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                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 22 November 2018
            NBA Capsules

                                                                                                                                NETS 104, HEAT 92
            Continued from Page 17       finished with 13.                                                                      MIAMI  (AP)  —  D’Angelo
                                         Evan Fournier led the Mag-                                                             Russell  scored  20  points,
            Washington,    which    im-  ic with 27 points, 22 of them                                                          Jarrett  Allen  had  13  points
            proved  to  6-11,  won  amid  in the second half when he                                                            and  14  rebounds,  and
            reports the team would lis-  was about the only offense                                                             Brooklyn added to Miami’s
            ten to trade offers for Wall  Orlando  could  generate.                                                             misery at home.
            and Beal.                    Aaron  Gordon  had  16                                                                 Spencer  Dinwiddie  scored
            There were also reports that  points, and Vucevic had 14                                                            16  points  for  Brooklyn,
            players argued in practice  points and 18 rebounds for                                                              which held the Heat to 36
            and  that  Wall  had  been  the  Magic,  who  ended  a                                                              percent shooting.
            fined  for  disrespectful  be-  three-game winning streak.                                                          Joe  Harris  and  DeMarre
            havior toward coach Scott  Fournier  drove  past  Green                                                             Carroll each added 11 for
            Brooks.                      for  a  tying  dunk  with  2.3                                                         the Nets and Rondae Hollis-
            RAPTORS 93, MAGIC 91         seconds left.                                                                          Jefferson scored 10.
            ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Dan-    The Raptors took a full time-                                                          Hassan  Whiteside  had  21
            ny  Green  made  a  fade-    out, and Green scored on                                                               points  and  23  rebounds
            away jumper with less than  the ensuing inbound.                                                                    for  Miami,  which  dropped
            a  second  remaining  to  lift  TRAIL BLAZERS  118,  KNICKS                                                         its fifth straight at home —
            Toronto over Orlando.        114                          Toronto Raptors’ Danny Green (14) celebrates his game winning   all on their “Vice” themed
                                                                      shot against the Orlando Magic with teammate Pascal Siakam
            Green caught Kyle Lowry’s  NEW YORK (AP) — CJ Mc-         (43) in the final seconds of an NBA basketball game, Tuesday,   court.
            inbound pass with 2.3 sec-   Collum  scored  31  points,   Nov. 20, 2018, in Orlando, Fla.                          No Heat team has ever had
            onds left, pulled up on the  Damian  Lillard  had  29                                              Associated Press  a home losing streak of five
            left side of the lane and hit  points, eight assists  and six   a  two-point  lead  and  9.5  at Golden State.      or  more  games  and  went
            a jumper with 0.5 seconds  rebounds,  and  Portland       seconds      remaining.Ju-   Tim Hardaway Jr. scored 32  on to make the playoffs.
            remaining.                   beat New York.               suf  Nurkic  finished  with  13  points  for  the  Knicks,  who  Josh Richardson scored 16
            Orlando’s  Nikola  Vucevic  Portland’s  star  guards  pro-  points and 11 rebounds for  dropped their sixth straight.  and Rodney McGruder fin-
            missed on a 67-foot heave  vided  most  of  the  offense   the Blazers, who have won  They were a bit better than  ished with 15 for Miami.
            as time expired.             in  a  game  that  was  close   two straight after dropping  the previous games of the    Justise  Winslow  added  10
            Kawhi Leonard led Toronto  most of the way, and Evan      the first two games on their  skid,  when  they  yielded  and  Dwyane  Wade  re-
            with  18  points,  and  Pas-  Turner helped the Trail Blaz-  trip  that  now  heads  to  its  126.2 points per game, but  turned from a seven-game
            cal  Siakam  had  15.  Serge  ers  finally  pull  it  out  when   difficult  conclusion.  Port-  not  good  enough  to  stop  absence  because  of  the
            Ibaka added 14 points and  he put back a missed shot      land  plays  Milwaukee  on  the  early  Western  Confer-  birth  of  his  daughter  to
            nine rebounds, and Green  with  Portland  clinging  to    Wednesday  and  closes  it  ence leaders.                 score five points.q
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