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               Thursday 22 November 2018

            Over the moon: PGA announces

            new tournament in Japan

            By STEPHEN WADE
            AP Sports Writer
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  The  PGA
            Tour will hold its first official
            tournament in Japan. And
            the  main  sponsor  of  next
            year’s event, Japanese bil-                                                             In this Friday, Oct. 19, 2018 file photo, Cleveland Cavaliers’
            lionaire  Yusaku  Maezawa,                                                              Kevin  Love,  left,  is  double-teamed  by  Minnesota
            is describing it as a kind of                                                           Timberwolves’ Anthony Tolliver and Jeff Teague, right, in the
            “moonshot”  for  golf  in  his                                                          first half of an NBA basketball game in Minneapolis.
            country.                                                                                                                      Associated Press
            Maezawa should know.                                                                    Cavs’ All-Star forward
            The  founder  of  the  Japa-
            nese  fashion  website  Zo-                                                             Love could be out
            zotown, Maezawa was an-
            nounced earlier this year as                                                            until “new year”
            the  first  commercial  pas-
            senger  to  attempt  a  flight
            around the moon.             From  left,  Japan  Golf  Tour  Organization  President  Isao  Aoki,   By TOM WITHERS
            “I  think  this  will  be  the  first   ZOZO Inc. President Yusaku Maezawa, PGA Tour Player Hideki    AP Sports Writer
                                         Matsuyama and PGA Tour Vice President Christian Hardy join
            PGA  Tour  sponsor  that  is   their hands while posing for a photo during a press conference   CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Cavaliers  All-Star  forward  Kevin
            going  to  the  moon,”  he   in Tokyo, Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2018.                          Love may not be back until sometime in 2019 following
            said through an interpreter                                           Associated Press  foot surgery.
            Tuesday in announcing the  Oct.  24-27,  will  be  part  of  special  exemptions.  It  will   Love had an operation on Nov. 2 to relieve pain and
            tournament.                  the  PGA’s  swing  through  be  played  at  the  Accor-    pressure in his big left toe, which he injured in the club’s
            “I  haven’t  decided  who  I  Asia  along  with  stops  in  dia Golf Narashino Country   preseason  opener.  At  the  time,  the  team  said  Love
            will  take  to  the  moon  with  South  Korea  and  China.  Club  in  Chiba  prefecture,   would be out at least six weeks and his status would be
            me yet. I would like to talk  The  Japanese  tournament  just outside Tokyo.            updated in “approximately” when that period ended.
            to  many  people  with  an  replaces one in Malaysia.     Maezawa  said  he  was  a     On Tuesday, Love said in an interview on ESPN that he
            open mind.”                  The  PGA  said  it  was  a  six-  “5-handicap”  golfer  at  his   expects  “to  be  back  sometime  after  the  new  year.”
            Japanese     golfer   Hideki  year deal, and driven part-  best, but said he may have   Love  said  he’s  going  to  in  a  restrictive  boot  for  two
            Matsuyama      was   sitting  ly by the 2020 Tokyo Olym-  slipped  to  a  9-handicap    more weeks.
            alongside Maezawa during  pics and golf’s high profile  —  also  a  high  level  for  an   “There’s just no telling at this time with the weight-bear-
            the media event at a cen-    there.                       amateur player.               ing injury what it is going to be like moving forward,”
            tral Tokyo hotel.            PGA officials said the Zozo  “Finally this day has come,”   he said.
            “I  don’t  know  whether  he  Championship  will  have  a  the  76-year-old  Aoki  said.   Love’s loss was a devastating blow for the reeling and
            will ask me, but I would love  purse  of  $9.75  million  with  “If I were younger, I’d like to   rebuilding Cavs, who are a league-worst 2-13 heading
            to go (to the moon),” Mat-   a field of 78 — plus 10 des-  play in a PGA tournament     into  Wednesday’s  game  against  LeBron  James  and
            suyama said.                 ignated  by  the  Japanese  in  Japan.  I  wish  this  day   the Los Angeles Lakers.
                                                                                                    A five-time All-Star, Love signed a four-year, $120 mil-
            The  tournament,  set  for  Tour, and eight others with  had come earlier.”q
                                                                                                    lion contract extension this summer.q
            Court: Reds exempt from tax on promotional bobbleheads

            By DAN SEWELL                                                                          the  bobbleheads  should  to  the  1975-76  “Big  Red
             Associated Press                                                                      be  taxed  because  they’re  Machine” champions, and
            CINCINNATI  (AP)  —  Quot-                                                             bought  by  the  Reds  as  firsts  such  as  Larry  Doby
            ing  the  Cincinnati  Reds’                                                            giveaways,  not  sold  with  of  the  Cleveland  Indians
            longtime  play-by-play  an-                                                            tickets.                     becoming  the  first  black
            nouncer, the Ohio Supreme                                                              The  Reds  argued  they’re  American  League  player
            Court  declared  Tuesday                                                               exempt  because  they  re-   and to the first night game
            that  “this  one  belongs  to                                                          sell the items as part of the  being played in Cincinnati.
            the Reds.”                                                                             ticket  package  and  Ohio  Then,  in  explaining  the  rul-
            The state’s high court ruled                                                           law  exempts  companies  ing,  Fischer  wrote  that  un-
            5-2  that  the  Major  League                                                          from  paying  tax  on  items  like  a  foul  ball  or  a  T-shirt
            Baseball  franchise  is  ex-                                                           they buy for resale.         shot  into  the  stands  (the
            empt  from  paying  tax  on                                                            Fischer,  a  Cincinnati  resi-  Reds  use  a  contraption
            the  purchase  of  bobble-                                                             dent,  led  off  the  opinion  nicknamed “Redzilla” to fire
            heads  and  other  promo-                                                              with  a  long  summary  of  free T-shirts into the crowd)
            tional items the team offers    Cincinnati Reds bobbleheads are posed for display, Wednesday,   Ohio’s  role  in  baseball  his-  that fans have no expecta-
            to ticket buyers.            Nov. 21, 2018, in Cincinnati.                             tory  beginning  in  1869,  tion  of  receiving,  they  buy
            The opinion written by Jus-                                           Associated Press  when  the  Cincinnati  Red  tickets for games that have
            tice Patrick Fischer warned  Taxation’s chief legal coun-  Reds   spokesman     Rob  Stockings  became  the  first  been  advertised  as  bob-
            that the ruling was specific  sel,  Matt  Chafin,  said  the  Butcher  said  the  club  is  all-professional team.   blehead games expecting
            to the case and might not  decision  essentially  shows  “happy with the outcome,”  There are references to Hall  to  get  the  bobbleheads,
            apply for other sports orga-  professional  teams  how  to  but  is  still  reviewing  the  of Famers from Ohio includ-  which last season included
            nizations.                   avoid the “use tax” on pro-  opinion.                     ing players Cy Young, Mike  All-Stars Joey Votto and Eu-
            But  the  Department  of  motional items.                 The  department  argued  Schmidt  and  Barry  Larkin,  genio Suarez.q
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