P. 29
PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 29 September 2018
Superman to The Fonz: Vintage lunchbox collection on sale
By DAN SEWELL planning to auction before
Associated Press the Christmas holidays.
CINCINNATI (AP) — Look, There are lunchboxes with
up on the shelf! It's Super- the late actor Fess Parker,
man. There's the king of the who played Crockett and
wild frontier himself, Davy Boone in separate TV series.
Crockett. There is "The Brady Bunch"
And over in that case is and "The Partridge Family."
Davy Crockett again, ex- ''The Addams Family" and
cept this time he's Daniel "The Munsters." ''Nancy
Boone (we'll explain later). Drew" and "The Hardy
And aaaaay! It's The Fonz Boys." The Bee Gees and
and the whole "Happy Bobby Sherman.
Days" family! There are lesser-known
A veteran auctioneer has ones: "Korg 70,000 B.C."
on display a baby boomer ''The Guns of Will Sonnett."
delight: hundreds of vin- ''Goober and the Ghost
tage lunchboxes featuring Chasers."
the heroes of their child- Adams said a "wonderfully
hood comic books, TV obscure" one he noticed
shows, cartoon strips, mov- was from "Here Come The
ies and more. Double Deckers," a British
"I've never had anything children's TV show.
like this," said J. Louis Karp, In this Friday, Sept. 21, 2018 photo, owner J. Louis Karp stands beside a case of vintage Another is from "Fireball
whose family-run business lunchboxes at Main Auction Galleries Inc., in downtown Cincinnati. Associated Press XL5," an early 1960s chil-
has been part of Cincinnati dren's science fiction show
since the first years after nut butter-and-jelly sand- family. Younger people who like with a fan cult.
the Civil War. "This is quite wich in the first grade. ... Weldon Adams, a col- kitsch are among lunch- "I'm stunned at the breadth
different." But back to the auction. lectibles expert for Dallas- box buyers, Adams said, of it," Adams said of the
Sure, you can go to any Karp regularly sells large based Heritage Auctions, but they are particularly at- collection.
number of websites to buy estates loaded with rare viewed the lunchboxes on- tractive to those who car- Bids start at $20 each.
old metal lunchboxes from artwork, antique furniture line and said such a large, ried them as children be- Karp shouted upstairs to son
the 1950s, '60s and '70s. and collectibles. He has eclectic sale is a rarity. cause they are a powerful Justin, who with his brother
But to see 250 of them in sold vintage lunchboxes "We've seen some sizable link "back to our identities Jonas marks the fifth gen-
the same place, to be before, but never so many. collections," said Adams. of who we were as a child." eration of Karps in the auc-
able to pick them up, and The private collection's pro- "Having all of them show Karp has 250 for an auction tion business, to ask how
then spot one just like mom ceeds will benefit younger up at one time is truly an ending Sept. 30. much different lunchboxes
packed for you with a pea- generations of the owner's impressive thing." There are another 200 he's have sold for online.q
Music dominates Balmain's couture-infused Paris show
By THOMAS ADAMSON to work skillfully on con-
Associated Press struction,
PARIS (AP) — Balmain's A giant oval wrap that
ode to Parisian couture opened in segmented
impressed insiders at Paris shell-like sections had
Fashion Week on Friday al- guests snapping their cam-
most as much as the show's eras. The same shell-like
infectious soundtrack, sections were seen later,
which had model Cara De- but this time deconstruct-
levingne lip-synching. ed, looking almost-upside
Issey Miyake, meanwhile, down, with a fan shape
took the occasion to intro- stitched onto a skirt.
duce a new inventive fash- The look — a skintight white
ion material. peaked-shoulder gown
Here are some highlights — was made with strips of
from the Spring 2019 shows: material that were snipped
BALMAIN'S CHANNELS PAR- away in places to resemble
IS FASHION AND MONU- bandages — almost like
MENTS the wrapping of an Egyp-
In homage to the French tian mummy.
capital's reputation as a The Egypt idea, in fact, was
center of fashion design revealed as a dominant
know-how, Balmain cre- theme as the collection
ative director Olivier Rous- progressed.
teing declared his mantra Models wear creations for Issey Miyake Spring/Summer 2019 ready-to-wear fashion collection Rousteing explored his "fas-
was mastering "the rules presented in Paris, Friday, Sept. 28, 2018. cination with the impressive
before you...break them." Associated Press obelisks, pyramids and col-
Guests at Balmain's ambi- brosio and socialite Olivia mixed the fashion capital's With white the dominant umns that date from Na-
tious spring show, includ- Palermo, looked on with traditional couture DNA up color, the Balmain atelier's poleon's campaigns and
ing model Alessandra Am- delight as the presentation in deconstruction. needle-workers had gone adorn" Paris.q