P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 29 September 2018

             Rams - Vikings 38-31

                                                                                                   the  Coliseum,  where  he  Trae  Waynes,  who  missed
                                                                                                   starred for USC. Griffen said  the second half with a con-
                                                                                                   he  doesn’t  know  exactly  cussion. Rams: TE Tyler Hig-
                                                                                                   when he’ll be back in uni-   bee  injured  his  knee  early
                                                                                                   form,  but  he  plans  to  “re-  on. He returned later in the
                                                                                                   turn  as  a  much-improved  first  half.  ...  CB  Marcus  Pe-
                                                                                                   person and player.”          ters played after injuring his
                                                                                                   INJURY REPORT                calf last week.
                                                                                                   Vikings:  RB  Dalvin  Cook  UP NEXT
                                                                                                   had 20 yards on 10 carries  Vikings: At the Philadelphia
                                                                                                   after  missing  last  week’s  Eagles on Sunday, Oct. 7.
                                                                                                   game  with  a  hamstring  Rams:  At  the  Seattle  Se-
                                                                                                   injury.  ...  Goff’s  third  and  ahawks  on  Sunday,  Oct.
                                                                                                   fourth  TD  throws  beat  CB  7.q

             Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Cooper Kupp catches. touchdown pass during the first half in an
             NFL football game against the Minnesota Vikings Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018, in Los Angeles.
                                                                                  Associated Press
            Continued from Page 17       defensive  lineman  John  “We  did  not  play  well  de-
                                         Franklin-Myers  strip-sacked  fensively,”  Vikings  coach
            And  it  was  still  just  barely  Cousins  near  midfield  with  Mike  Zimmer  said.  “Of-
            enough to beat Kirk Cous-    1:18 to play.                fensively  we  moved  the
            ins  and  the  Minnesota  Vi-  “It’s fun for us, personally,”  ball  well,  but  we  had  too
            kings.                       Goff  said  of  his  duel  with  many  missed  tackles,  and
            Goff  passed  for  career  Cousins.  “I  don’t  know  if  too many people were left
            highs  of  465  yards  and  it’s fun for the whole team,  wide  open.  I’ve  not  ever
            five  touchdowns,  winning  but  it’s  cool.  Kirk  is  a  guy  had  a  team  that’s  been
            a  scintillating  duel  with  his  we watched on film forever  this poor in pass coverage.
            Minnesota      counterpart  last  year.  Got  a  lot  of  re-  We  are  going  to  have  to
            and leading unbeaten Los  spect for him and the way  look at everything.”
            Angeles  to  a  38-31  victory  he  plays,  and  I  just  think  A healthy throng of purple-
            Thursday night.              he’s  such  a  great quarter-  clad fans turned out for the
            Goff  hit  Kupp  with  two  of  back. To get a chance to  Vikings’  first  game  in  Los
            his four TD throws during a  go  against  him  like  that  Angeles  since  1993.  They
            251-yard  first  half  in  which  and  kind  of  duke  it  out,  I  saw  a  show  from  Cousins,
            the  third-year  quarterback  told  him  after  the  game  who hit Aldrick Robinson for
            flawlessly executed the of-  how  much  I  appreciated  two first-half scores.
            fense  created  by  McVay.  the battle with him.”         Goff  found  Kupp  with  two
            Goff  finished  26  of  33  with  Todd  Gurley  finished  with  beautiful  TD  throws  in  the
            a perfect 158.3 passer rat-  83  yards  rushing  and  73  first  half,  the  first  hitting
            ing for the Rams (4-0), who  yards  receiving  for  the  Kupp  in  stride  on  that  70-
            won their third home game  Rams.  Gurley  and  Bran-      yard  sprint  ,  and  the  sec-
            in 12 days.                  din  Cooks  had  first-half  TD  ond  eluding  two  Vikings
            “It  was  just  great  com-  catches,  but  the  Vikings  and  dropping  into  Kupp’s
            mand  by  him,”  McVay  trimmed LA’s lead to 31-28  hands  deep  in  the  end
            said.  “I  think  he’s  having  late in the third quarter with  zone.  Less  than  2  1/2  min-
            fun. No moment is too big  Adam Thielen’s 45-yard TD  utes  later,  Goff  hit  Cooks
            for  him,  and  it  gives  you  catch  and  a  2-point  con-  down the middle for a 47-
            confidence  when  you  see  version.                      yard  score.  Goff’s  four  TD
            him playing like this.”      Goff  promptly  surpassed  passes  were  the  most  in  a
            But  McVay  then  had  to  his  previous  career  highs  first half by a Rams quarter-
            watch       apprehensively  for  yards  passing  during  a  back since Kurt Warner did
            while  his  former prize pupil  swift drive ending in Robert  it in 1999.
            nearly  executed  a  come-   Woods’  31-yard  TD  catch,  GRIFFEN OUT
            back for the Vikings (1-2-1).  and  the  Rams’  defense  Minnesota  defensive  end
            McVay was Cousins’ offen-    hung  on  while  the  offense  Everson  Griffen  posted  a
            sive  coordinator  in  Wash-  went scoreless in the fourth  message on Instagram ex-
            ington  before  he  became  quarter.                      pressing  his  gratitude  for
            Goff’s head coach on the  One  week  after  giving  up  support from his team and
            West Coast last season.      27 points in the first half and  family.  Griffen  has  been
            Cousins  passed  for  422  getting  blown  out  as  16  away  from  the  Vikings
            yards  and  three  touch-    1/2-point  favorites  in  Buf-  while  undergoing  a  men-
            downs, but the Vikings lost  falo, the Vikings gave up 28  tal  health  evaluation,  and
            when  Los  Angeles  rookie  before halftime against LA.   he  didn’t  get  to  return  to
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