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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 21 august 2019
            Could we be any more excited? ‘Friends’ fans nuts for merch

            By LEANNE ITALIE                                                                                                    In New York, tickets sold out
            Associated Press                                                                                                    in  two  hours  for  “The  One
            NEW YORK (AP) — See your                                                                                            with  the  Pop-Up”  immer-
            “Friends” on the big screen.                                                                                        sive experience in Manhat-
            Deck  out  your  place  with                                                                                        tan.  The  monthlong  pop-
            “Friends”  furniture.  Wear                                                                                         up opens Sept. 7 and runs
            your  “Friends”  as  jewelry.                                                                                       through  Oct.  6.  It  includes
            Heck,  buy  the  “Friends”                                                                                          Central Perk, props for pho-
            Lego  set  and  pretend  it’s                                                                                       tos, and some of the iconic
            for your kid.                                                                                                       looks for Ross, Rachel, Joey,
            If you’re a “Friends” super-                                                                                        Monica,   Chandler    and
            fan,  there  are  lots  of  ways                                                                                    Phoebe.
            to  celebrate  the  show’s                                                                                          “It’s   for   the   ultimate
            25th  anniversary  on  Sept.                                                                                        ‘Friends’ fan,” Zarakas said.
            22.                                                                                                                 “You  can  peek  through
            “It   transcends   genera-                                                                                          Rachel  and  Monica’s  very
            tions,”  Maryellen  Zarakas,                                                                                        famous  purple  door.  You
            a  Warner  Bros.  senior  vice                                                                                      can relax on Chandler and
            president, said of the show                                                                                         Joey’s recliner.”
            that  ended  after  10  sea-                                                                                        Lines  have  been  around
            sons  in  2004.  “Everybody                                                                                         the  corner  for  the  Central
            still  goes  through  growing                                                                                       Perk pop-up in Santa Mon-
            up into your 20s when you                                                                                           ica,  California.  The  Coffee
            get  your  first  job,  your  first                                                                                 Bean  &  Tea  Leaf  created
            heartbreak,  your  first  time                                                                                      a  ‘gram-worthy  “Friends”
            your friends really become                                                                                          experience, orange couch
            your family.”                In this Sept. 22, 2002 file photo, the stars of “Friends,” David Schwimmer, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew   included.
            The  studio  has  partnered   Perry,  Courteney  Cox  Arquette,  Jennifer  Aniston  and  Matt  LeBlanc  pose  at  the  54th  Annual   There’s  memorabilia  from
                                         Primetime Emmy Awards, at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.
            with a range of companies                                                                          Associated Press  the  sitcom  and  specialty
            to  celebrate  the  quarter-                                                                                        drinks  named  for  its  cast:
            century mark. Here’s a look  “It’s those really iconic mo-  Lucas said.                the  stage  where  Phoebe  The  Rachel  Matcha  Latte,
            at some of the fun:          ments that people want to  THE LEGOS                      performed  “Smelly  Cat.”  The  Joey  Mango  Cold
            THE FATHOM EVENT             see over and over again,”  Is  your  brick  building  stuck  There’s a brick-built coffee  Brew Tea and The Phoebe
            Fans broke Fathom Events’  Zarakas  said.  “That’s  how  in  second  gear?  Maybe  a  machine,  walls,  a  window  Cookies & Cream Ice Blend
            website,  for  about  15  min-  the  Fathom  Event  came  Central  Perk  set  will  help.  with the Central Perk logo,  among them.
            utes  anyway,  when  tickets  about.”                     It  goes  on  sale  Sept.  1  for  TV  studio  light  rigs,  coffee  The  Coffee  Bean  did  the
            went on sale for three days  Tom Lucas, a Fathom vice  $59.99  at  Lego  stores  and  mugs,  flowers  and  the  fa-  same pop-up in West Holly-
            of  movie  house  screen-    president,  said  the  idea  on                 miliar low table.            wood. Both end Friday.
            ings of popular episodes. A  was  to  “allow  a  group  of  The  collectible  set  recre-  The set came together with  THE BLING
            dozen  episodes  are  hitting  friends, for lack of a better  ates  the  gang’s  coffee  the help of Lego fans who  The  moments,  the  one-lin-
            movie  theaters  Sept.  23,  word,  to  go  together  and  shop  and  comes  with  fig-  are asked each year what  ers, the memories. You can
            28  and  Oct.  2.  Each  night  enjoy it on the big screen.”  ures of the six buddies, plus  sets they’d like to see.  have  them  all  in  accesso-
            includes four “Friends” epi-  Fathom  has  more  than  Gunther.                        “It’s  the  fans  who  really  ries from the eco-conscious
            sodes that have been new-    1,400  theaters  on  board.  There’s  a  seating  area,  in-  wanted  to  do  a  ‘Friends’  Alex  and  Ani.  The  brand
            ly  remastered  in  4K  from  That  amounts  to  well  over  cluding — YES — the couch,  set,”  Zarakas  said.  “When  has created a seven-piece
            the original 35mm camera  200,000      seats   available  an armchair and two other  we  heard  about  that  we  “Friends”  capsule  line  of
            negatives. There will also be  each  night,  making  it  the  chairs.                  were, of course, all in.”    mostly  charm  bracelets  to
            never-before-seen extras.    largest Fathom Event ever,  Builders   can    construct  THE POP-UPS                   mark the anniversary.q

