P. 3
U.S. NEWS Saturday 29 September 2018
Trump agrees to FBI probe of Kavanaugh, bows to Flake, Dems
Continued from Front would vote to advance the Capitol.
Kavanaugh’s nomination West Virginia Democrat
The abrupt developments to the full Senate only if Joe Manchin said he sup-
gave senators, the White the FBI were to investigate. ported Flake’s call for a
House and millions of Amer- Democrats have been further probe “so that our
icans following the drama calling for such a probe, country can have confi-
at home hardly a chance though Republicans and dence in the outcome of
to catch their breath af- the White House have insist- this vote.” With a 51-49 ma-
ter Thursday’s emotional ed it was unnecessary. The jority, Senate Republicans
Senate hearing featuring committee vote was 11-10 have little margin for error
Kavanaugh angrily de- along party lines. Attention on a final vote, especially
fending himself and ac- quickly turned to a hand- given the fact that several
cuser Christine Blasey Ford ful of undeclared senators. Democrats facing tough
determinedly insisting he Two other key Republicans, re-election prospects this
assaulted her when they Susan Collins of Maine and fall announced their op-
were teens. Protesters rally against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, position to Kavanaugh on
Emotions were still running Kavanaugh as the Senate Judiciary Committee debates his said they backed the plan Friday.
high Friday, and protest- confirmation, Friday, Sept. 28, 2018, at the Supreme Court in after they and other GOP Bill Nelson of Florida, Joe
ers confronted senators in Washington. Associated Press senators met for an hour Donnelly of Indiana and
the halls. “The country is what that might include. tured by television cam- in Senate Majority Leader Jon Tester of Montana all
being ripped apart here,” Two other women besides eras. Flake announced he Mitch McConnell’s office in said they would vote no.q
said Flake. After he took his Ford have also lodged
stance, Republican leaders public sexual misconduct
had little choice but to slow allegations against Kava-
their rush to confirm Kava- naugh. Democrats have
naugh, whom they had been particularly focused
hoped to have in place on getting more informa-
shortly after the new court tion from Mark Judge, a
term begins on Monday. high school friend of Kava-
Trump quietly followed suit, naugh who Ford said was
though he had vigorously also in the room during her
resisted asking the FBI to alleged assault. Judge has
probe the allegations of said he does not recall any
sexual misconduct by Ka- such incident. In a new let-
vanaugh, now being raised ter to the Senate panel, he
by three women. One day said he would cooperate
earlier, he had blistered the with any law enforcement
Senate process as “a total agency assigned to investi-
sham,” accused Demo- gate “confidentially.”
crats of a conspiracy of ob- Kavanaugh issued his own
struction and declared on statement through the
Twitter, “The Senate must White House saying he’s
vote!” The new timeline been interviewed by the
puts Trump’s nominee in FBI before, done “back-
further peril and pushes the ground” calls with the Sen-
politically risky vote for sen- ate and answered ques-
ators closer to the Novem- tions under oath “about
ber congressional elec- every topic” senators
tions. It also means that any have asked. “I’ve done
cases the Supreme Court everything they have re-
hears before a ninth justice quested and will continue
is in place will be decided to cooperate,” said the
by just eight, raising the 53-year-old judge. Flake,
possibility of tie votes. a key moderate Republi-
It was clear Republicans can, was at the center of
were still short of votes for Friday’s uncertainty. In the
final Senate approval after morning, he announced
Thursday’s hearing. They he would support Kavana-
convened late into the ugh’s nomination. Shortly
evening in a room in the after, he was confronted in
Capitol with various sena- an elevator by two women
tors, including Collins and who, through tears, said
Murkowski, raising pointed they were sexual assault
questions, according to victims and implored him
those familiar with the pri- to change his mind.
vate meeting but granted “Look at me and tell me
anonymity to discuss it. that it doesn’t matter what
Republican leaders said — happened to me,” said
and Trump ordered — that 23-year-old Maria Galla-
the new probe be “limited gher, a volunteer with a lib-
in scope.” But there was eral advocacy group.
no specific direction as to The confrontation was cap-