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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 29 September 2018
            Willis Clan rebuilding their career after father's crimes

            By KRISTIN M. HALL                                                                                                  "The  song  really  is  that  just
            Associated Press                                                                                                    internal struggle of if I speak
            NASHVILLE,  Tenn.  (AP)  —                                                                                          my mind, one, can I do it?
            The  Willis  Clan,  a  musical                                                                                      Do I have the strength to?
            family  that  starred  in  their                                                                                    And  if  I  do  what  will  the
            own  reality  TV  show  and                                                                                         outcome  be?"  said  Jen-
            competed  on  "America's                                                                                            nifer  McDowell,  23.  "And  I
            Got Talent," are now ready                                                                                          just resonated so well with it
            to sing again and tell their                                                                                        and I knew that it really just
            stories  through  a  new  al-                                                                                       could work so well with the
            bum  called  "Speak  My                                                                                             project."
            Mind" a year after their fa-                                                                                        After  a  lifetime  of  being
            ther  was  sent  to  prison  for                                                                                    under  the  control  of  their
            child abuse.                                                                                                        father, McDowell said they
            The Tennessee-based fam-                                                                                            are  each  rediscovering
            ily  was  introduced  to  the                                                                                       their individual voices.
            world through the NBC tal-                                                                                          "There's   definitely   days
            ent show in 2014 as 12 sing-                                                                                        where  I  personally  I  feel
            ing  and  dancing  siblings                                                                                         like, yeah I totally have the
            with  ages  ranging  from                                                                                           courage to speak my mind
            3  to  22.  In  2015,  they  got                                                                                    and  to  tell  my  story,"  Mc-
            their  own  reality  show  on                                                                                       Dowell said.
            TLC  called  "The  Willis  Fam-  In this Sept. 19, 2018, photo, members of the Willis Clan, from left, Jeanette Piatt, Jedidiah Willis,   "And  there  are  days  that
            ily,"  portraying  the  home-  Jennifer McDowell, Jasmine Willis, Jeremiah Willis and Jackson Willis pose in Nashville, Tenn.  are just really hard and it's
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            schooled,  religious  family                                                                                        hard to talk about it at all.
            with varied artistic talents.  ages ranging from 16 to 25,  band  we  realized,  'This  is  not  an  easy  subject,"  he  And I realized that it's going
            But that all came to an end  collaborated  on  the  new  good  for  us.  I  wonder  if  it  said. "It's not an easy life ex-  to be a process for the rest
            in  2016  when  their  father  record out Friday, in which  can help other people.'"   perience that we all had."   of my life."
            Toby Willis was investigated  they address the pain and  But  even  for  a  family  that  The  title  track,  "Speak  My  For Jeremiah, the oldest of
            by  the  Tennessee  Bureau  abuse  and  their  fear  of  spent so much of their lives  Mind,"  was  written  by  the  the boys in the family, he's
            of Investigation for years of  speaking  the  truth  about  together   and   perform-  eldest  daughter  of  the  struggled to understand his
            abuse  against  underage  their ordeal.                   ing  on  stages,  writing  the  family,  Jessica  Willis,  long  father's  impact  on  his  life.
            family members. He plead-    "We were just writing them  songs  was  a  difficult  pro-  before  their  father's  arrest.  He said he no longer has a
            ed  guilty  to  four  counts  of  for  therapeutic  reasons,"  cess. Jackson Willis, 20, said  Although she is no longer in  relationship with his father.
            child  rape  last  year  and  said  Jeremiah  Willis,  25.  some  of  the  songs  were  the  band,  her  siblings  saw  "The  song,  'How  Much  Of
            was sentenced to 40 years  "And after enough of those  written through tears.          the  song  in  a  new  light  as  Me Is You,' is a question I will
            in prison.                   songs  have  been  written  "The  content  of  the  songs  they  worked  on  the  new  be asking myself for the rest
            Six  members  of  the  family,  by various members of the  that  are  on  this  album,  it's  music.                of my life," he said.  q

             Cher sings ABBA songs and the reason is sadly clear

             By MARK KENNEDY                                                                                                   Cher offers a very deliber-
             Associated Press                                                                                                  ate,  10-track  collection  of
             Cher,  "Dancing  Queen"                                                                                           classic ABBA songs, includ-
             (Warner Bros.)                                                                                                    ing  "Waterloo,"  ''Mamma
             OK, everyone, settle down.                                                                                        Mia"  and  "SOS."  Inexpli-
             We  have  a  question.  This                                                                                      cably,  she  returns  to  "Fer-
             is  important.  No,  really.                                                                                      nando"  for  another  swing,
             Can  someone  turn  the                                                                                           having  already  supplied
             music  down?  Ready?  OK:                                                                                         a  version  for  the  film's
             Put your hand up if you've                                                                                        soundtrack.  That  cover  is
             ever asked for an album of                                                                                        produced by former ABBA
             ABBA  covers  by  Cher.  Se-                                                                                      member Benny Andersson;
             riously,  who  wanted  this?                                                                                      the rest of the album is pro-
             Anyone?                                                                                                           duced  by  Cher's  longtime
             Crickets? We thought so.                                                                                          collaborator Mark Taylor.
             Well, Cher, we guess, want-                                                                                       All the versions are fantasti-
             ed it, maybe to buy a new                                                                                         cally well produced, mixed
             yacht  or  fulfill  some  label                                                                                   and  arranged,  but  there's
             requirement.  Warner  Bros.                                                                                       a strange coldness in these
             Records clearly did, too, if                                                                                      tracks, as if all the fun was
             only to profit on the icon's                                                                                      drained.  Cher  takes  them
             appearance  in  "Mamma                                                                                            all  very,  very  seriously,  like
             Mia!  Here  We  Go  Again."                                                                                       they  were  tunes  by  Ste-
             The  whiff  of  a  quick  buck                                                                                    phen Sondheim instead of
             is so sour here that it taints                                                                                    frothy disco songs. Her take
             the  Swedish  band's  bub-                                                                                        on "The Winner Takes It All"
             bly compositions. Like one   In this May 21, 2017 file photo, Cher performs at the Billboard Music Awards at the T-Mobile   is  especially  preposterous
             song's  chorus  goes:  "Gim-  Arena in Las Vegas.                                                 Associated Press  and pompous. q
             mie! Gimmie! Gimmie!"
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