               ‘A Dangerous Man’ is suspenseful, tightly written

               By BRUCE DESILVA            Pike,  the  dangerous  man  the two partners are other-  shal  Pryor  Gregg  is  inves-
               Associated Press            of the title, catches the car  wise  profoundly  different.  tigating  the  torture  and
               “A Dangerous Man: An El-    at a stoplight, smashes the  Cole  is  a  sociable  fellow  murder  of  a  retired  mar-
               vis Cole and Joe Pike Nov-  driver’s side window, drags  who wears Hawaiian shirts,  shal. When Gregg realizes
               el”  (G.P.  Putnam’s  Sons),  the driver and his accom-  can  chuckle  about  him-   the  murder  and  Isabel’s
               by Robert Crais             plice out, and roughs them  self and would be a hoot  abduction are related, he
               Joe Pike is about to climb  up enough to give one of  to hang out with. Pike is a  pays  Cole  a  visit  and  the
               into his Jeep on Los Ange-  them a concussion.          scowling  former  Marine  action ramps up.
               les’  Miracle  Mile  when  he  But   when   the   young  sniper  and  an  enigmatic  This  is  the  17th  Cole  and
               sees a man force a young  woman,  Isabel  Roland,  loner  who  doesn’t  find  Pike  novel,  putting  it  well
               woman into the back seat  is  promptly  kidnapped  a  much of anything to laugh  past  the  point  that  many
               of a waiting car. When the  second  time,  it’s  appar-  about.                      crime  fiction  series  be-
               car  pulls  away  from  the  ent  something  more  than  This  time  around,  Pike  come  repetitive  or  other-
               curb, Pike follows.         a  simple  abduction  is  at  drives the action with Cole  wise lose their steam.
               Fans  of  Robert  Crais’  fine  work.  Pike,  determined  and  medical  examiner  But  “A  Dangerous  Man”
               series  of  private  eye  nov-  to  solve  the  mystery  and  John Chen, another recur-  suspenseful,   fast-paced,   This cover image released by
               els featuring Elvis Cole and  save  the  girl,  calls  his  pal  ring character, in support-  tightly  written  and  peo-  G.P.  Putnam’s  Sons  shows  “A
               Joe Pike can predict what  Elvis Cole for help.         ing roles.                   pled   with   compelling    Dangerous  Man,”  by  Robert
               happens  next  in  “A  Dan-  Although  Cole  and  Pike  As  they  search  for  Isabel,  characters is one of Crais’   Crais.
               gerous Man.”                stand up for the underdog,  Stetson-wearing  U.S.  Mar-  best.q                                 Associated Press
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