated Press
            drew Miller got four outs for  burgh.
            his fifth save.              Adam  Eaton,  Matt  Adams  two  innings.  Williams  was  ing up three runs and fan-    making a winner of reliever
            St.  Louis  increased  its  divi-  and  Trea  Turner  also  hom-  charged with eight runs —  ning 11 in seven innings.  Yoan  Lopez  (2-5)  after  he
            sion  lead  to  a  half-game  ered for the Nationals.     six  earned  —  while  giving  San  Diego  is  three  homers  got  two  outs  in  the  top  of
            over  the  idle  Chicago  Adams added two doubles  up six hits and three walks.        shy  of  the  club  record  of  the inning. Wade Davis (1-
            Cubs.  Third-place  Milwau-  and  had  four  RBIs.  Juan  PADRES 3, REDS 2             189 from 2017.               6) took the loss after giving
            kee is three games back.     Soto  had  four  of  Washing-  CINCINNATI  (AP)  —  Fran-  Freddy  Galvis’  homered  up Kelly’s home run.
            Hudson  (12-6)  matched  ton’s  15  hits  and  walked,  cisco Mejía hit a solo hom-    and Josh VanMeter had an  Ketel  Marte  also  homered
            a  career  high  with  seven  reaching  base  in  all  five  er off the foul pole, Manny  RBI single for the Reds.  and  starter  Zac  Gallen  al-
            strikeouts and walked four.  plate appearances.           Machado had an RBI single  Luis  Perdomo  (2-3)  fanned  lowed  a  run  and  five  hits
            Milwaukee’s  best  chance  Javy  Guerra  (2-1)  pitched  in  the  first  inning,  and  San  four  in  two  innings  for  the  over  six  innings  in  his  third
            for  a  hit  against  Hudson  3  2/3  perfect  innings  in  re-  Diego held on to beat Cin-  win.                   start for the Diamondbacks
            came  in  the  sixth  when  lief  of  Joe  Ross,  who  de-  cinnati.                   DIAMONDBACKS  5,  ROCK-      since arriving in a trade with
            Trent  Grisham  hit  a  hard  parted in the fourth inning.  Kirby  Yates  escaped  a  IES 3                         Miami on July 31. He struck
            grounder  up  the  middle.  Kyle McGowin and Tanner  bases-loaded         threat   in  PHOENIX  (AP)  —  Carson  out eight and walked six.
            DeJong  made  a  diving  Rainey finished the four-hit-    the  ninth  to  save  San  Di-  Kelly  hit  a  tiebreaking  solo  Archie  Bradley  allowed
            stop and threw out Grisham  ter with one inning each for  ego’s third straight win and  homer in the eighth inning,  Charlie  Blackmon’s  27th
            at first base.               Washington’s  11th  shutout  earned  his  36th  save  in  39  part of a three-run rally that  home  run  in  the  ninth  but
            Hudson has completed sev-    of the season.               chances.                     sent  the  Arizona  to  a  win  earned his fifth save.
            en innings twice in his two-  The  Nationals  scored  four  Trevor Bauer (10-10) recov-  over Colorado.             Tony  Wolters  had  two
            year  major  league  career.  runs  off  Trevor  Williams  ered from one of the worst  David  Peralta  added  a  hits  and  two  RBIs  for  the
            The 24-year-old right-hand-  (5-6)  in  each  of  the  first  outings of his career by giv-  two-run triple in the eighth,  Rockies.q

               Hamilton on joining Braves: ‘It’s like Christmas again’

              By PAUL NEWBERRY            ignated for assignment by  pinch-runner.  He  had  18  into  a  starting  role.  He  is  East title. “We talked to Bil-
              AP Sports Writer            the Kansas City Royals on  stolen bases for the Royals.  simply someone who can  ly about it when we signed
              ATLANTA (AP) — Billy Ham-   Friday  after  a  dismal  sea-  Hamilton will take whatev-  fill  in  the  gaps  while  the  him,” Snitker said. “He’s ex-
              ilton  feels  like  Christmas  son  for  both  him  and  the  er playing time he can get.  team tries to work around  cited  to  be  in  a  pennant
              came early.                 rebuilding  team.  He  was  “It’s like Christmas again,”  the rash of injuries in its bid  race. He’ll do whatever he
              After being let go by one  hitting .211 with no homers  he  said  with  a  smile.  “It’s  for  a  second  straight  NL  can to help.” q
              of baseball’s worst teams,  and 12 RBIs.                amazing  to  come  here
              Hamilton  joined  the  first-  The  Braves  claimed  Ham-  and be part of this winning
              place  Atlanta  Braves  on  ilton off waivers to bolster  organization.”
              Tuesday to help with their  their injury-plagued roster,  Hamilton spent six seasons
              push for the playoffs.      which  is  missing  outfield-  in  Cincinnati,  where  he
              “It’s a great feeling,” Ham-  ers  Nick  Markakis,  Ender  was  never  much  of  a  hit-
              ilton said in the clubhouse  Inciarte  and  Austin  Riley,  ter  but  earned  significant
              at SunTrust Park before the  along with shortstop Dan-  playing time with his speed
              opener  of  a  three-game  sby  Swanson.  All  are  on  and  defensive  prowess.
              series  against  the  Miami  the 10-day injured list, and  He  was  a  five-time  final-
              Marlins.  “I  had  chills  go-  only  Riley  seems  close  to  ist for the Gold Glove and
              ing  down  my  body  when  getting back on the field.   had  four  straight  seasons
              they  called  me  the  other  For now, Hamilton will play  with  more  than  50  stolen   Boston  Red  Sox  third  baseman  Rafael  Devers,  left,  tags  out
                                                                                                   Kansas City Royals' Billy Hamilton, right, who tried to advance
              morning  and  told  me  I  a role off the bench, serv-  bases.                       to third on a flyout during the fourth inning of a baseball game
              had been claimed by the  ing  as  a  late-inning  de-   The  Braves  made  it  clear   at Fenway Park in Boston, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019.
              Braves.” Hamilton was des-  fensive  replacement  and  that  Hamilton  won’t  jump                                         Associated Press
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