P. 23
SPORTS Saturday 29 September 2018
In this April 24, 2018, file photo, Breanna Stewart shoots
during a practice for the U.S. national women's basketball
team in Seattle.
Associated Press
USA's Breanna
Stewart shines at
World Cup in Spain In this Aug. 17, 2016, file photo, United States' Kerri Walsh Jennings reacts while playing Brazil
during the women's beach volleyball bronze medal match of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil.
Associated Press
By DOUG FEINBERG Walsh Jennings splits focus at
AP Basketball Writer
SAN CRISTOBAL DE LA LAGUNA, Spain (AP) — For new p1440 beach v'ball tour
nearly a decade, Breanna Stewart has been mak-
ing an impact with USA Basketball. Now a mainstay
on the national team, the WNBA MVP is a big reason By JIMMY GOLEN grow the sport. She formed including Chicago. Walsh
why the U.S. has been winning at the FIBA Women's AP Sports Writer her own circuit, naming it Jennings has been in-
Basketball World Cup. She scored 19 points in the In addition to practicing "p1440" for her desire to live volved in organizing the
quarterfinal win over Nigeria and keyed the run in the her serve, set and spike, each minute of the day events, asking out of just
second quarter the Americans used to rally from an Kerri Walsh Jennings has with purpose. one duty: "I've told my
early deficit for the 71-40 victory Friday. Next up for been getting ready for The beach volleyball tour- team I don't want to be
Stewart and her teammates is Belgium in the semifinal her next beach volleyball nament on the home involved in seeding. When
on Saturday. This is the second time the 24-year-old tournament by sitting in on grounds of the MLS San I'm at the event, I'm just an
has played for the U.S. in the World Cup. Stewart was brand meetings, recruiting Jose Earthquakes this athlete. So please treat me
just a junior in college at UConn when she made the other players and lining up weekend is the center- that way."
team. She was one of the last players off the bench musical acts. piece of an entertainment It's all keeping her very
in that tournament, but spent her time watching and The five-time Olympian and wellness festival that busy. And she wouldn't
learning. "I think especially for me, the World Cup and triple Summer Games will include appropriately have it any other way.
four years ago, I didn't play that much, and I tried to gold medalist is a founder named musical acts like When asked if the planning
absorb as much as I could then," Stewart said. "I knew of the p1440 tour, a sports Grouplove and Foster the was distracting her from her
two years later we had the Olympics, four years later and lifestyle festival that People. beach volleyball career
we had the next World Cup. I wanted to be able to will hold its first event in San Chefs will demonstrate and a chance to qualify for
make an impact and I wanted my game to continue Jose, California, this week- healthy cooking; fitness the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo
to grow to help the United States win as many gold end. Besides competing experts will discuss training , Walsh Jennings said she
medals as possible." U.S. coach Dawn Staley has for a share of the $300,000 methods, yoga and recov- considered the tour like her
watched Stewart grow as a player. purse — and learning to ery at a health and well- fourth child.
"I've been fortunate to be part of her progress on the play with a new partner — ness village. "My children don't interfere.
USA Basketball national team," said Staley, who also Walsh Jennings is also run- Walsh Jennings vowed to They add another layer to
served as an assistant coach for USA Basketball. "I ning the event. take some time to enjoy life," she said, adding that
watched her four years ago, and she was the young "I'm expecting to be ner- the experience — wheth- she always has additional
gun. She didn't play very much. But, you take some- vous and stressed in differ- er she is competing in the responsibilities at events as
one like Stewie, she's looking. Although she's not play- ent ways," she said in an in- tournament finals, or disap- an endorser and an am-
ing, she's learning. She has a great idea of what the terview with The Associated pointed with an early loss. bassador for the sport. "This
big picture looks like."m Every time Stewart has put a Press. "I'm looking forward "Oh, hell yes," she said. is times 10, but it's familiar
USA uniform on she's tended to win. She's 78-6 with to seeing this dream and "We're p1440 for a reason. territory in many ways."
the help of her teammates in her career already — this vision we've been work- It's all about living for the Adding another layer to
the third most victories on the team behind only Sue ing on so diligently come to moment, and I want to Walsh Jennings' life right
Bird and Diana Taurasi. She has won world champi- life. This is literally my baby, practice what I preach. I now: Because she isn't play-
onships on the Under-17, U-19 squads as well as one and I want to kick ass." want to feel the love and ing on the AVP tour, she
with the national team. That doesn't count the FIBA The most successful beach feel all the hard work. has split with April Ross, her
America titles she helped the U.S. win as well. volleyball player in history This has been gnarly in an partner when they won the
No other American female basketball player has won and the sport's biggest amazing way." bronze medal at the 2016
as many international championships at 24. Stewart draw in the United States, The tour also has stops Olympics in Rio de Janeiro;
earned the 2018 WNBA MVP for both the regular sea- if not the world, Walsh Jen- planned in Las Vegas, Walsh Jennings won gold
son and finals. She's the 11th player to win a NCAA nings had a fallout with San Diego and Hunting- medals with Misty May-Tre-
championship, WNBA title, World Cup, and Olympic the domestic AVP tour ton Beach, California, with anor at the previous three
gold medal.q over competing visions to four stops in 2019 planned, Summer Games.q