P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 29 September 2018

            Everybody on plane survives crash landing in Pacific lagoon

            By NICK PERRY                                                                                                       weather  was  poor  at  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    time,  with  heavy  rain  and
            WELLINGTON, New Zealand                                                                                             reduced visibility.
            (AP)  —  A  passenger  on  a                                                                                        The airline said it was mak-
            plane  that  crashed  into  a                                                                                       ing all efforts to ensure the
            Pacific  lagoon  on  Friday                                                                                         ongoing safety of the pas-
            said  the  flight  attendants                                                                                       sengers and meet their im-
            were  panicking  and  he                                                                                            mediate  needs.  It  said  it
            saw water pouring through                                                                                           was  in  touch  with  embas-
            a  hole  in  the  side  of  the                                                                                     sies,  passenger  represen-
            plane  before  he  was  able                                                                                        tatives,  stakeholders  and
            to escape.                                                                                                          families of the crew.
            Local boats helped rescue                                                                                           Air  Niugini  is  the  national
            all 47 passengers and crew                                                                                          airline of Papua New Guin-
            after the plane hit the wa-                                                                                         ea and has operated since
            ter  while  trying  to  land  at                                                                                    1973.  The  airline  identified
            the  Chuuk  Island  airport  in                                                                                     the flight as PX 073 with the
            the  Micronesia  archipela-                                                                                         registration number P2-PXE.
            go.                                                                                                                 Flight  histories  show  the
            Seven  people  were  taken                                                                                          aircraft  has  made  recent
            to a hospital, according to                                                                                         flights  to  Manila,  Sydney
            officials,  including  one  de-  Local fishing boats move in to recover the passengers and crew of Air Niugini flight following   and Singapore.
            scribed  as  being  in  critical   the plane crashing into the sea on its approach to Chuuk International Airport in the Federated   Air Niugini's network is con-
            but stable condition.        States of Micronesia., Friday, Sept. 28, 2018.                        Associated Press  centrated  on  domestic
            Passenger  Bill  Jaynes  said                                                                                       routes  linking  the  capital,
            the Air Niugini plane came  "One would think that they  acle on the Hudson."           the water at about 10 a.m.   Port Moresby, with isolated
            in very low.                 might  be  afraid  to  ap-   Louie  Mallari,  who  was  He  said  he  has  yet  to  see  points  across  the  Papua
            "I thought we landed hard,"  proach  a  plane  that's  just  working at a hotel near the  a  passenger  manifest,  but  New  Guinea  archipelago,
            he said. "Until I looked over  crashed."                  airport, said he could hear  typical  passengers  would  but  it  flies  as  far  as  Tokyo
            and saw a hole in the side  The  sequence  of  events  the whole thing happen.         include    businesspeople  and Hong Kong.
            of the plane and water was  remains  unclear.  The  air-  "As the plane approaches,  from  Micronesia,  Papua  The  fleet  includes  Boeing
            coming  in.  And  I  thought,  line said the plane landed  the sound of the engine is  New  Guinea  and  Austra-    767 and 737 jets for interna-
            well, this is not the way it's  short  of  the  runway.  How-  getting  stronger,  then  sud-  lia, as well as some tourists.  tional routes, according to
            supposed to happen."         ever,  Jaynes  said  the  only  denly a splash of water," he  Chuuk is known for its world-  the  airline,  as  well  as  Fok-
            Jaynes  said  those  aboard  scenario  he  can  imagine  said,  adding  that  he  then  class diving, with dozens of  ker F-100 aircraft, Q400 and
            managed to wade through  is that it hit the end of the  heard screaming.               World War II shipwrecks vis-  Dash 8 aircraft for challeng-
            waist-deep  water  to  the  runway and continued into  He  said  it's  a  good  thing  ible in the clear waters.    ing local terrain.
            emergency  exits  on  the  the water.                     that  so  many  people  use  Harris said he doesn't know  Micronesia,  located  north
            sinking plane.               The  U.S.  Navy  said  sailors  boats  to  travel  and  were  what  caused  the  crash  of Australia and east of the
            He  said  the  flight  atten-  working nearby on improv-  able  to  quickly  help  with  landing  or  whether  the  pi-  Philippines,  is  home  to  just
            dants were yelling, and that  ing  a  wharf  also  helped  the rescue.                 lots  had  alerted  air  traffic  over 100,000 people. It has
            he  suffered  a  minor  head  in  the  rescue  by  using  an  "It's really fortunate that we  control of any problems. He  close  ties  with  the  U.S.  un-
            injury. He said he called his  inflatable  boat  to  shuttle  didn't  have  any  fatalities,"  said  an  investigative  team  der  an  agreement  known
            wife, who started crying.    people  ashore  before  the  said  Glenn  Harris,  a  gov-  would be on the ground in  as  a  compact  of  free  as-
            "I was really impressed with  plane sank in about 30 me-  ernment  aviation  security  Chuuk  by  Saturday  to  fig-  sociation.The  crash  land-
            the  locals  who  immedi-    ters (100 feet) of water.    inspector for the Federated  ure out what went wrong.     ing  comes  less  than  two
            ately  started  coming  out  The striking images of peo-  States of Micronesia.        The  airline  said  in  a  state-  months before Papua New
            in  boats,"  he  said  in  an  in-  ple  being  rescued  from  Harris  said  the  plane  left  ment  that  the  35  passen-  Guinea  hosts  the  Asia-Pa-
            terview with a missionary in  the  half-submerged  plane  from the Micronesian island  gers  and  12  crew  mem-    cific  Economic  Coopera-
            Chuuk,  Matthew  Colson,  were  reminiscent  of  the  of  Pohnpei  about  700  kilo-   bers  aboard  the  Boeing  tion  summit,  expected  to
            that was posted online and  2009 crash landing in New  meters  (435  miles)  to  the  737  were  all  able  to  safe-  draw  world  leaders  begin-
            shared with the AP.          York City known as the "Mir-  east  before  ending  up  in  ly  evacuate.  It  said  the  ning on Nov. 17.q

             Storm Zorba bears down on Greece, Athens area also alerted

             Associated Press            also  placed  on  alert  as  tal and several other parts
             ATHENS,  Greece  (AP)  —  the  national  meteorologi-    of the country were closed
             Greek authorities have ex-  cal  service  said  weather  Friday.
             tended  a  severe  weather  conditions  could  be  life-  Some  ferry  services  from
             warning to include greater  threatening. Winds are ex-   ports near Athens resumed
             Athens and most of south-   pected to reach up to 100  Friday  after  being  mostly
             ern Greece over the week-   kph (62 mph).                halted for the previous two
             end as a second powerful  On  Friday,  bad  weather  days,  while  the  weather
             storm — dubbed Zorba —  from  a  previous  low-pres-     conditions  also  caused
             heads  eastward  toward  sure  front  toppled  trees,  flight delays.
             the country.                causing  power  outages  In      neighboring    Turkey,
             The  island  of  Crete,  other  in parts of Athens and dis-  several   weekend   soc-
             southern islands in the Ae-  rupting  suburban  rail  ser-  cer  matches  were  can-  Waves crash on rocks near port town of Lavrio about 75
             gean Sea and most of the  vices.                         celed,  also  due  to  bad   kilometers (48miles) south of Athens, on Thursday, Sept. 27,
             southern  mainland  was  Schools in the Greek capi-      weather.q                    2018.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
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