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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 22 November 2018

            Greece: Creditors approve U-turn on pension cuts

                                                                      the  first  time”  within  an  EU  bility and growth pact, the  tax-relief  and  welfare  pro-
                                                                      framework  that  came  out  bloc’s budget rulebook.       grams  in  2019,  but  unions
                                                                      of the region’s debt crisis.  The response from creditors  are  angry  that  austerity
                                                                      The  budget  provides  for  a  is a fillip to the government  measures are set to contin-
                                                                      primary surplus of almost 4  of  left-wing  Prime  Minister  ue for years after Greece’s
                                                                      percent  of  GDP  this  year,  Alexis  Tsipras  which  is  trail-  bailout exit.
                                                                      and  3.6  percent  in  2019.  ing  rival  conservatives  in  The  umbrella  union  GSEE
                                                                      Greece  has  to  achieve  opinion  polls  ahead  of  a  called  Wednesday  on  its
                                                                      high surpluses for decades  general election next year.   members to join a general
                                                                      to  be  able  to  pay  off  its  The government has prom-  strike  on  Nov.  28,  to  de-
                                                                      debts.                       ised to spend up to 900 mil-  mand  the  end  of  bailout-
                                                                      Dombrovskis said the Greek  lion  euros  ($1  billion)  from  era  wage  cuts  and  emer-
                                                                      budget  is  considered  as  cash generated by its bud-    gency  taxes  on  income
                                                                      “compliant”  with  the  sta-  get  over  performance  on  and property.q

            An elderly man smokes a cigar during a rally in Athens, Tues-
            day, Nov. 20, 2018. Hundreds of pensioners protested demand-
            ing a return of funds lost as part of austerity measures.
                                                     Associated Press

            By DEREK GATOPOULOS          to Greece’s European bail-
            RAF CASERT                   out creditors and the Inter-
            Associated Press             national  Monetary  Fund
            ATHENS,  Greece  (AP)  —     though much of it is due for
            Greece’s  bailout  creditors   years  following  a  debt  re-
            have  approved  a  request   lief package agreed earli-
            by  the  country  to  scrap   er this year. Greece ended
            pension  cuts  planned  in   its third straight internation-
            2019 after the country de-   al bailout in August but has
            livered  a  strong  budget   not  returned  to  markets
            performance.  In  a  report   partly as a result of the tur-
            published Wednesday, the     moil  created  by  the  bud-
            European Commission said     get standoff in Italy and a
            the previously agreed cuts   financial crisis in Turkey.
            were no longer considered    Though the country has no
            necessary  for  Greece  to   immediate  need  to  raise
            meet  a  primary  budget     money  from  markets  due
            surplus  of  3.5  percent  be-  to  a  cash  buffer  provided
            fore debt servicing costs.   by  creditors,  it  wouldn’t
            “The Greek authorities plan   be  cheap  if  it  wanted  to
            to  implement  a  freeze  in   — the market interest rate
            pensions  until  2022,  but   on Greece’s 10-year bond
            they will not proceed with   stands  at  a  relatively  high
            the  pension  cuts,”  the  re-  4.7 percent.
            port said.                   Commission Vice President
            The  government  tabled      Valdis  Dombrovskis  con-
            a  final  version  of  the  2019   gratulated Greece for sub-
            budget     to   parliament   mitting its draft budget “for
            Wednesday  after  getting
            the nod from lenders.
            According  to  the  draft
            budget,    the    country’s
            mammoth  debt  will  de-
            cline  from  180.4  percent
            of  annual  output  this  year
            to 167.8 percent next year
            — a drop from 335 to 323
            billion euros ($382 billion to
            $368 billion). More than two
            thirds  of  the  debt  is  owed
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