P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 29 September 2018

            SE Asia microcosm: 2 contrasting leaders address the UN

             By MATTHEW PENNINGTON                                                                                              body's Human Rights Coun-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   cil  that  the  elections  had
             UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Two                                                                                          consigned Cambodia's de-
             veteran  Southeast  Asian                                                                                          mocracy  to  history  for  the
             leaders  who  appeared  at                                                                                         next  five  years.  Hun  Sen's
             the  United  Nations  on  Fri-                                                                                     party won every single par-
             day  present  a  microcosm                                                                                         liamentary  seat  prompting
             of a dynamic region enjoy-                                                                                         rapporteur Rhona Smith to
             ing rapid economic growth                                                                                          conclude:  "The  country  is
             but struggling to fan away                                                                                         therefore de facto a single
             egregious  human  rights                                                                                           party state."
             problems  that  follow  it  like                                                                                   With  the  possible  excep-
             a bad smell.                                                                                                       tion of the 1997 coup that
             On the one hand is Malay-                                                                                          Hun Sen launched against
             sia's  Mahathir  Mohamad,                                                                                          a  co-premier  that  brought
             who at the grand old age                                                                                           fighting  to  the  streets  of
             of  93  has  shed  his  authori-                                                                                   Phnom Penh, that marks a
             tarian  past,  ousted  a  rival                                                                                    nadir in Cambodia's politics
             accused  of  massive  cor-                                                                                         since  its  democracy  was
             ruption through democrat-                                                                                          established  on  the  back
             ic change, and re-entered                                                                                          of  internationally-endorsed
             the international stage with                                                                                       peace  accords  in  1991
             vigor.                      In this combination of two photos showing Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, left, in Phnom   and  massive  United  Na-
             On the other is Cambodia's   Penh, Cambodia, on Aug. 1, 2018, and Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in    tions support.
             Hun Sen, who has ruled his   Putrajaya, Malaysia, on Aug. 13, 2018.                                                As U.S.-based supporters of
             nation with a combination                                                                        Associated Press  the  outlawed  opposition
             of political guile and brute  That has spoiled what had  more  than  just  the  Malay-  but  does  this  mean  that  party  protested  outside
             force  for  three  decades,  been  one  of  the  region's  sian prime minister's age.  they have a right to massa-  U.N.  Headquarters,  Hun
             and  comes  to  New  York  democratic  transition  suc-  Angered  by  a  graft  scan-  cre  their  own  people?"  he  Sen was still claiming Friday
             having won all the seats in  cess  stories.  Just  two  years  dal at the state investment  said.                  that  it  had  been  a  "free,
             an election after outlawing  ago, Myanmar's Aung San  fund,  Mahathir  emerged  At  home,  still-sprightly  Ma-    fair, and credible election."
             his  main  political  opposi-  Suu  Kyi,  a  Nobel  laureate  from  political  retirement  hathir is promising to hand  While  the  setbacks  to  hu-
             tion.                       and former political prison-  and  joined  the  opposition  over  the  reins  of  power  man rights and democracy
             It  was  ever  thus  with  the  er,  received  a  hero's  wel-  he  had  persecuted  dur-  within  two  years  to  Anwar  in  Cambodia  and  Myan-
             10-member  Association  of  come when, after a historic  ing  his  first,  22-year  stint  as  Ibrahim,  who  had  chal-  mar  have  drawn  stiff  criti-
             Southeast  Asian  Nations,  election  victory,  she  be-  leader.  In  the  process  he  lenged Mahathir's rule two  cism  from  the  West,  and
             an  unwieldy  mix  of  de-  came the first civilian lead-  toppled  a  former  protégé  decades  previously  and  from  activists  inside  South-
             mocracies  and  autocra-    er of her nation in five de-  and  the  party  at  whose  was  subsequently  convict-  east  Asia  itself,  the  wider
             cies where politics struggles  cades to address the Gen-  helm  Mahathir  oversaw  ed and imprisoned for years  trend lines suggest that au-
             to  keep  pace  with  social  eral Assembly. This year she  the  rapid  development  of  on charges of sodomy that  thoritarianism is on the up-
             change.                     is  notably  absent  and  has  his  young  country  in  the  were  widely  regarded  as  swing in the region.
             It's  a  grouping  that  care-  sent a government minister  1980s and 1990s while con-  politically motivated.     Democracy     has    been
             fully  balances  its  relations  in her place.           centrating power under his  Contrast  Malaysia's  politi-  eroded  in  the  Philippines
             between the United States  But two other familiar South-  increasingly   authoritarian  cal renaissance with Cam-  by  the  strongman  tenden-
             and China but typically has  east  Asian  icons  are  here  rule.                     bodia's descent into autoc-  cies of its popularly elected
             few answers to internation-  — and their respective jour-  Where once he was an ar-   racy under Hun Sen.          leader  Rodrigo  Duterte;
             al criticism over gross rights  neys are a telling reflection  chetype  of  "Asian  values"  He's been in power for half  Thailand  has  been  under
             violations  in  its  midst  as  it  of the competing forces in  —  a  paternalistic  view  of  of his 66 years and extend-  military rule since 2014, and
             abstains  from  interfering  in  their region — the popular  government that prioritized  ed his rule last month after  elections next year are un-
             the  affairs  of  its  member  desire for more democrat-  economic progress over in-  his  party's  walkover  elec-  likely to end the army's sway
             states.                     ic  accountability  and  the  dividual  rights  —  now  he's  tion win.                over politics. The opposition
             This  year,  ASEAN  is  shad-  resistance  of  entrenched  showcasing  Malaysia  as  a  The    government-influ-   in Singapore has never had
             owed  by  accusations  of  leaders  to  change  in  po-  mature  democracy  that  enced courts had dissolved  a sniff of power, and Viet-
             genocide  perpetrated  by  litical  structures  that  they  upholds the primacy of the  the  only  credible  opposi-  nam and Laos have  been
             the  military  in  Myanmar  have  dominated  for  de-    rule  of  law.  On  Friday  he  tion  party  last  year,  and  under  one-party  rule  since
             against  Rohingya  Muslims.  cades.                      also  criticized  Myanmar's  Hun Sen says he intends to  1975. Only in Malaysia and
             It's a rare instance in which  Mahathir  returned  to  the  treatment of the Rohingya  stay  in  office  for  10  more  the  region's  largest  nation,
             the Western world and ma-   U.N. after a gap of 15 years.  and  accused  the  rest  of  years.                     Indonesia,  does  democra-
             jority-Islamic  nations  have  It's  the  culmination  of  a  the world  of failing  to act.  On Thursday, a U.N. special  cy  appear  entrenched  or
             been united in outrage.     comeback  remarkable  for  "Nations  are  independent,  rapporteur  told  the  world  in the ascendant.q
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