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               Thursday 22 November 2018

            Merkel rebuffs German nationalists over migration pact

            By FRANK JORDANS                                                                                                    be solved through interna-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tional cooperation.
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Chancellor                                                                                         Amid  a  rise  in  national-
            Angela Merkel on Wednes-                                                                                            ist  sentiment  around  the
            day rejected calls from na-                                                                                         world, Merkel has become
            tionalist lawmakers for Ger-                                                                                        one of the most vocal de-
            many to drop its support for                                                                                        fenders  of  multilateralism,
            a  U.N.-backed  agreement                                                                                           frequently noting that Ger-
            on migration.                                                                                                       many owes its revival after
            Several countries — includ-                                                                                         World  War  II  to  institutions
            ing the United States, Hun-                                                                                         such as the European Union
            gary, Austria, Israel, Austra-                                                                                      and United Nations.
            lia and Poland — have an-                                                                                           Presenting   her   govern-
            nounced  they  won’t  back                                                                                          ment’s   356   billion-euro
            the  Global  Compact  for                                                                                           ($407-billion)  budget  for
            Safe,  Orderly  and  Regular                                                                                        2019,  Merkel  cited  plans
            Migration,  set  to  be  ap-                                                                                        to  invest  more  in  care  for
            proved next month in Mar-                                                                                           children  and  the  elderly,
            rakech, Morocco.                                                                                                    improve  integration  of  mi-
            Speaking    during   parlia-                                                                                        grants,  raise  pension  levels
            ment’s annual budget de-                                                                                            and  boost  renewable  en-
            bate  in  Berlin,  Merkel  told   From left, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz and German   ergy.
            lawmakers  that  the  pact   Chancellor Angela Merkel attend a meeting of the German federal parliament, Bundestag, at the   Alternative  for  Germany’s
            would  ensure  “reasonable   Reichstag building in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018.                       co-leader,  Alice  Weidel,
            conditions” elsewhere that                                                                         Associated Press  earlier  accused  Merkel’s
            already  exist  in  Germany,  come  mainly  from  the  far-  high-profile  candidates  in  At an event in eastern Ger-  government  of  spending
            such  as  the  right  for  mi-  right  Alternative  for  Ger-  a  bid  to  succeed  Merkel  many with the other candi-  “without thinking about to-
            grants  to  access  health  many party, but a number  as  leader  of  her  Christian  dates,  Merz  also  advocat-  morrow.”
            services  and  get  financial  of lawmakers from Merkel’s  Democratic  Union  party  ed  a  wider  discussion  on  Weidel  used  much  of  her
            support.                     own party have also begun  next month.                    how  the  right  to  asylum  in  speech to defend her par-
            “That’s  why  it’s  in  our  na-  to question the agreement.  One  of  the  leading  con-  Germany is defined.      ty over its receipt of foreign
            tional interest that the con-  Health Minister Jens Spahn  tenders,   Friedrich   Merz,  Merkel,   who   has   an-  donations  and  accuse  ri-
            ditions around the world, for  called recently for a broad-  called  Wednesday  night  nounced she won’t run for  vals of having similarly dubi-
            refugees on the one hand  er debate about the pact  for  a  clarification  that  the  a fifth term in 2021, said the  ous sources of income.
            and migrants on the other,  and, if necessary, for a de-  U.N. pact won’t create any  migration  pact  is  an  ex-  Merkel  didn’t  respond  to
            are improved,” Merkel said.  lay  in  approving  it.  Spahn  new  grounds  for  asylum  ample of the way in which  Weidel’s  comments  about
            Opposition to the pact has  appears to be trailing other  “through  the  back  door.”  global  problems  can  only  party funding.q

            Amnesty to expand probe of US-led campaign in Syria’s Raqqa

            By SARAH EL DEEB                                                                       activists  for  the  month-  acknowledge  77  civilian
            Associated Press                                                                       long project, Amnesty said  deaths.  In  total,  the  coali-
            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  Amnesty  In-                                                          it  can  save  years  of  work  tion  has  acknowledged
            ternational  said  Wednes-                                                             by  a  small  team  of  re-  104 civilian deaths from the
            day  it’s  enlisting  the  help                                                        searchers  processing  end-  hard-fought campaign.
            of  thousands  of  online                                                              less  amount  of  data.  “The  “With  bodies  still  being  re-
            activists to speed up its in-                                                          Strike  Tracker  asks  people  covered  from  the  wreck-
            vestigation  into  the  U.S.-                                                          around the world to join us  age and mass graves more
            led  campaign  that  drove                                                             to analyze one building at  than a year later, this is just
            Islamic  State  militants  from                                                        a time and establish when  the tip of the iceberg,” said
            their  self-styled  capital  of                                                        it was destroyed in a strike,”  Marin.  Some  2,500  bodies
            Raqqa  but  left  the  Syrian                                                          said  Milena  Marin,  senior  have been pulled from the
            city in ruins.                                                                         adviser on Amnesty’s Crisis  rubble  and  uncovered  in
            The  London-based  rights                                                              Response  team.  The  data  mass graves, and searches
            group said the new phase                                                               would  then  be  corrobo-    are still underway. Amnesty
            of  its  investigation  enables                                                        rated with other evidence,  suspects  hundreds  of  civil-
            thousands  of  online  activ-  In this Thursday, April 5, 2018, file photo, a Syrian man stands   such  as  videos  and  strike  ians died in the campaign.
                                         between  buildings  destroyed  last  summer  during  fighting
            ists,  using  satellite  imagery   between the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces fighters and   and casualty reports.  Amnesty  hopes  to  publish
            of the city, to map out the   Islamic State militants, in Raqqa, Syria.                “We are hoping to build a  results of the research early
            destruction  over  the  four-                                         Associated Press  comprehensive  picture  of  next year.
            month  campaign,  which  alition air and artillery strikes  to  avoid  civilian  casualties  what  happened  last  year  Raqqa  was  the  capital  of
            ended in October 2017.       destroyed buildings.         in Raqqa. Col. Sean Ryan,  and  with  the  evidence  to  the  Islamic  State  group’s
            The  U.N  estimates  that  Amnesty hopes to compel  a spokesman for the coali-         advocate the coalition, to  self-styled caliphate, which
            more than 10,000 buildings  the  U.S-led  coalition  fight-  tion, said it is “always willing  again,  admit  responsibil-  once encompassed a third
            were  destroyed—  or  80  ing the Islamic State group  to  review  if  new  evidence  ity in their operations,” she  of Syria and Iraq. In recent
            percent  of  the  city.    Am-  to take greater responsibil-  is  reported.”  Amnesty  said  said. In an earlier phase of  years  the  group  has  been
            nesty’s  Strike  Tracker  cam-  ity and conduct its own in-  the scale of devastation in  Amnesty’s  investigation  in-  driven from virtually all the
            paign,  in  partnership  with  vestigation into the deaths  Raqqa is “too large” for its  side Raqqa, the group pro-  territory it once controlled,
            Airwars, would help narrow  of hundreds of civilians.     teams to do it alone.        vided  new  evidence  that  and holds just a few small,
            down when and where co-      The coalition says it worked  By  enlisting  thousands  of  compelled the coalition to  remote pockets in Syria.q
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