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U.S. NEWS Thursday 22 November 2018
State says 'I Love NY' signs
have been removed by deadline
By CHRIS CAROLA said it would withhold $14 recreation.
Associated Press million in highway funding The signs cost New York
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — The from New York if the state taxpayers more than $8
tug-of-war between New didn't remove the signs by million to make and install.
York officials and the fed- the end of the federal fiscal They began being installed
eral government over hun- year on Sept. 30. Under an in 2014, despite federal of-
dreds of New York inter- agreement worked out be- ficials warning the Cuomo
state highway tourism signs fore then, the state had to administration that the sig-
officially ended Wednes- remove the last four signs in nage didn't comply with
day, the deadline for the each five-sign grouping by regulations and posed a
state to remove most of the Nov. 21, but could retain potentially dangerous dis-
signage or risk losing mil- the first sign in each group, traction to drivers because
lions of dollars in transporta- with modifications. they contained too much In this Nov. 29, 2016, file photo, a truck passes a sign
tion funding The four follow-up signs in information. proclaiming "I Love New York" and marketing other state
attractions on the New York State Thruway in Utica, N.Y.
The more than 500 "I Love each group are being re- State DOT officials disputed Associated Press
NY" signs posted along the positioned at welcome the federal government's
Thruway system and other centers, highway rest areas claims, saying there was no paign for a third term in of- eral government deemed
highways had been the fo- and Thruway travel plaza evidence they directly con- fice, Cuomo was criticized illegal and risking millions
cus of a yearslong spat be- across the state, state DOT tributed to any accidents. by Republicans for spend- more by not taking them
tween the Federal Highway officials said. During his successful cam- ing millions on signs the fed- down as directed.q
Administration, which said Each group of five signs
they were illegal, and Dem- included a large "moth-
ocratic Gov. Andrew Cuo- erboard" followed by four
mo, who said they were a smaller signs, each touting
key component in boosting a different sector of the
the state's $100 billion tour- state's tourism industry: at-
ism industry. tractions, history, food and
The federal agency initially beverages, and outdoor
Fiery rush-hour
Brooklyn Bridge crash
kills 1, closes span
NEW YORK (AP) — An auto wreck on the Brooklyn
Bridge killed one person Wednesday and sparked a
fire that engulfed three vehicles and cut off a key New
York City artery at the start of the morning commuting
rush on one of the busiest travel days of the year.
The fiery 7 a.m. crash on the Brooklyn-bound side of the
bridge sent a column of black smoke rising above the
landmark span. Motorists blocked by the wreck got out
their cars to watch a swarm of firefighters work to extin-
guish the blaze.Fire officials said six people were injured
in addition to the person killed.
The entire bridge was closed to traffic for about an
hour. Major traffic tie-ups continued to spill onto sur-
rounding roads as it was reopened, beginning with
the Manhattan-bound lanes. Photographs posted by
bystanders on social media showed the charred hulks
of three vehicles and a fourth a few strides away with
body damage.q