P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 21 august 2019

             Home run robbers

            Continued from Page 18       seven scoreless innings in a
                                         5-2 win.
            “It happens so rarely you’re  Minor,  who  could  be  seen
            in  awe,”  Archer  said.  “It’s  saying,  “Oh  my  God”  af-
            an  awesome  feeling.  They  ter  the  catch,  decided
            have  the  defensive  runs  DeShields deserved a treat
            saved    calculation,   but  for helping him keep a zero
            when  you  actually  see  a  on the board.
            run  taken  away  it  feels  so  His loot? An electric scoot-
            good.”                       er.  Ostensibly  to  help  save
            Kiermaier   recalled    the  DeShields’  legs  for  more
            team  meeting  where  he  such catches.
            received  the  painting  and  While   Kiermaier     and
            shared where he has it dis-  DeShields  are  the  leaders
            played.                      in the clubhouse for home
            “It’s hanging up on my wall  run robbery rewards, plenty
            right now and I look at it all  of other outfielders have re-
            the time,” he said. “It’s such  ceived  gifts  for  their  thiev-
            a great gesture, and he did  ery.
            that all on his own.”        Seattle’s  Keon  Broxton  has
            Everyone has seen an out-    a  knack  for  making  such
            fielder  receive  a  tip  of  the  plays, often late in games.   In this July 4, 2018, file photo, Milwaukee Brewers’ Keon Broxton makes a leaping catch at the
            cap or a jubilant fist bump  The rangy center fielder has   wall on a ball hit by Minnesota Twins’ Brian Dozier during the ninth inning of a baseball game in
            from a pitcher after a home  three home run robberies in   Milwaukee.
            run robbery.                 the  ninth  inning  or  later  in                                                                  Associated Press
            This  is  a  story  about  what  his career, with two of those  “When your pitcher is super  en a present for a robbery.  tributing during times when
            happens  after  they  leave  coming with Corey Knebel  excited about it and happy  “But  now  that  you  men-       things  aren’t  going  so  well
            the field. It’s a look at home  pitching when Broxton was  that you did that for him, I  tion something, it looks like I  at the plate.
            run  robbers,  the  pitchers  with the Brewers.           take  pride  in  that  just  for  need to go to the store,” he  “It’s something very unique
            who  love  them  and  the  There was one on and two  that simple fact,” he said.       said, smiling.               that  everybody  can’t  do,”
            swag these elite defenders  out in the ninth inning of a  Of  course,  he  appreciates  Brewers’   center   fielder  he  said.  “I  think  it  takes  a
            collect  after  making  high-  2017  game  with  Milwau-  the  spoils  that  have  come  Lorenzo  Cain  recalled  a  special talent to do it.”
            light-reel grabs.            kee up 6-5 over the Cardi-   with those grabs, too.       robbery  he  committed  in  While  Archer  set  the  bar
            The  artwork  isn’t  the  only  nals when Broxton reached  That  Fourth  of  July  catch  April  against  the  Mets  at  with  personalized  artwork
            surprise  Kiermaier,  a  two-  over  the  wall  in  front  of  a  netted  Broxton  a  gift  card  Citi Field. Slugger Todd Fra-  for Kiermaier and Minor sent
            time  Gold  Glove  winner,  400-foot  sign  to  rob  Ran-  to  Nordstrom  and  Knebel  zier sent a ball from Chase  DeShields  zipping  around
            has  received  for  amazing  dal Grichuk of what would  has also gotten him a cou-     Anderson  to  straightaway  on  a  scooter,  not  all  the
            grabs.  He’s  been  gifted  have  been  a  go-ahead  ple of other gift cards and  center field for what looked  home run robbery booty is
            with  whiskey,  a  case  of  blast and give the Brewers  treated him to dinner for his  like  a  sure  home  run.  In-  quite so fancy.
            beer and even his favorite  the win.                      dazzling defense.            stead,  Cain  tracked  it,  When Cleveland’s Greg Al-
            sweets  after  helping  out  a  The second one he robbed  Houston  starter  Gerrit  Cole  jumped and reached high  len  snagged  a  ball  hit  by
            pitcher with his defense.    for Knebel came on July 4,  has played with more than  above  the  wall  to  make  Houston’s  Alex  Bregman
            “You see like quarterbacks,  2018. He leaped, stretched  his  fair  share  of  home  run  the  catch  .  Cain  smiled  just  before  it  would  have
            they’re taking their linemen  his entire body against the  robbers.  He  has  an  out-  broadly as he came down  sailed into the seats in right
            out  because  their  linemen  wall and reached at least a  field  with  Jake  Marisnick,  with it before shaking his fin-  field  at  Minute  Maid  Park
            are  the  guys  that  are  pro-  foot over it to corral a soar-  George  Springer  and  Josh  ger as if to say, “Not on my  last season, Mike Clevinger
            tecting  them,”  Kiermaier  ing shot by Minnesota’s Bri-  Reddick with the Astros and  watch.”                      rewarded  him  by  paying
            said. “Baseball has its ways  an Dozier in the ninth inning  played  with  Starling  Marte  “He  gave  me  a  gift  card  for  a  few  beers  after  the
            of doing that as well.”      of a 3-2 win.                and Andrew McCutchen in  to  a  restaurant  in  Milwau-   game.
            Speedy Texas Rangers cen-    “We’re  out  there  to  catch  Pittsburgh.                kee,”  Cain  said.  “I’ve  got-  And years ago when Red-
            ter  fielder  Delino  DeShields  the  uncatchable,”  Broxton  He’ll  always  be  grateful  to  ten a few treats. I told him  dick  played  for  Oakland,
            has  robbed  a  few  homers  said.  “The  routine  plays,  Marte for keeping brother-  he doesn’t have to do that,  Jesse  Chavez  gave  him  a
            in  his  five  seasons  in  the  anybody  can  catch  them  in-law  Brandon  Crawford  I was just trying to make a  carton  of  cigarettes  when
            majors.  One  of  the  most  but the uncatchable balls,  from going yard off him with  play.  But  it’s  always  nice  he robbed a homer for him.
            memorable  came  when  those are the ones we get  a nifty robbery he made by  when  a  pitcher  under-              Still,  those  gifts  are  better
            he climbed the center field  paid for.”                   reaching into the stands in  stands  that  it’s  not  easy  than  never  getting  one  at
            wall  at  Globe  Life  Park  to  To  Broxton,  there’s  no  bet-  left field in 2015.  out there making a play for  all.  Angels  outfielder  Justin
            deny  San  Diego’s  Hunter  ter  feeling  than  robbing  a  Despite  being  helped  by  him.”                       Upton, who has eight home
            Renfroe  a  two-run  shot  home  run  and  he  delights  such  catches  on  several  These are the kinds of plays  run  robberies  since  2015,
            last  season.  The  robbery  in the pitcher’s reaction af-  occasions,  Cole  sheepishly  that give Cain a boost and  was shocked to learn of this
            helped  Mike  Minor  pitch  terward.                      noted  that  he’s  never  giv-  help him feel like he’s con-  phenomenon.q
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