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               Thursday 22 November 2018

            High Level Caribbean Networking at the Arubahuis a Great Success!

            THE  HAGUE  —  Caribbean
            Business  Hub  held  a  suc-
            cessful  networking  event
            once  again  in  the  beauti-
            ful  hall  of  the  Arubahuis
            (Embassy  of  Aruba)  in  The
            Hague  with  the  theme  of
            Opportunities   in   Leisure
            and Agriculture. The atten-
            dance  was  excellent  and
            the guests were received in
            a  welcoming  and  tropical

            The  organization  was  ar-
            ranged  by  Mr.  Roy  Hart,
            Senior  Advisor  Economic
            Acquisition,  and  the  eve-
            ning  was  supervised  by
            Mr.  Sidney  Kock,  informa-
            tion  officer  of  Arubahuis.
            Nico  de  Visser,  chairman
            of Caribbean Business Hub,
            presented  the  network  or-
            ganization CBH to the pres-
            ent  entrepreneurs,  senior  way  that  the  environment  structure, you can achieve  on  the  islands  during  the  nandez-Croes,  founders  of
            officials,  parliamentarians  is  less  taxed  and  the  yield  success  and  thus  provide  past year. The first applica-  Caribbean  Business  Hub,
            and  project  developers.  is  increased.  In Aruba and  the community with a new  tions have been approved  together          with   Georgo
            This  was  followed  by  Mr.  the Antilles, we are working  source  of  employment.  and there are still plenty of  Muller,  new  board  mem-
            Besaril, Minister Plenipoten-  hard  to  solve  the  problem  Through  stimulating  and  opportunities  to  use  them.  ber  CBH,  have  given  an
            tiary  Aruba,  who  empha-   of water shortages and too  beautiful  photographs  of  All  information  has  been  interview  for  the  Aruban
            sized  that  the  government  high  temperatures.  PRIVA  villas  and  landscaping,  he  made  accessible  via  the  television. They call on the
            of Aruba wants to stimulate  is leading in this field in the  also  showed  the  plan  for  website and App.        Aruban and Caribbean en-
            the primary sector, the SME  world, from China to Cana-   Bonaire  Park.  An  innova-  Lionel  Martijn,  secretary  of  trepreneurs,  investors  and
            sector.  In  addition  to  Tour-  da and South America.   tive  and  inclusive  plan  for  Caribbean  Business  Hub,  government  agencies  to
            ism, there are also opportu-  Pieter  van  Loon,  interna-  a luxury park on the nature-  arranged  for  the  closing  join CBH and work together
            nities in the areas of Water  tional  architect  at  Euro-  friendly  island,  for  which  of  the  presentations  and  on the success of the Neth-
            Supply,  Energy  and  Logis-  Landscape, has argued on  investors  and  stakeholders  called    for   networking.  erlands-Caribbean hub.
            tics.  The  circular  economy  the  basis  of  the  example  can still report.         While enjoying typical Aru-
            theme is high on the agen-   of the Coral Estate project  The  last  speaker  was  Mr.  ban  snacks,  old  and  new  Our motto Together we are
            da.                          on  Curacao  that  success-  Vermeeren,     coordinator  members  have  been  able  strong!
            Mr. Westra of PRIVA subse-   ful Leisure projects can be  RvO  incentive  schemes  to network with each other.
            quently gave an interesting  realized  in  places  that  are  for the entire Kingdom. He  Various  entrepreneurs  are  For  more  information  visit
            presentation  of  the  pos-  less  obvious.  By  designing  proudly explained that RvO  planning  to  do  something  the facebook page Carib-
            sibilities to regulate the cli-  from  the  local  power  of  has been able to make the  on  Aruba,  Bonaire,  Cura-  bean business hub or web-
            mate in the agriculture and  the  environment  and  solv-  various  incentive  schemes  cao or Sint Maarten.        site   www.Caribbeanbusi-
            living environment in such a  ing  obstacles  in  the  infra-  available  to  entrepreneurs  Germaine  &  Corinne  Her- q

            This Friday 23rd of November!

            Black Friday Shopping Night at Renaissance Mall

                                                                                                      ORANJESTAD  –    Many  people  will  be  waiting  on
                                                                                                      coming Friday to buy their necessities as on Black
                                                                                                      Friday you can take advantage of the best deals.
                                                                                                      Renaissance Aruba Mall adds to the fun with a Shop-
                                                                                                      ping Night and DJ! There will also be a Photo-Booth
                                                                                                      to take a free picture. Come on over and enjoy the
                                                                                                      great ambiance with family or friends.

                                                                                                      Enjoy this special evening and buy your end- - the-
                                                                                                      year gifts against great discounts. With more than 60
                                                                                                      establishments, restaurants and cafes, Renaissance
                                                                                                      Mall offers the best excitement and experience for
                                                                                                      you! The stores are open from Monday to Saturday
                                                                                                      between 10 AM to 7 PM. On Black Friday all stores
                                                                                                      will be open from 9 AM to 9 PM. Follow Renaissance
                                                                                                      Mall on Facebook and Instagram to check out their
                                                                                                      discount for coming Friday.q
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