P. 32

                Wednesday 21 august 2019
             Lots to sample on a weekend visit to Pittsburgh dining scene

              By MELISSA RAYWORTH                                                                                              So what should you try on
              Associated Press                                                                                                 a weekend of dining in the
              PITTSBURGH  (AP)  —  When                                                                                        Steel City?
              celebrity  chef  Lidia  Basti-                                                                                   FRIDAY NIGHT
              anich decided to open a                                                                                          Dinner  at  Smallman  Gal-
              restaurant  in  Pittsburgh’s                                                                                     ley  in  the  Strip  District  will
              Strip District in 2001, she ar-                                                                                  give you a choice of four
              rived  in  a  neighborhood                                                                                       pop-ups,  all  offering  el-
              filled with warehouses and                                                                                       evated  comfort  food.  Try
              factories.                                                                                                       the chicken and biscuits at
              This  narrow  stretch  of                                                                                        the  pop-up  called  Home
              streets  in  the  shadow  of                                                                                     and  finish  off  your  meal
              the  city’s  downtown  of-                                                                                       with sweets from the pop-
              fice towers had long been                                                                                        up Sultry.
              home  to  food  purveyors                                                                                        If you’d prefer a more up-
              like  Wholey’s  Fish  Mar-                                                                                       scale vibe, try Zozula’s res-
              ket  and  the  Pennsylva-                                                                                        taurant,  Whitfield  in  East
              nia  Macaroni  Company,                                                                                          Liberty.  She  sources  beef
              known  to  locals  simply  as                                                                                    from  a  ranch  two  hours
              Penn Mac.                                                                                                        away in Bedford, Pennsyl-
              But  a  high-end  restaurant                                                                                     vania. The cocktail menu is
              helmed by a James Beard                                                                                          strong (try the Queen Bee:
              award-winning chef? That                                                                                         bourbon, chamomile hon-
              wasn’t something anyone  This  undated  photo  provided  by  the  Galley  Group  shows  the  exterior  of  Smallman  Galley  in   ey syrup, lemon and pine-
              expected.                  Pittsburgh’s Strip District, once an industrial neighborhood and now home to robotics startups and   apple) and the vibe inside
              Nearly two decades later,   Argo AI.                                                             Associated Press  this  rehabbed  Y.M.C.A.
              as   Bastianich’s   epony-                                                                                       building is effortlessly cool.
              mous Pittsburgh restaurant  from  other  cities  have  flux of new residents drawn  chefs  like  Le  are  “driving  Then  hit  one  of  the  many
              is  set  to  close  in  Septem-  been  opening  risk-taking  to  Pittsburgh  by  Carnegie  more  of  the  innovation,”  craft-beer   taprooms   a
              ber,  the  neighborhood  and  award-winning  res-       Mellon  University,  the  Uni-  and  that’s  had  a  positive  short  drive  away  in  Law-
              around  it  has  changed  taurants,     offering   cre-  versity  of  Pittsburgh  and  ripple effect on restaurants  renceville.  Eleventh  Hour
              dramatically.  Along  what  ative  spins  on  American  the  growing  number  of  in general.                    Brewing    Company      is
              is  now  called  Robotics  food  and  authentic  takes  tech companies operating  “It’s almost as if the more  among  the  best,  offering
              Row,  tech  startups  vie  for  on  cuisines  like  Venezu-  in the city. Accustomed to  corporate   restaurant  a sublime nitro stout and a
              office space in new build-  elan and Vietnamese that  dining  well  in  San  Francis-  groups  are  having  to  be  range of other brews.
              ings while Argo AI tests au-  would have been hard to  co or Austin or Seattle, he  just as innovative” to com-  Craving    a    late-night
              tonomous cars.              find  less  than  a  decade  says, these new Pittsburgh  pete, he says.              snack?  There’s  a  little
              In the process, Pittsburgh’s  ago.                      residents are seeking new  Chef Bethany Zozula, who  izakaya       called   Umami
              restaurant  scene  has  be-  Earlier  this  year,  the  BBC  cuisines  and  meals  worth  helms the Whitfield restau-  tucked upstairs on the sec-
              come almost as unrecog-     called   Pittsburgh   “the  Instagramming.              rant  at  Pittsburgh’s  Ace  ond floor above the Round
              nizable.                    one  destination  foodies  At  his  food  halls,  Man-  Hotel, says the city’s close-  Corner  Cantina  on  Butler
              The  city  has  always  had  shouldn’t  miss  in  2019,”  tica  and  co-founder  Tyler  knit  community  of  chefs  Street. They serve authen-
              spots  where  you  could  and  The  Washington  Post  Benson host a rotating se-    encourage  one  another.  tic Japanese skewers until
              drop  in  for  a  memorable  noted  that  Pittsburgh  has  lection  of  pop-ups,  each  In  this  relatively  small  city,  2 a.m. on weekends.
              meal,  from  the  upscale  “cuisine    worth    writing  workshopping  a  different  “everybody  knows  each  SATURDAY
              Monterey  Bay  Fish  Grotto  home about.”               dining concept. Their “res-  other,”  she  says.  They’re  Sleep  in,  then  wander  in
              on   Mount    Washington  Ben  Mantica,  who  co-       taurant  incubators”  allow  willing to help each other  the  Strip  District  and  grab
              to  the  always-satisfying  founded        Pittsburgh’s  chefs to road-test creative  source  the  right  ingredi-  an early lunch — either au-
              French fries at Essie’s Origi-  popular  food  hall  Small-  ideas  without  needing  a  ents,  “or  if  you  need  a  thentic pierogis at S&D Pol-
              nal Hot Dog Shop in Oak-    man  Galley  in  2015  and  huge financial investment.  phone  number  of  a  for-   ish Deli or fresh seafood at
              land.                       followed  up  with  Federal  Some,  like  chef  Pete  Tol-  ager.”                   Wholey’s Fish Market.q
              But  a  mix  of  homegrown  Galley in 2017, credits the  man’s Iron Born Pizza (De-
              chefs   and    transplants  restaurant revival to an in-  troit-style deep dish with a
                                                                      wickedly good fermented
                                                                      crust that caramelizes as it
                                                                      bakes in steel pans), move
                                                                      on to open their own brick-
                                                                      and-mortar restaurants.
                                                                      Others shift to a new con-
                                                                      cept:  Chef  Summer  Le
                                                                      had  a  hit  with  the  Viet-
                                                                      namese  pop-up  Bahnmili-
                                                                      cious  at  Smallman  Galley
                                                                      in 2017, and opened Sha-
                                                                      ka  (Hawaiian  poke  bowls
                                                                      and Vietnamese pho) this
                                                                      month at Federal Galley.
                                                                      Brian  McCollum,  who  has   This undated photo provided by Galley Group shows Elevated
                                                                      been organizing Pittsburgh   chicken  sandwiches  by  chef  Phillip  Milton  at  “Which  Came
            This undated photo provided by the Galley Group shows Poke   Restaurant  Week  since   First?” a chicken- and egg-focused pop-up at Federal Galley
            bowl by chef Summer Le at the Shaka pop-up at Federal Galley.                          in Pittsburgh.
                                                     Associated Press  2012,  says  independent                                             Associated Press
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