P. 20

              Saturday 29 September 2018
            Bucs, Bears in 1st place? Who would have thunk it?

            There is no way anyone out-                                                                                         ticularly  if  Titans  QB  Mar-
            side of Tampa or Chicago                                                                                            cus Mariota still is struggling
            would  have  predicted  the                                                                                         with  a  right  elbow  injury
            Bucs and Bears would both                                                                                           that  has  affected  his  grip.
            be  first-place  teams  when                                                                                        The  Eagles  rank  first  in  run
            they square off in Week 4.                                                                                          defense  after  finishing  first
            Sure, it’s still plenty early in                                                                                    last  season  and  also  lead
            the  schedule.  Yet  there’s                                                                                        the  NFL  in  time  of  posses-
            no denying both teams are                                                                                           sion (36:03).
            ahead of schedule.                                                                                                  Cleveland  (1-1-1)  at  Oak-
            Although  the  Buccaneers                                                                                           land (0-3)
            (2-1)  come  off  a  30-27                                                                                          There  are  good  vibes  by
            home loss to Pittsburgh last                                                                                        Lake Erie and bad ones in
            Monday night, their offense                                                                                         the Bay Area.
            behind  backup  quarter-                                                                                            The Browns got their first win
            back  Ryan  Fitzpatrick  has                                                                                        in 18 games by beating the
            been  dynamic.  Fitzpatrick                                                                                         Jets,  and  top  overall  draft
            started  the  three  games                                                                                          choice  Baker  Mayfield  led
            that starter Jameis Winston                                                                                         the  way  to  take  over  as
            was suspended and made                                                                                              starting  quarterback.  Their
            a  strong  argument  for                                                                                            defense has been relatively
            keeping  the  job.  Fitz  leads                                                                                     stout, led by the No. pick in
            the  NFL  with  1,230  yards                                                                                        the  2017  draft,  Myles  Gar-
            passing and is second with   In this Sept. 23, 2018, file photo, Indianapolis Colts' Adam Vinatieri kicks a field goal during the   rett.
            11 TD passes. He’s the only   second half of an NFL football game against the Philadelphia Eagles, in Philadelphia. Vinatieri   Oakland’s   decision   to
            player  in  league  history  to   needs one field goal to break Morten Andersen's NFL record (565).   Associated Press  trade its best player, Mack,
            throw  for  400-plus  yards  in                                                                                     and  then  the  0-3  start  has
            three consecutive games.     Classic NFL matchup, Part I.  Chiefs  have  taken  five  III.                          worn thin any luster on Jon
            Winston certainly has been  The Steelers have won nine  straight  following  seven  Yes,  the  Patriots  have  so  Gruden’s  return.  The  Raid-
            impressed  and  promises  straight  games  on  Sunday  straight  losses.  The  offense  dominated  the  AFC  East  ers are last in the NFL with
            not to make any waves.       nights,  twice  over  the  Ra-  is a buzzsaw: Kansas City is  that  we  forget  there  are  three  sacks,  and  tied  for
            “It’s about the team’s suc-  vens.  But  Baltimore  has  a  the third NFL team to score  other  teams  in  the  divi-  last  with  one  takeaway.
            cess. I’m not a selfish play-  rekindled offense, with Joe  38 or more points in its first  sion.  This  is  the  one  team  They have been outscored
            er,  it’s  about  our  team,”  Flacco off to a sizzling start,  three games (2007 Patriots,  Tom Brady has fallen to the  37-3 in fourth quarters and
            Winston  said.  “We’re  out  helped  by  a  trio  of  new  who were 16-0; 1967 Colts,  most,  10  times.  Of  course,  are  the  second  team  in
            here doing big things, and  receivers.  Newcomer  Mi-     who went 11-1-2).            he has beaten the Dolphins  the last 20 years to start 0-3
            we’ve got to continue do-    chael  Crabtree  leads  the  Patrick  Mahomes  has  es-   21 times.                    when  leading  all  three  at
            ing that.”                   Ravens  with  15  catches  tablished  an  NFL  record  Indeed,  the  last  time  the  halftime.
