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Thursday 22 November 2018
McCoy comes home to Texas, seeking Redskins win over Cowboys
By SCHUYLER DIXON away from home. “If that’s what it has to be
AP Pro Football Writer “We said this a couple then that’s what it’s go-
ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — weeks ago, though; we ing to be,” said Elliott, who
Colt McCoy silenced his knew that the division was needs 91 yards rushing to
phone knowing he was still in front of us,” quarter- overtake idle NFL rushing
coming back to his home back Dak Prescott said. leader and MVP contender
state for his first NFL start in “Our backs are still against Todd Gurley. “I’m definitely
four years, in the stadium the wall. We know what not afraid of that.”
where he helped lead this game means. We know BALANCING ACT
the Texas Longhorns to a how important this game Part of the Redskins’ chal-
shot at a national title as is.” lenge in helping McCoy
their star quarterback and BIG RETURNS succeed is getting Adrian
where he last won a game Washington could get a Peterson going on the
as a pro. major boost if any combi- ground. Peterson had just
The longtime Washington nation of left tackle Trent 16 carries for 51 yards in
backup also knows what’s Williams, running back Chris the loss to Houston, but ran
most important as he takes In this Aug. 9, 2018 file photo Washington Redskins quarterback Thompson, wide receiver for two touchdowns and is
over following Alex Smith’s Colt McCoy passes against the New England Patriots during the Jamison Crowder and cor- looking forward to playing
season-ending leg injury . first half of a preseason NFL football game in Foxborough, Mass. nerback Quinton Dunbar back in his home state of
The Redskins (6-4) can con- Associated Press can return from lengthy in- Texas. The pressure’s on Pe-
trol the NFC East by beating three straight defeats late as heck, man. He hated jury absences. terson and the rest of Wash-
the rival Dallas Cowboys (5- in the 2014 season, a little to get the opportunity the Williams just needs to feel ington’s running backs to
5) in the most traditional of more than a month re- way he got it with Alex get- comfortable blocking af- produce in the running and
Thanksgiving games Thurs- moved from that win over ting hurt. I understand that. ter surgery for a dislocated passing games. The former
day. “I’m thankful for the the Cowboys. McCoy, a But deep down inside, he’s right thumb, and Thomp- Oklahoma standout had 99
opportunity, but I think it’s third-round pick by Cleve- been waiting for this.” son said his injured ribs feel yards in the earlier win over
even more than that,” Mc- land in 2010 after that title- Dallas running back Eze- markedly better this week. the Cowboys.
Coy said. “It’s time to just game loss to the Crimson kiel Elliott has been waiting Dunbar, who’s dealing with GALLUP BACK
go play and put everything Tide, has a career record for another Thanksgiving nerve damage as part of Dallas rookie receiver Mi-
else aside. We have a huge of 7-18. McCoy is in his game since he had to miss a shin injury, feels “pretty chael Gallup is expected
game this week. It’s a huge fifth year as Washington’s last year on his six-game close” but isn’t sure if he’ll to play after rejoining the
game.” McCoy is 2-0 at backup and has played suspension over domestic make the problem worse. team Wednesday. He
AT&T Stadium, beating Ne- just four games over four violence allegations. In his ELLIOTT’S WORKLOAD stayed behind with his fam-
braska for the 2009 Big 12 seasons, including when he Thanksgiving debut against It just so happens that El- ily after getting the news
championship and a spot replaced Smith in the third the Redskins two years ago liott’s season high in touch- following the win over the
in the BCS championship quarter of Sunday’s 23-21 as a rookie, he jumped into es — 30 in a 22-19 win over Falcons that his brother
game, which Texas lost to loss to Houston. A potential the giant Salvation Army Atlanta — came on the died by suicide. “The situ-
Alabama when McCoy got winning drive stalled near red kettle after a touch- Cowboys’ annual short ation’s unique, the indi-
hurt early. The small-town midfield, and Dustin Hop- down in a 31-26 Dallas win. week. In road wins over vidual’s unique, the cir-
Texas kid beat the Cow- kins’ 63-yard field goal try The Cowboys have a the NFC’s past two Super cumstances,” coach Jason
boys five years later, com- fell short with 3 seconds left. chance to tie the Redskins Bowl participants in Phila- Garrett said. “I do think for
pleting 25 of 30 passes for “It’s been a while since for the division lead thanks delphia and Atlanta, Elliott all of us as we go through
299 yards in a 20-17 over- he’s played in a significant to their first winning streak had 55 touches (42 carries, challenging things, I do
time win for the Redskins. game. That’ll be the chal- of the season, a pair of vic- 13 catches) for 388 yards think getting back to rou-
He’s 32 now, and hasn’t lenge,” coach Jay Gruden tories on the road after they from scrimmage and three tine and structure typically
started since the last of said. “I know he’s excited were winless in their first four touchdowns. can help us.”q
Reds closer Iglesias agrees
to $24,125,000, 3-year deal
of the deal once he was el- dent of baseball operations as their manager in the off-
igible for salary arbitration. Dick Williams said. “Obvi- season. Williams said Bell
That agreement called for ously both sides are taking and his staff are looking at
$5 million salaries in each of on some risk here, and both different ways to use Igle-
the next two seasons. sides getting paid to take sias, who isn’t limited to a
He made $4.5 million this on some risk.” ninth-inning role like many
year, when he had a ca- The Reds are trying to other closers. Over the last
reer-high 30 saves in 34 emerge from a massive re- three seasons, Iglesias has
chances and a 2.38 ERA. build that’s left them with 24 saves of more than one
In this Sept. 10, 2018 file photo Cincinnati Reds relief pitcher Rather than having Iglesias three straight 90-loss sea- inning, the most in the ma-
Raisel Iglesias throws in the ninth inning of a baseball game eligible for arbitration each sons. Last year, they added jors. “He’s appeared in cru-
against the Los Angeles Dodgers in Cincinnati. season, the Reds offered a setup men Jared Hughes cial situations in the middle
Associated Press restructured deal that gives and David Hernandez to of games,” Williams said.
By JOE KAY ing $24,125,000, a deal that both sides certainty. the bullpen and got sig- “Obviously he’s done it as
AP Sports Writer avoided arbitration. “If he does what we’ve nificant improvement. Their well as anybody at the end
CINCINNATI (AP) — Reds Iglesias reached a $27 mil- seen him do over the next priority this offseason is to of the game.
closer Raisel Iglesias agreed lion, seven-year agree- three years, there’s all sorts add a couple of veteran “We want to be able to
Wednesday to a three- ment in 2014 that allowed of ways he can outperform starters. maximize the value of
year contract guarantee- him to void the remainder these numbers,” Reds presi- They also hired David Bell Iglesias.”q