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U.S. NEWS Thursday 22 November 2018
Trump grants poultry pardons to turkeys Peas and Carrots
By DARLENE SUPERVILLE “This was a fair election,”
Associated Press joked the president, whose
WASHINGTON (AP) — In wife, first lady Melania
an annual Thanksgiving Trump, joined him for the
tradition, President Donald act of mercy in the White
Trump used the power of House Rose Garden. “Un-
his office Tuesday to save a fortunately, Carrots refused
pair of meaty turkeys from to concede and demand-
the holiday table. ed a recount, and we’re
But Trump jokingly warned still fighting with Carrots. But
a 39-pound bird named I will tell you, we’ve come
Peas and a 41-pound com- to a conclusion, Carrots.
panion named Carrots I’m sorry to tell you, the re-
that, while they are free sult did not change. That’s
to live, they may still have too bad for Carrots.”
to answer to Democrats, Trump pardoned both gob-
who assume control of the blers, who will be sent to
House in January and have Virginia Tech to be cared
promised to investigate the for by poultry science and
president’s actions and veterinary students.
business dealings. “I have warned them that
The White House held an House Democrats are likely
online contest to deter- to issue them both sub-
mine which bird should be poenas,” he said. “Unfor- President Donald Trump gives “Peas” a National Thanksgiving Turkey, a pardon during a ceremony
pardoned. Trump identified tunately, I can’t guarantee in the Rose Garden of the White House, in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2018, as Jeff Sveen,
the “lucky bird” as Peas. that your pardons won’t chairman of the National Turkey Federation, watches.
Associated Press
be enjoined by the Ninth standing, unity and joy as and for service members
Fair weather, falling gas prices Circuit.” That was a refer- one very proud American stationed overseas. Presi-
help Thanksgiving travelers ence to the San Francis- family.” He said all “Ameri- dent George H.W. Bush es-
co-based federal appeals can hearts” are joined with tablished the annual turkey
court that has overturned those affected by the dev- pardon tradition in 1989 by
From Front He estimated that U.S. mo- some of Trump’s actions. astating California wildfires. sparing a 50-pound bird.
torists are spending $100 Turning serious, Trump said Trump also gave thanks Trump flew to his Florida es-
By The Associated Press million less each day on Thanksgiving “is a time for for the “men and women tate later Tuesday to spend
Mild weather and falling gasoline than they were a Americans to unite togeth- who protect our families the Thanksgiving holiday
gasoline prices are helping month ago. er in a spirit of love, under- and who protect our flag” with family.q
Thanksgiving travelers get AAA is forecasting the busi-
where they’re going while est Thanksgiving travel peri-
saving a few bucks. od since 2005. Most people
Airports around the coun- who will travel at least 50
try were busy Wednesday, miles from home are going
leading to more than 1,500 by car, according to the
delayed flights by early af- auto club. AAA spokesman
ternoon on the East Coast. Robert Sinclair credited a
Only about 75 flights were strong economy and ris-
canceled, however, with ing consumer confidence,
about 40 of those in San “and when we have a little
Francisco, according to time built into our sched-
tracking service FlightA- ules, we take advantage
ware. “It has been a good of it.” Much of the coun-
day so far. The weather has try was blessed with mild
been very cooperative,” weather, but that was ex-
said American Airlines pected to change in some
spokesman Ross Feinstein. areas. Rain was moving in
“It’s busy, but this Sunday along the West Coast, con-
and Monday will be busier tributing to delays in places
travel days for us.” including San Francisco,
Holiday revelers traveling where the Federal Aviation
by car were able to take Administration said arriving
advantage of a big decline flights were running nearly
in gasoline prices caused two hours late on average.
by lower oil prices. The na- In the Northeast, frigid tem-
tionwide average pump peratures were forecast for
price on Wednesday was Thanksgiving Day, although
$2.60 a gallon, down 25 the holiday itself is tradition-
cents from a month ago. ally a light travel day.
“We will see the national Aside from the weather,
average go lower because American Airlines airport
there are still drops in the kiosks were knocked of-
pipeline,” said GasBuddy fline briefly on Wednesday
analyst Patrick DeHaan. morning. q