P. 13

                                                                                                                           Saturday 29 September 2018

            A Tasty Show

            PALM BEACH — Ling & Sons  it  happen,  no  matter  what
            IGA  Supercenter  threw  a  are the requirements of the
            tasty  show  last  Thursday  customer.
            when  they  organized  for
            the  first  time  their  Ling  &  Everyone  in  the  food  busi-
            Sons  Food  Show.  The  Mar-  ness-  hotels,  retailers,  res-
            riott  Ballroom  was  turned  taurants,  event  planners,
            into a luxury market place  catering,  chefs  and  other  fruits  while  Colorful  cauli-                           range of eco-friendly pack-
            where  the  most  delicious  businesses  was  welcome  flowers  draw  the  attention  The  #1  brand  in  Holland  aging.    According  to  Mar-
            and  exquisite  fruits,  veg-  to  visit  the  food  show  be-  of  the  visitor.  An  exclusive  Albert  Heijn,  IGA,  gluten  lenne Maduro, Marketing &
            gies,    brands,   breads,  tween 10 AM and 5 PM and  line  of  seafood  Rainforest  free,  vegan  homemade  PR Manager, the show was
            cheeses,  wines  and  much  get to know everything Ling  from  Jamaica  included  bakery  products  and  spe-       highly  appreciated  by  the
            more  were  offered.  The  & Sons has to offer with re-   tasting  of  shrimps,  salmon  cialty/gourmet   products  visitors.  “We  have  chosen
            supermarket  showed  their  gards to wholesale. A great  and  mussels  and  interna-   were  other  offerings.  A  to  show  what  quality  we
            diversity and uniqueness in  variety  of  fruits  and  veg-  tional  cheeses  with  surpris-  wine  tasting/presentation  have in-house and to what
            offerings  from  all  kind.  The  etables was presented with  ing flavors like pesto green  was  presented  by  Divino  extend Ling & Sons can go
            show  was  mainly  to  show  tastings  of  Dragon  Fruits,  and  bacon  among  others  and  Pepia  and  ASD  was  with regards to variety and
            that Ling & Sons can make  Star Fruits and other exotic  formed part of theshow.       present  to  showcase  their  quality of our products.” q
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