P. 4

A4   U.S. NEWS
              Saturday 29 September 2018

                                                                                                   Mike  Pompeo,  the  United  States  Secretary  of  State,  sits  next
                                                                                                   to a picture of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding father of
                                                                                                   Bangladesh, as he waits for the start of meeting with their Prime
                                                                                                   Minister in New York, Friday, Sept. 28, 2018.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, left, and Ashton Carter, former U.S. Secretary of
            Defense, speak at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass.,   U.S. closes consulate
            on Friday, Sept. 28, 2018.
                                                                                    Assorted Press
            France calls for new global                                                             in southern Iraq

            coalition of ‘goodwill powers’                                                         following attacks

                                                                                                   By SUSANNAH GEORGE           country. It has been shaken
            By COLLIN BINKLEY            thing,  without  taking  any  few  direct  references  to    Associated Press          by violent protests in recent
             Associated Press            kind  of  initiative?  I  think  Trump  but  cited  behavior   WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  months  over  entrenched
            CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) —  our point of view is that we  by  the  United  States  and    State  Department  said  Fri-  corruption and poor public
            France’s leaders proposed  don’t,”  he  said.  “In  these  Russia as two major factors   day  that  it  would  tempo-  services.
            a new alliance of “goodwill  uncertain times, it is impor-  in  his  decision  to  pursue  a   rarily close the U.S. consul-  Earlier  this  month,  protest-
            powers” on Friday in an at-  tant that we speak up.”      new alliance.                ate in the southern Iraqi city  ers  turned  their  rage  on
            tempt to revive the type of  Although it’s still little more  He  criticized  the  U.S.  for   of Basra following a rocket  neighboring  Iran,  blam-
            global diplomacy that they  than  an  idea,  the  coali-  backing  out  on  deals  in-  attack  earlier  this  month  ing  its  outsized  influence
            say  is  being  jeopardized  tion would intend to go on  cluding  a  2015  accord      blamed on Iranian-backed  in  Iraq’s  political  affairs  for
            by  the  United  States,  Rus-  with  or  without  the  United  meant to stop Iran from ob-  militias.              their  misery.  They  stormed
            sia and other countries that  States. Still, the minister de-  taining  nuclear  weapons,   Diplomatic  staff  and  their  the  Iranian  consulate  and
            favor unilateralism over co-  nied any attempt to isolate  and he lamented that Rus-   families were being evacu-   set it on fire, causing signifi-
            operation.  French  Foreign  America, saying it would be  sia and other nations have   ated and consular services  cant damage.
            Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le  embraced and could play  paralyzed the U.N. Security    will  be  provided  from  the  About  a  week  later,  after
            Drian announced the plan  a  strong  role  if  it  chooses  Council  by  invoking  their   U.S.  Embassy  in  Baghdad,  a  Shiite  militia  vowed  re-
            during  a  speech  at  Har-  to  join.”We  don’t  want  to  veto  power  to  block  ac-  State  Department  spokes-  venge  for  the  attack  on
            vard  University,  suggesting  create any opposition. Our  tion.  But  he  said  there  are   woman  Heather  Nauert  the Iranian consulate, three
            that Europe should align it-  objective is to revive multi-  plenty of other nations that   said.                   Katyusha rockets were fired
            self with countries like India,  lateralism, which has been  would make good allies for   Secretary  of  State  Mike  at  Basra’s  airport,  which
            Australia, Mexico and other  the  way  of  doing  things  France  and  its  neighbors   Pompeo  called  it  a  “tem-  houses  the  U.S.  consul-
            “powerful    democracies”  since the end of World War  in Europe as they confront      porary  relocation”  in  re-  ate.  No  casualties  were
            that  share  a  commitment  II,” he said. “It’s not against  global  problems  including   sponse  to  what  he  called  reported.  The  temporary
            to multilateralism.          anybody, but we see it as a  cybersecurity, immigration,   “increasing  and  specific  closure  of  the  Basra  con-
            His  speech  described  an  real issue.”                  climate change and inter-    threats”  from  the  Iranian  sulate comes as the Trump
            erosion of the brand of di-  The  proposal  builds  on  national crises in Syria and   government     and     mili-  administration is increasing
            plomacy  that  brought  na-  French  President  Emman-    Libya. Le Drian listed India,   tias  under  its  control.  He  pressure  on  Iran  ahead  of
            tions  together  following  uel  Macron’s  recent  calls  Australia,  Japan,  Canada   warned that the U.S. would  powerful  sanctions  set  to
            World War II and led to the  for  greater  global  coop-  and Mexico as possible al-   respond  to  any  more  at-  take effect in November.
            creation of the United Na-   eration,  including  a  Tues-  lies  that  are  committed  to   tacks. “I have advised the  The   Trump   administra-
            tions,  saying  some  coun-  day speech at the annual  global  cooperation.  He  is-   Government  of  Iran  that  tion  withdrew  from  the
            tries  now  resort  to  disinfor-  meeting of the United Na-  sued a call “to create with   the  United  States  will  hold  landmark  2015  deal  with
            mation and intimidation to  tions  General  Assembly  in  them a collective action to   Iran directly responsible for  Iran in May and has been
            pursue their own interests.  New York.                    initiate  and  suggest  solu-  any harm to Americans or  gradually    re-introducing
            Speaking through an inter-   Macron  decried  national-   tions.”  Still,  he  said  discus-  to  our  diplomatic  facilities  sanctions against the gov-
            preter,  he  told  The  Associ-  ism  and  self-interest  in  his  sions  are  just  beginning,   in  Iraq  or  elsewhere  and  ernment  in  Tehran.  At  a
            ated Press that he believes  speech,  which  followed  and  it’s  too  soon  to  know   whether  perpetrated  by  speech  in  New  York  this
            the United States “method-   shortly  after  U.S.  President  which  countries  may  sign   Iranian forces directly or by  week,  Pompeo  ticked  off
            ically  and  regularly  jeop-  Donald  Trump  gave  his  on.                           associated  proxy  militias,”  a list of complaints against
            ardizes  the  fundamentals  own  address  defending  “Goodwill  is  just  goodwill.    he said.                     the  Iranian  government,
            of  multilateralism”  through  an America-first policy and  It’s  open  to  anybody,”  he   Basra  hosts  one  of  three  from  its  support  of  Syr-
            its  approach  to  the  U.N.,  saying he rejects “the ide-  told the AP. “It’s something   U.S.  diplomatic  missions  in  ian President Bashar Assad
            trade deals and other inter-  ology of globalism” in favor  that  is  being  discussed  as   Iraq.  It  is  the  country’s  oil  and Houthi rebels in Yemen
            national  agreements.”Do  of  “the  doctrine  of  patrio-  a way of getting out of the   capital and main port but  to sponsoring or plotting at-
            we have to suffer that situ-  tism.”                      quagmire  we’re  finding     remains  one  of  the  least  tempted terrorist attacks in
            ation  without  doing  any-  At Harvard, Le Drian made  ourselves in.”q                developed  parts  of  the  Africa, Asia and Europe.q
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