P. 30
Wednesday 21 august 2019
A memorably horrific wedding night in ‘Ready or Not’
By MARK KENNEDY her wedding day as her
Associated Press in-laws hunt her down and
Traditionally, weddings usu- try to kill her. (Talk about an
ally lead to some fun and awkward brunch the next
games in the bedroom for morning.) It’s a well-plotted
the happy and exhausted film that excellently mixes
couple. In the new horror- gore and humor while also
thriller “Ready or Not,” offering some social com-
that’s definitely true — but mentary by torching the
the games aren’t always clueless rich.
fun. Weaving plays Grace, a
Samara Weaving has a foster kid who yearns for
breakout performance as family, who marries Alex
a new bride who tries to Le Domas, the scion of a
stay alive until dawn after wealthy family that built its
This image provided by Fox Searchlight Pictures shows Kristian Bruun, from left, Melanie Scrofano,
Andie MacDowell, Henry Czerny, Nicky Guadagni, Adam Brody and Elyse Levesque in the film
“Ready or Not.”
Associated Press
fortune on games. When- her. She replies, but with- her heels for a pair of Con-
ever a new member tries to out knowing the full conse- verse high tops and fight-
join the clan, they have a quences: “No, thank you. ing back. “This doesn’t end
“weird family ritual” — they I’m all the way in.” Grace well for you,” she is warned.
play a game. Sometimes then, unfortunately, picks “Ready or Not “ has a script
it’s checkers or Old Maid. the most dangerous game by Guy Busick and R. Chris-
Sometimes its hunt-down- of all. topher Murphy, who seem
the-newcomer. But this time, the Le Domas to have played many
This last possibility is not ex- family has found a wor- games of Clue, and is di-
actly well communicated thy challenger. Grace will rected by Matt Bettinelli-Ol-
by her betrothed, surely a not go quietly, ripping her pin and Tyler Gillett, as well
candidate for Worst Groom wedding dress so she can as executive produced by
Ever, played by Mark be more mobile — a nod Chad Villella, the latter trio
O’Brien. “It’s not too late to Uma Thurman’s angry collectively known as Ra-
to flee, you know,” he tells bride in “Kill Bill” — ditching dio Silence.q
Paul Simon plants a tree at Hawaii forest
preserve on Maui
inspiring” and “life-chang-
Simon inserted the plant
and a scroll into a hole
before refilling the soil
and speaking with group
“To even sit with you guys
and be in the same com-
munity is such a privilege,”
Simon said.
The part-time Maui resi-
dent performed two en-
vironmental benefit con-
In this Friday, Aug. 16, 2019 photo, musician Paul Simon, left, certs at the Maui Arts &
joins in a prayer lead by Aimee Sato, second from right, prior Cultural Center earlier in
to the planting of a lama tree at Auwahi Forest Reserve on the week that drew more
Maui, Hawaii.
Associated Press than 8,000 attendees. Si-
mon plans to donate the
Associated Press ration Project with volun- proceeds to the Auwahi
KULA, Hawaii (AP) — Mu- teers who are trying to re- project and the Hawaii
sician Paul Simon joined vive plant life in the area, environmental group
environmentalists trying to The Honolulu Star-Adver- Kuaaina Ulu Auamo.
reinvigorate a Hawaii for- tiser reported Friday. Simon was put in contact
est on Maui and planted Simon helped plant a with the environmental-
a tree during a ceremony, lama tree and partici- ists after visiting Hoolawa
a report said. pated in chants with the Farms in Haiku to view a
The singer-songwriter vis- group after a helicopter rare kanaloa plant, one of
ited Auwahi Forest Resto- tour that he called “awe- only two in existence.q