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               Thursday 22 November 2018

            Oilers top Sharks 4-3 in OT in Hitchcock’s 1st game as coach

            By JOSH DUBOW                in  the  third.  We  really  got  gotten two points,” coach  utes into the period.     point  was  stopped  by
             AP Sports Writer            on the grind.”               Peter  DeBoer  said.  “We  “There are too many odd-       Koskinen,  but  Donskoi  was
            SAN  JOSE,  Calif.  (AP)  —  Ryan Nugent-Hopkins add-     didn’t  have  enough  par-   man rushes,” Couture said.  able  to  backhand  the  re-
            Connor     McDavid     and  ed  a  short-handed  goal  ticipants tonight. We didn’t  “It  wasn’t  horrible  tonight.  bound in.
            the  Edmonton  Oilers  re-                                                                                          McDavid got the equalizer
            sponded  the  right  way  to                                                                                        midway through the period
            a wakeup call after coach                                                                                           when he beat Burns down
            Todd  McLellan  was  fired                                                                                          the slot to take a feed from
            just hours before they took                                                                                         Draisaitl  and  knocked  it
            the ice.                                                                                                            in  for  his  milestone  goal.
            McDavid  scored  his  100th                                                                                         McDavid    reached     the
            career  goal  and  set  up                                                                                          mark  in  his  230th  game.
            Leon  Draisaitl’s  game-win-                                                                                        Only  Wayne  Gretzky  (145
            ner  51  seconds  into  over-                                                                                       games),  Glenn  Anderson
            time  to  give  the  Oilers  a                                                                                      (183) and Jari Kurri (214) got
            4-3 victory against the San                                                                                         there faster for the Oilers.
            Jose  Sharks  in  Ken  Hitch-                                                                                       Thornton  then  reached  his
            cock’s first game as coach                                                                                          milestone  later  in  the  pe-
            Tuesday night.                                                                                                      riod when he fed Sorensen
            “That’s  what  it  has  to  be,”                                                                                    from  behind  the  goal  line
            McDavid  said.  “Anytime                                                                                            for  a  one-timer  that  beat
            you bring in a new coach,                                                                                           Koskinen.
            that’s kind of the last option                                                                                      Edmonton  tied  the  game
            I  would  say  before  ship-                                                                                        early  in  the  second  when
            ping  everyone  out.  This  is                                                                                      Nugent-Hopkins  converted
            a  chance  for  us  to  come                                                                                        a  2-on-1  off  a  feed  from
            together  and  turn  this                                                                                           Kyle  Brodziak  after  the
            around.”                                                                                                            Sharks  turned  the  puck
            The Oilers started that pro-                                                                                        over  in  the  offensive  zone
            cess  by  overcoming  three                                                                                         on a power play.
            deficits  to  earn  just  their                                                                                     “Obviously  it  says  some-
            second win in eight games.                                                                                          thing about your team, that
            McDavid  set  up  Drake                                                                                             you  need  to  start  playing
            Caggiula’s  tying  goal  ear-  Edmonton Oilers goaltender Mikko Koskinen (19), from Finland, celebrates with left wing Drake   better,”   Nugent-Hopkins
            ly  in  the  third  period  and   Caggiula (91) and center Cooper Marody (65) in front of head coach Ken Hitchcock after beating   said.  “We  need  to  make
            then the winner in overtime   the San Jose Sharks in overtime of an NHL hockey game in San Jose, Calif., Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2018.    a  push  here  now.  Our  last
            when  his  pass  ricocheted                                                                        Associated Press  eight or so games haven’t
            off   defenseman     Marc-                                                                                          been  good  enough.  I  felt
            Edouard  Vlasic  before  hit-  and  Mikko  Koskinen  made  play  well  enough  for  long  It  was  better  than  it  has  tonight we responded well,
            ting  Draisaitl’s  skate  and  22 saves.                  enough stretches. It wasn’t  been, but still too many. Es-  so  we  just  have  to  keep
            trickling  past  goalie  Martin  Joe  Thornton  assisted  on  one or two guys, it was al-  pecially when you are out  that going.”
            Jones.                       Marcus  Sorensen’s  goal  in  most everybody.”            there  against  Connor.  You  NOTES:  McDavid  has  31
            “I was more worried that it  the first period to tie Mario  The Sharks took a 3-2 lead in  can’t give them that many  points,  becoming  the  first
            was past my bedtime and I  Lemieux for 11th place all-    the final minute of the sec-  chances.  He’s  their  best  Oilers  player  to  reach  30
            wasn’t going to be able to  time with his 1,033rd helper.  ond  period  when  Couture  player.”                     in 21 or fewer games since
            stay up,” Hitchcock said. “I  Joonas Donskoi and Logan  deked  Adam  Larsson  on  The  Hitchcock  era  got  off  Mark  Messier  did  it  in  19
            don’t think I’ve seen a third  Couture also scored for San  the rush and beat Koskinen  to a rough start for the Oil-  games in 1989-90. ... Thorn-
            period  all  year  out  West.  Jose.                      for his first goal in 11 games.  ers, who allowed a goal in  ton  needs  seven  assists  to
            But for me, we just got bet-  “Tonight’s  a  disappointing  But  the  Oilers  responded  the  opening  minute  when  tie  Marcel  Dionne  for  10th
            ter and better as the game  one because I thought if we  early in the third when Mc-   Donskoi  was  left  alone  in  place.  ...  F  Tomas  Hertl  re-
            went on.                     had gotten a little bit better  David  set  up  Caggiula  on  front of the net after a fa-  turned to the Sharks lineup
            We  got  better  in  the  sec-  effort from everybody, from  an  odd-man  rush  for  the  ceoff win by San Jose.    after  missing  two  games
            ond;  we  were  really  good  20  guys,  we  should  have  equalizer less than four min-  Brent  Burns’  shot  from  the  with a lower-body injury.q
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