            Chicago  (2-1)  is  doing  big  and needs six to reach 600  with  13  TDs  through  three  Dolphins won at New Eng-  Detroit (1-2) at Dallas (1-2)
            things  on  defense.  The  for his career.                games  and  zero  intercep-  land was 2008, when Brady  The  Lions  got  off  the  sch-
            trade  with  Oakland  for  Pittsburgh  likely  gets  back  tions  to  lead  the  league  was sidelined by a knee in-  neid  with  that  surprisingly
            Khalil  Mack  has  made  a  top  blocker  David  DeCas-   with  a  137.4  passer  rating.  jury.                    dominant win against New
            huge  impact  in  the  Windy  tro  for  Ben  Roethlisberger,  The second-year QB credits  Miami  already  has  seven  England.  They  have  the
            City,  making  up  for  a  me-  whos  is  21-3  in  regular-  the depth of talent around  interceptions; it had nine all  top-rated  passing  offense,
            diocre offense.              season  prime-time  games  him.                           of last season.              but  they  also  are  a  sieve
            Mack is tied for the league  at  home,  throwing  for  55  “Guys  everywhere,”  Ma-    Meanwhile,  the  Patriots  against the run on defense.
            lead  with  four  sacks,  with  touchdowns  and  16  inter-  homes said. “Knowing that  have struggled to find any  With  Dallas  struggling  so
            at least one in each game,  ceptions.     Roethlisberger  I  have  those  weapons,  consistency.     They   ranks  much  throwing  the  ball,
            and  leads  the  NFL  with  has thrown a TD pass in 45  whenever  someone  has  25th  on  offense  —  other  look for RB Ezekiel Elliott to
            three forced fumbles.        straight  home  games,  the  to get a break — we say if  than     Rob    Gronkowski,  be very busy in this one.
            “What he has done is com-    third-longest  streak  in  NFL  you’re  tired,  get  a  break,  Brady has little comfort with  Elliott is tied with the 49ers’
            pletely  elevated  every-    history.                     because I know I can trust  any  receivers  —  and  28th  Matt  Breida  for  the  NFL
            body  else  on  defense,”  If this comes down to kick-    the next guy coming in.”     on  defense.  Bill  Belichick  rushing lead with 274 yards.
            coach  Matt  Nagy  said.  ing,  Baltimore  has  a  huge  The  Chiefs  can  be  scored  was outcoached by his for-   San  Francisco  (1-2)  at  Los
            “When that happens, that’s  edge.  The  Ravens’  Justin  on,  though,  and  Denver  mer defensive coordinator,  Angeles Chargers (1-2)
            rare,  to  have  one  guy  af-  Tucker has hit eight straight  had  the  NFL’s  third-ranked  Matt  Patricia,  last  Sunday  Injuries  probably  have  ru-
            fect a team like that.”      field  goals  from  50-plus  rushing  game  with  rookies  night.                      ined  the  49ers’  season.
            Week  4  began  with  Jared  yards and owns the best FG  Royce Freeman and Phillip  But  the  Patriots  have  start-  After  giving  Jimmy  Garop-
            Goff throwing for 465 yards  percentage  (90.0)  in  NFL  Lindsay,  the  first  undrafted  ed slowly before and then  polo  his  big  payday,  they
            and  five  touchdowns  and  history.  Pittsburgh’s  Chris  player to eclipse 100 scrim-  become unstoppable.        will  be  without  him  for  the
            getting  a  perfect  quarter-  Boswell  has  hit  just  one  of  mage  yards  in  his  first  two  Philadelphia  (2-1)  at  Ten-  remainder of this year after
            back rating in a 38-31 vic-  four  field  goals;  the  three  NFL games.               nessee (2-1)                 he tore his ACL against KC.
            tory over Minnesota.         misses  match  his  entire  Plus,  linebacker  Von  Miller  Philly  likes  playing  AFC  C.J.  Beathard,  who  was  in
            The  Rams  are  4-0,  while  2017 total.                  ,  tied  for  the  league  lead  South  squads:  The  Eagles  over  his  head  last  year  in
            the  Vikings  are  1-2-1  and  Kansas City (3-0) at Denver  with  four  sacks,  is  a  Chiefs  have  won  seven  straight  going 1-5, steps in.
            haven’t won since opening  (2-1), Monday night            nemesis:  Miller  has  eight  games  against  them,  the  The  Chargers  have  won
            day.                         Classic  NFL  matchup,  Part  sacks,  11  tackles  for  loss  team’s  longest  active  win-  the past four meetings and
            On  byes  are  Carolina  and  II.                         against Kansas City.         ning streak against any di-  have a dangerous offense
            Washington.                  Another  prime-time  show-   Miami  (3-0)  at  New  Eng-  vision.                      behind  QB  Philip  Rivers
            Baltimore (2-1) at Pittsburgh  case  worth  watching,  this  land (1-2)                This  could  come  down  to  and  a  ramped-up  running
            (1-1-1)                      is  a  series  of  streaks.  The  Classic  NFL  matchup,  Part  the  running  game,  par-  game. q
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