P. 28

              Saturday 29 September 2018

            Warm waters boosted 2017's major hurricane tally, study says

             By SETH BORENSTEIN                                                                                                 them enough to see which
              AP Science Writer                                                                                                 was bigger.
             WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                           He  used  the  computer
             Atlantic's  warmer  waters                                                                                         models to look into the fu-
             triggered the unusual num-                                                                                         ture. The Atlantic is project-
             ber of major hurricanes last                                                                                       ed to warm faster than the
             year,  according  to  a  new                                                                                       rest  of  the  world's  oceans.
             study  that  predicts  the  re-                                                                                    That  difference  is  why  Mu-
             gion could see a couple of                                                                                         rakami said the number of
             extra whopper storms each                                                                                          major  storms  will  probably
             year by the end of the cen-                                                                                        increase by two or more on
             tury.                                                                                                              average.
             Six major hurricanes — with                                                                                        Some  outside  experts  had
             winds  of  at  least  111  mph                                                                                     issues with parts of Muraka-
             (178  kph)  —  spun  around                                                                                        mi's study.
             the  Atlantic  last  year,  in-                                                                                    McNoldy  said  it  makes
             cluding  Harvey,  Irma  and                                                                                        sense  that  the  unusual
             Maria which hit parts of the                                                                                       warm water was to blame
             United  States  and  the  Ca-                                                                                      in 2017, but he wasn't quite
             ribbean. Since 2000, the At-                                                                                       ready to point the finger at
             lantic  has  averaged  three                                                                                       global warming.
             major  hurricanes  a  year.                                                                                        "Hurricane  seasons  don't
             Before  that  the  average                                                                                         just keep getting more ac-
             was closer to two.          This Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017 satellite image made available by NOAA shows the eye of Hurricane   tive  as  the  climate  warms
             It may go up to five to eight  Irma, left, just north of the island of Hispaniola, with Hurricane Jose, right, in the Atlantic Ocean.   though.  There  is  enormous
             major  hurricanes  a  year  Six major hurricanes _ with winds of at least 111 mph (178 kph) _ spun around the Atlantic in 2017,   variability," McNoldy said in
             around  the  year  2100,  ac-  including Harvey, Irma and Maria which hit parts of the United States and the Caribbean.   an  email.  Kevin  Trenberth
             cording to a study in Thurs-                                                                      Associated Press   of  the  National  Center  for
             day's journal Science .     at least 79 degrees (26 de-  major  storms.  That  area  is  aged  0.7  degrees  (0.4  de-  Atmospheric   Research
             "We  will  see  more  active  grees Celsius) for a storm to  essentially a large box from  grees Celsius) warmer than  faulted  Murakami's  study
             hurricane seasons like 2017  form.  The  warmer  the  wa-  south  of  Florida  and  north  normal  for  the  entire  2017  for not taking into account
             in the future," said lead au-  ter,  the  more  it  can  resist  of  South  America,  stretch-  season,  which  is  unusual  the large increase in ocean
             thor Hiro Murakami, climate  forces  that  would  cause  it  ing  all  the  way  east  to  Af-  for a six-month time period,  heat  in  deeper  areas,
             scientist  and  hurricane  ex-  to weaken, said University of  rica.                  Murakami said.               which he said is also due to
             pert  at  the  National  Oce-  Miami hurricane researcher  Some  of  the  strongest  At-  Murakami's   study   used  climate change.
             anic and Atmospheric Ad-    Brian McNoldy, who wasn't  lantic  hurricanes  form  off  computer  simulations  to  Princeton  University's  Ga-
             ministration.               part of the study.           the  coast  of  West  Africa,  isolate  different  climate  briel  Vecchi  said  some
             So  far  this  year,  though,  Murakami  found  that  a  then chug west toward the  conditions. Although his re-   computer simulations don't
             only one Atlantic hurricane,  combination   of   natural  Caribbean  and  the  U.S.  search showed both natu-      show the Atlantic warming
             Florence, has reached ma-   conditions and man-made  East Coast.                      ral  and  human-triggered  fastest,  so  it's  not  quite  as
             jor status.                 climate change made the  Water  in  that  large  box  causes from the burning of  certain  that  there  will  be
             Warm water acts as fuel for  waters  warmer  in  one  key  —  the  main  hurricane  de-  coal, oil and gas, Murakami  more major storms there in
             hurricanes. Water has to be  area,  which  caused  more  velopment  region  —  aver-  said  he  couldn't  separate  the future.q

             Photos from Japanese space

             rovers show asteroid is ... rocky

             TOKYO  (AP)  —  New  pho-    jumping robotic rovers that  They  show  slightly  tilted
             tos taken on the surface of  they dropped onto an as-    close-ups of the rocky sur-
             an  asteroid  show  that  it  is  teroid about 280 million ki-  face  from  different  loca-
             (drum roll, please) ... rocky.  lometers (170 million miles)  tions.
             It  may  be  no  surprise,  but  away.                   "I cannot find words to ex-
             Japan  space  agency  sci-   The  Japan  Aerospace  Ex-  press how happy I am that
             entists  and  engineers  are  ploration  Agency  posted  we  were  able  to  realize
             thrilled  by  the  images  be-  the  latest  photos  on  its  mobile  exploration  on  the
             ing  sent  to  Earth  by  two  website late Thursday.    surface  of  an  asteroid,"
                                                                      project  manager  Yuichi     This Sept. 23, 2018 image captured by Rover-1B, and provided
                                                                      Tsuda  said  on  the  space   by  the  Japan  Aerospace  Exploration  Agency  (JAXA)  shows
                                                                      agency's website.            the surface of asteroid Ryugu.
                                                                      It  took  more  than  three                                          Associated Press
                                                                      years  for  the  unmanned  ers onto its surface.         lander  with  four  observa-
                                                                      Hayabusa2  spacecraft  to  The  rovers,  each  about  tion  devices  onto  the  as-
                                                                      reach the vicinity of aster-  the  size  of  circular  cookie  teroid next week.
                                                                      oid Ryugu.                   tin, don't have wheels but  It later will attempt to land
                                                                      One  week  ago,  the  craft  jump around the asteroid.   on the asteroid itself to col-
                                                                      successfully  dropped  a  Hayabusa2  is  scheduled  lect samples to send back
                                                                      small capsule with two rov-  to  drop  a  German-French  to researchers on Earth.q
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