P. 8

              Saturday 29 September 2018

            We too: At gathering of nations, women’s voices ring loud

                                                                                                                                tech vision for the future.
                                                                                                                                —  UNESCO  Director  Gen-
                                                                                                                                eral Audrey Azoulay rallied
                                                                                                                                Arab  countries  around  a
                                                                                                                                plan to use schools to fight
                                                                                                                                —  Costa  Rican  Vice  Presi-
                                                                                                                                dent  Epsy  Campbell  Barr,
                                                                                                                                whose   country’s   parlia-
                                                                                                                                ment  is  half  female,  pro-
                                                                                                                                posed action against sexu-
                                                                                                                                al violence used as a tactic
                                                                                                                                of terrorists and a weapon
                                                                                                                                of war.
                                                                                                                                Two  women  whose  coun-
                                                                                                                                tries  fought  bitterly  a  gen-
                                                                                                                                eration   ago,    Croatian
                                                                                                                                President  Kolinda  Grabar-
                                                                                                                                Kitarovic and Serbian Prime
                                                                                                                                Minister  Ana  Brnabic,  pre-
                                                                                                                                sented  paths  to  Balkan
                                                                                                                                peace.  Both  lead  along-
                                                                                                                                side  men  and  are  some-
                                                                                                                                times dismissed as window-
                                                                                                                                Both  strongly  defended
                                                                                                                                their  nations  and  brought
                                                                                                                                timely  messages  to  New
                                                                                                                                York.  There  is  work  to  do.
                                                                                                                                Africa’s  presence  at  the
                                                                                                                                U.N. this year was glaringly
             U.N.  General  Assembly  President  María  Fernanda  Espinosa  Garces  addresses  the  73rd  session  of  the  United  Nations  General   male.  Africa’s  first  female
             Assembly, at U.N. headquarters, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018.                                                           president,  Liberia’s  Ellen
                                                                                                               Associated Press  Johnson  Sirleaf,  left  office
            By ANGELA CHARLTON           The  number  of  women  (and  some  at  the  U.N.)  ebrate  the  gains  we  have       this  year,  leaving  a  vacu-
            Associated Press             presidents  and  prime  min-  watched  an  odd  and,  to  made for women domesti-      um  on  the  continent  with
            UNITED NATIONS (AP) — In a  isters among the U.N.’s 193  many,  troubling  spectacle  cally,  while  internationally   the world’s fastest-growing
            pivotal week for women in  member states doubled —  as U.S. senators questioned  other  women  and  girls  ex-      population.
            the  United  States,  the  U.N.  to 19 — from 2005 to 2016,  a man who wants to serve  perience a lack of the most   And  the  U.N.  has  yet  to
            put forth its own clarion set  according  to  a  report  re-  on the highest court of the  basic rights,” she said.  put  a  woman  in  charge.
            of  female  voices  at  its  an-  leased last year by the U.N  land  and  a  woman  who  Ardern   drew   attention   But  Secretary-General  An-
            nual  meeting  of  nations.  and  the  Inter-Parliamenta-  says  he  sexually  assaulted  for  bringing  her  baby  to   tonio  Guterres  has  made
            And  women’s  empower-       ry  Union,  an  independent  her  more  than  three  de-  the  U.N.  But  she  said  she   a  point  to  name  women
            ment was only one of their  group. Women held about  cades ago.                        wanted to make a broader     to  top  jobs,  and  this  week
            rallying cries.              18  percent  of  the  govern-  The  testimony  prompted  point:  that  breastfeeding   they, too, made their mark.
            At  the  U.N.  General  As-  ment  ministers’  posts  and  public  argument  and  pri-  while  leading  a  govern-  Deputy  Secretary  General
            sembly,  the  first  since  the  23  percent  of  parliamen-  vate  soul-searching  over  ment  should  be  ordinary,   Amina  Mohammad  greet-
            #metoo  movement  took  tary  seats  worldwide,  the  the entrenched sexism that  not newsworthy.                   ed  U.S.  President  Donald
            root in Fall 2017 and began  report found.                still  underlines  relations  be-  That,  in  fact,  was  part  of   Trump  when  he  arrived  at
            to amplify women’s voices  This year, the U.N. itself set  tween men and women in  what  was  so  extraordinary     the United Nations.
            in a new way, some of the  the  tone,  listing  women’s  the United States.            this week: women leading,    Espinosa  is  the  first  Latin
            most  powerful  words  have  rights  as  the  No.  1  priority  But  hearing  some  of  the  orating and outlining policy   American  woman  to  pre-
            come  from  the  mouths  of  for  this  year’s  General  As-  addresses  delivered  here  on  topics  that  had  abso-  side over a U.N. General As-
            female  leaders,  a  group  sembly.  “Violence  against  at  the  United  Nations,  it  lutely  nothing  to  do  with   sembly and only the fourth
            whose  numbers,  influence  women  persists  in  all  re-  was clear: In many places  gender. Yet women at the      woman  to  do  so  in  over
            and ambitions for the plan-  gions.  Girls  and  teenagers  beyond American borders,  U.N.  podium,  like  women    seven decades of U.N. his-
            et are on the rise.          still  lack  enough  access  gender equality remains an  leaders  everywhere,  still   tory.  The  sheer  number  of
            Female  leaders  presented  to  information  and  quality  even more distant dream.    came under extra scrutiny.   men celebrating Espinosa’s
            roadmaps  for  peace  in  education,”  and  discrimi-     “It  seems  surprising  that  in  They  combined  authority   leadership  of  the  General
            central Africa and the Bal-  nation against women de-     this  modern  age  we  have  and  compassion,  carving    Assembly suggests change
            kans,  challenged  govern-   presses  the  global  econo-  to  recommit  ourselves  to  out their space in world af-  is in the air.
            ments  to  fight  anti-Semi-  my,  said  María  Fernanda  gender  equality,  but  we  fairs:                        “This  is  yet  another  reflec-
            tism,  exposed  the  dangers  Espinosa  Garces,  launch-  do,”  said  New  Zealand  — British Prime Minister The-   tion of the fact that, in the
            of trade barriers and resist-  ing and presiding over the  Prime Minister Jacinda Ard-  resa  May  and  Lithuanian   twenty-first  century,  global
            ed  —  or  espoused  —  na-  weeklong event.              ern. “We still have a gender  President Dalia Grybuskaite   governance  is  inconceiv-
            tionalist rhetoric.          Her  message  came  at  an  pay  gap,  an  over  repre-   stood  up  firmly  against   able without the leadership
            One,  Serbia’s  prime  min-  exceptional  cultural  mo-   sentation of women in low  what  they  called  Russian    of  women,”  said  Spanish
            ister,  called  for  a  “world  ment  for  women  across  paid  work,  and  domestic  aggression.                   Prime  Minister  Pedro  San-
            which  is  freer,  fairer,  and  the United States. As world  violence.  And  we  are  not  —  Estonian  President  Ker-  chez.
            which is also, if I am to be  leaders  converged  on  the  alone.”                     sti  Kaljulaid  vaunted  her   “Now,” he said, “is the time
            honest, more fun.”           United  Nations,  Americans  “I  for  one  will  never  cel-  country’s exceptional high-  for women.”q
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