P. 28

                Wednesday 21 august 2019
            Earth’s future is being written in fast-melting Greenland

            By SETH BORENSTEIN                                                                                                  rapidly,” Holland said.
            AP Science Writer                                                                                                   Holland,  like  NASA’s  Willis,
            HELHEIM  GLACIER,  Green-                                                                                           suspects  that  warm,  salty
            land  (AP)  —  This  is  where                                                                                      water  that  comes  in  part
            Earth’s  refrigerator  door  is                                                                                     from  the  Gulf  Stream  in
            left  open,  where  glaciers                                                                                        North America is playing a
            dwindle and seas begin to                                                                                           bigger role than previously
            rise.                                                                                                               thought  in  melting  Green-
            New York University air and                                                                                         land’s ice. And if that’s the
            ocean  scientist  David  Hol-                                                                                       case,  that’s  probably  bad
            land, who is tracking what’s                                                                                        news  for  the  planet,  be-
            happening  in  Greenland                                                                                            cause  it  means  faster  and
            from  both  above  and  be-                                                                                         more  melting  and  higher
            low, calls it “the end of the                                                                                       sea level rise. Willis said that
            planet.”  He  is  referring  to                                                                                     by  the  year  2100,  Green-
            geography  more  than  the                                                                                          land  alone  could  cause  3
            future. Yet in many ways this                                                                                       or 4 feet (more than 1 me-
            place is where the planet’s                                                                                         ter) of sea level rise.
            warmer  and  watery  future                                                                                         So it’s crucial to know how
            is being written.                                                                                                   much  of  a  role  the  air
            It is so warm here, just inside                                                                                     above  and  the  water  be-
            the  Arctic  Circle,  that  on                                                                                      low play.
            an  August  day,  coats  are   In this Aug. 15, 2019, photo, a boat navigates at night next to large icebergs in eastern Greenland.   “What  we  want  for  this  is
            left on the ground and Hol-  Greenland’s ice has been melting for more than 20 years.                               an ice sheet forecast,” Hol-
            land  and  colleagues  work                                                                        Associated Press   land said.
            on  the  watery  melting  ice                                                                                       In  this  remote  landscape,
            without  gloves.  In  one  of  doesn’t  even  count  the  a record total of 16.5 hours.  and his team. It’s dwarfed  sound  travels  easily  for
            the  closest  towns,  Kulusuk,  huge calving events or the  Before this year, that station  by  the  landscape,  an  al-  miles. Every several minutes
            the  morning  temperature  warm  water  eating  away  was  above  zero  for  only  most  imperceptible  red  there’s a faint rumbling that
            reached  a  shirtsleeve  52  at the glaciers from below,  6.5  hours  in  2012,  once  in  speck against the ice cliffs  sounds like thunder, but it’s
            degrees  Fahrenheit  (10.7  which may be a huge fac-      1889 and also in the Middle  where  Helheim  stops  and  not. It’s ice cracking.
            degrees Celsius).            tor.                         Ages.                        its remnants begin.          In  tiny  Kulusuk,  about  a
            The ice Holland is standing  And  one  of  the  places  hit  This  year  is  coming  near  Those  ice  cliffs  are  some-  40-minute  helicopter  ride
            on  is  thousands  of  years  hardest  this  hot  Green-  but  not  quite  passing  the  where  between  225  feet  away, Mugu Utuaq says the
            old.  It  will  be  gone  within  land  summer  is  here  on  extreme summer of 2012 —  (70  meters)  and  328  feet  winter  that  used  to  last  as
            a  year  or  two,  adding  yet  the  southeastern  edge  of  Greenland’s  worst  year  in  (100  meters)  high.  Just  much  as  10  months  when
            more  water  to  rising  seas  the giant frozen island: Hel-  modern history for melting,  next to them are Helheim’s  he was a boy can now be
            worldwide.                   heim,  one  of  Greenland’s  scientists report.           remnants  —  sea  ice,  snow  as short as five months. That
            Summer  this  year  is  hitting  fastest-retreating  glaciers,  “If you look at climate mod-  and icebergs — forming a  matters to him because as
            Greenland  hard  with  re-   has shrunk about 6 miles (10  el  projections,  we  can  ex-  mostly white expanse, with  the fourth-ranked dogsled-
            cord-shattering  heat  and  kilometers)  since  scientists  pect to see larger areas of  a mishmash of shapes and  der  in  Greenland,  he  has
            extreme  melt.  By  the  end  came here in 2005.          the ice sheet experiencing  textures.  Frequently  water  23 dogs and needs to race
            of  the  summer,  about  440  Several  scientists,  such  as  melt for longer durations of  pools amid that white, glim-  them.
