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A6   U.S. NEWS
               Thursday 22 November 2018

            Sheriff supports armed teachers to stop school shooters

            By TERRY SPENCER                                                                                                    Other  members  of  Gualt-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   ieri's  commission,  including
            FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP)                                                                                          Polk  County  Sheriff  Grady
            —  The  sheriff  leading  the                                                                                       Judd, have expressed sup-
            state  commission  investi-                                                                                         port  for  arming  teachers,
            gating Florida's high school                                                                                        although  it  is  unclear  if  a
            massacre says he now be-                                                                                            majority agrees.
            lieves  trained,  volunteer                                                                                         The 15 panel members ap-
            teachers  should  have  ac-                                                                                         pointed by Gov. Rick Scott
            cess  to  guns  so  they  can                                                                                       and  legislative  leaders  in-
            stop shooters who get past                                                                                          clude  law  enforcement,
            other safeguards.                                                                                                   education    and   mental
            Pinellas  County  Sheriff  Bob                                                                                      health professionals, a leg-
            Gualtieri,  chairman  of  the                                                                                       islator  and  the  fathers  of
            Marjory Stoneman Douglas                                                                                            two slain students.
            High  School  Public  Safety                                                                                        The panel, which has been
            Commission, said he will ask                                                                                        meeting  periodically  since
            the  panel  to  recommend                                                                                           April,  must  file  its  initial  re-
            state  law  be  changed  so                                                                                         port  to  Scott,  incoming
            teachers    who   undergo                                                                                           Gov.  Ron  DeSantis  and
            background  checks  and                                                                                             the  Legislature  by  Jan.  1.
            extensive  training  will  be                                                                                       It  will  consider  proposals
            allowed  to  have  guns  on                                                                                         for adoption at its mid-De-
            campus as a last line of de-                                                                                        cember meeting.
            fense.  It's  a  proposal  that                                                                                     Other  proposed  recom-
            both  the  state  teachers   In this June 7, 2018 file photo Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission   mendations  include  pre-
                                         chair and Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri gestures as he speaks during a commission
            union and PTA oppose.        meeting in Sunrise, Fla.                                                               venting  outside  attacks
            Gualtieri told The Associat-                                                                       Associated Press  by limiting and staffing en-
            ed Press this week he long                                                                                          trances; allowing all school
            believed only law enforce-   Meanwhile,  video  shows  and  arm  employees  other  Both the Florida Education  employees to order a lock-
            ment    personnel   should  the  Broward  County  sher-   than  teachers,  including  Association,  which  is  the  down;  improving  campus
            carry  guns  at  school,  but  iff's deputy assigned to the  administrators,   librarians  state  teachers  union,  and  communication   systems;
            his  position  "morphed"  af-  school  drew  his  gun  but  and  custodians.  Teachers  the  Florida  PTA  oppose  and  tightening  laws  gov-
            ter studying other shootings  stayed outside. By the time  are barred unless they are  arming  teachers,  saying  erning  the  assessment  of
            and watching security vid-   other law enforcement ar-    former  or  current  police  having more guns on cam-     students  who  may  pose
            eo of the Feb. 14 Stoneman  rived,  the  final  fatal  shots  officers,  current  members  pus will make schools more  a  threat.  For  law  enforce-
            Douglas  attack,  which  left  had been fired.            of the military or Junior Re-  dangerous, not less.       ment, the proposals include
            14 students and three staff  "We  know  from  the  history  serve Officer Training Corps  "Teachers  should  not  be  giving  officers  clear  orders
            members dead.                of these things that the ma-  instructors.  Thirteen  of  the  acting  as  armed  security  that they must confront ac-
            He  said  it  "gnaws"  at  him  jority are stopped by school  state's  67  countywide  dis-  guards. The majority of our  tive  shooters,  even  if  they
            that  suspect  Nikolas  Cruz  personnel,"  Gualtieri  said,  tricts  adopted  the  pro-  members  don't  want  to  are  alone,  and  making
            stopped firing five times to  pointing to shootings where  gram,  mostly  in  rural  parts  be  armed  —  they  know  it  sure  first  responders  from
            reload his AR-15 semi-auto-  the gunman was tackled or  of the state.                  would  be  impractical  and  different  agencies  have
            matic rifle, but no teacher  disarmed  by  a  teacher  or  Currently,  teachers  in  28  dangerous,"  union  spokes-  radios that can quickly be
            or  other  school  employee  campus  employee.  "Peo-     states  can  carry  firearms,  woman Joni Branch said.    programmed to communi-
            could  use  those  pauses  ple need to keep an open  according  to  the  Crime  Angie Gallo, the state PTA's  cate with each other.
            to  shoot  Cruz.  The  athlet-  mind  to  it  as  the  reality  is  Prevention  Research  Cen-  legislation  chair,  said  only  Cruz, now 20, has pleaded
            ic  director  and  a  coach,  that if someone else in that  ter,  a  conservative  non-  law  enforcement  should  not  guilty,  but  his  lawyers
            both  unarmed,  died  trying  school  had  a  gun  it  could  profit organization.     carry guns on campus.        have said he would plead
            to  stop  Cruz  and  at  least  have saved kids' lives."  District approval is required  "Teachers  need  to  teach,"  guilty in exchange for a life
            one  teacher  minutes  later  After  the  shooting,  Florida  in  most  states  and  restric-  Gallo  said.  "Their  job  is  not  sentence.
            would  have  had  a  clear  law  was  changed  to  al-    tions  and  training  require-  to  secure  our  schools.  It  is  Prosecutors are seeking the
            shot.                        low  school  districts  to  train  ments vary.            not to shoot at shooters."   death penalty.q
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