            billion tons (400 billion met-  NASA oceanographer Josh  the year and greater mass  mering  a  near-fluorescent  They can’t race in the sum-
            ric  tons)  of  ice  —  maybe  Willis, who is also in Green-  loss  going  forward,”  said  blue  that  resembles  wind-  mer,  but  they  still  have  to
            more — will have melted or  land,  studying  melting  ice  University  of  Georgia  ice  shield  wiper  fluid  or  Kool-  eat.  So  Utuaq  and  friends
            calved  off  Greenland’s  gi-  from  above,  said  what’s  scientist Tom Mote. “There’s  Aid.                       go whale hunting with rifles
            ant ice sheet, scientists esti-  happening  is  a  combina-  every  reason  to  believe  As  pilot  Martin  Norregaard  in  small  boats.  If  they  suc-
            mate. That’s enough water  tion of man-made climate  that years that look like this  tries  to  land  his  helicopter  ceed,  which  this  day  they
            to flood Pennsylvania or the  change  and  natural  but  will  become  more  com-      on  the  broken-up  part  of  didn’t,  the  dogs  can  eat
            country of Greece about a  weird  weather  patterns.  mon.”                            what used to be glacier —  whale.
            foot (35 centimeters) deep.  Glaciers  here  do  shrink  in  A NASA satellite found that  a  mush  called  a  melange  “People  are  getting  rid  of
            In just the five days from July  the  summer  and  grow  in  Greenland’s  ice  sheet  lost  — he looks for ice specked  their dogs because there’s
            31 to Aug. 3, more than 58  the winter, but nothing like  about  255  billion  metric  with dirt, a sign that it’s firm  no  season,”  said  Yewlin,
            billion tons (53 billion metric  this year.               tons of ice a year between  enough for the chopper to  who  goes  by  one  name.
            tons)  melted  from  the  sur-  Summit Station, a research  2003  and  2016,  with  the  set down on. Pure white ice  He used to run a sled dog
            face.  That’s  over  40  billion  camp  nearly  2  miles  high  loss  rate  generally  getting  could conceal a deep cre-  team for tourists at a hotel
            tons  more  than  the  aver-  (3,200  meters)  and  far  worse  over  that  period.  vasse that leads to a cold  in neighboring Tasiilaq, but
            age  for  this  time  of  year.  north,  warmed  to  above  Nearly all of the 28 Green-  and deadly plunge.         they no longer can do that.
            And  that  58  billion  tons  freezing  twice  this  year  for  land  glaciers  that  Danish  Holland  and  team  climb  Yes,   the   melting   gla-
                                                                      climate  scientist  Ruth  Mot-  out to install radar and GPS  ciers,  less  ice  and  warmer
                                                                      tram measured are retreat-   to track the ice movement  weather  are  noticeable
                                                                      ing, especially Helheim.     and help explain why salty,  and  much  different  from
                                                                      At  Helheim,  the  ice,  snow  warm, once-tropical water  his  childhood,  said  Kulusuk
                                                                      and  water  seem  to  go  on  attacking the glacier’s “un-  Mayor  Justus  Paulsen,  58.
                                                                      and  on,  sandwiched  by  derbelly”  has  been  bub-      Sure,  it  means  more  fuel  is
                                                                      bare  dirt  mountains  that  bling to the surface         needed  for  boats  to  get
                                                                      now  show  no  signs  of  ice  “It takes a really long time  around,  but  that’s  OK,  he
                                                                      but  get  covered  in  the  to grow an ice sheet, thou-   said.
                                                                      winter.  The  only  thing  that  sands  and  thousands  of  “We  like  it  because  we
                                                                      gives a sense of scale is the  years, but they can be bro-  like  to  have  a  summer,”
                                                                      helicopter carrying Holland  ken  up  or  destroyed  quite  Paulsen said.q
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