P. 25

BUSINESS                 Saturday 29 September 2018

            Chipmakers, energy companies led indexes higher; Tesla dives

            By MARLEY JAY                                                                                                       SEC launched an investiga-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tion  after  Musk  tweeted  in
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.                                                                                            early  August  that  he  had
            stocks are slightly higher Fri-                                                                                     secured  the  funding  for  a
            day  as  gains  for  chipmak-                                                                                       deal  to  take  Tesla  private.
            ers  give  the  technology                                                                                          It soon became clear that
            sector a boost, and energy                                                                                          the company wasn't close
            companies  are  rising  with                                                                                        to a deal, and the SEC says
            oil  prices.  Tesla  is  plung-                                                                                     Musk  committed  securities
            ing after federal regulators                                                                                        fraud  with  his  statements
            moved  to  oust  Elon  Musk                                                                                         about  plans  to  take  the
            as the electric car maker's                                                                                         company private.
            CEO following his tweet last                                                                                        Musk called the action un-
            month that he was close to                                                                                          justified.  His  tweet  said  the
            a deal to take Tesla private.                                                                                       company would go private
            European stocks are falling                                                                                         at $420 per share, and the
            after  Italy's  new  govern-                                                                                        stock  jumped  to  almost
            ment announced a big in-                                                                                            $380 that day. It's fallen 29
            crease  in  spending.  Italy's                                                                                      percent since then.
            main stock index fell almost                                                                                        ANTISOCIAL:  While  inter-
            4  percent  and  other  Eu-                                                                                         net  and  communication
            ropean  indexes  also  took                                                                                         companies  did  well  in  the
            sharp  losses  as  investors   This Dec. 21, 2016, file photo shows the New York Stock Exchange. The U.S. stock market opens   third quarter, it was a brutal
                                         at 9:30 a.m. EDT on Friday, Sept. 28, 2018.
            worried  that  the  govern-                                                                        Associated Press  three months for a few fa-
            ment's  plan  will  lead  to  a                                                                                     miliar  names.  Twitter  is  the
            clash with European Union    up 7.1 percent in since the  EU country after Greece.     percent to $9.03. U.S. banks   worst-performing  stock  on
            leaders  who  want  Italy  to   end of June, its best show-  Italy's  FTSE  MIB  sank  3.7  also  took  losses.  Citigroup   the S&P 500 index over the
            reduce its debt level. Banks   ing since a gain of just un-  percent while the German  fell  1.2  percent  to  $72.02   last  three  months,  down
            are skidding.                der 10 percent in the fourth  DAX  gave  up  1.5  percent.  and  Goldman  Sachs  shed   33.5 percent. The stock was
            KEEPING  SCORE:  The  S&P    quarter  of  2013.  Health  France's  CAC  40  lost  0.9  0.8 percent to $225.95.      on  a  huge  run  until  late
            500  index  gained  2  points,   care stocks have done the  percent  and  the  FTSE  100  CHIPPING  IN:  Chipmak-   July, when Twitter reported
            or  0.1  percent,  to  2,916  as   best.                  index in Britain shed 0.5 per-  ers  rallied.  Nvidia  rose  4.2   weak user growth. Investors
            of  noon  Eastern  time.  The   ITALIAN   SPENDING:   The  cent.                       percent to $278.66 and In-   also worried about the pos-
            Dow  Jones  Industrial  Aver-  new  spending  plans  an-  Yields  on  Italian  govern-  tel  gained  3.6  percent  to   sibility of greater regulation
            age  added  44  points,  or   nounced by Italy's govern-  ment bonds rose sharply, a  $47.52 as technology com-     following  hearings  in  Con-
            0.2 percent, to 26,484. The   ment  would  push  its  bud-  sign of lower investor confi-  panies  continued  to  fare   gress.
            Nasdaq composite picked      get  deficit  to  2.4  percent  dence in the government's  better  than  the  rest  of  the   It's much the same for Face-
            up 8 points, or 0.1 percent,   of  gross  domestic  product  financial strength. The yield  market.                 book,  which  has  dropped
            to  8,049.  The  Russell  2000   next  year,  a  significant  on  Italy's  10-year  bond  HAIRPIN   TURN:    Tesla   14  percent  this  quarter,  its
            index  of  smaller-company   jump  from  previous  gov-   jumped  to  3.14  percent  dropped  11.7  percent  to     worst three-month run in six
            stocks  jumped  7  points,  or   ernment's target of 1.6 per-  from 2.89 percent, a huge  $271.40 after the Securities   years.
            0.4 percent, to 1,697.       cent  this  year.  While  that's  move.                   and Exchange Commission      ASIA'S  DAY:  Japan's  Nikkei
            It's been a down week for    still within EU limits, it is likely  Italian bank UniCredit sank  said  it  has  asked  the  U.S.   225  jumped  1.4  percent
            U.S.  indexes,  but  the  third   to set up a clash with lead-  7 percent to $12.93. Among  District  Court  in  Manhat-  after  the  country  agreed
            quarter has been the stron-  ers who want Italy to bring  European banks, Credit Su-   tan to bar Musk from serv-   to open negotiations on a
            gest  for  the  U.S.  market  in   down its debt level, which is  isse fell 2.2 percent to $15.06  ing as an officer or director   trade  agreement  with  the
            several  years.  The  S&P  is   the  second-highest  of  any  and  Barclays  dipped  2.7  of  a  public  company.  The   United States. q
             Underlying inflation in eurozone remains stubbornly low

              By PAN PYLAS                ous  month's  1.0  percent  Though  the  headline  rate  tral  bank  was  increasingly  their   wage   bargaining
              Associated Press            and  confounded  expec-      is above the ECB's goal of  confident that the pick-up  power," he said.
              LONDON  (AP)  —  Under-     tations for a modest rise to  just below 2 percent, rate-  in  wages  would  continue  The fact that the headline
              lying  inflation  across  the  1.1 percent.              setters want to see a pick-  because  wage  agree-      rate  has  increased  has
              19-country  eurozone  re-   The  fall  provides  further  up  in  the  underlying  rate  ments often last two years  been  enough  for  the  ECB
              mains  stubbornly  low,  offi-  evidence that recent pay  to  make  sure  inflation  is  or more.                to  rein  in  its  stimulus  poli-
              cial figures showed Friday,  increases,  particularly  in  sustainable and not reliant  Peter Vanden Houte, chief  cies.  In  June,  the  ECB  an-
              in  what  is  likely  to  be  a  countries  like  Germany,  on external factors like the  eurozone  economist  at  nounced  that  its  monthly
              disappointment  to  policy-  have  yet  to  fully  feed  price of oil.               ING,  said  there  could  be  bond  purchase  program
              makers  at  the  European  through  the  economy  by  This  week,  ECB  President  factors  linked  to  the  re-  would  come  to  a  halt  at
              Central  Bank  who  have  encouraging  companies  Mario  Draghi  said  he  ex-       cent  slowdown  in  the  eu-  the  end  of  the  year.  The
              been predicting a pick-up.  to raise prices.             pected  underlying  infla-  rozone's economic growth  program  effectively  in-
              Statistics  agency  Eurostat  The headline inflation rate,  tion to rise as a stronger job  that may be offsetting the  volves printing new money
              said  Friday  that  the  core  which  includes  all  items,  market pushes up wages.  impact on inflation of high-  to  stoke  lending  and,  ulti-
              rate of consumer price in-  rose  to  2.1  percent  from  He  cited  annual  growth  er wages.                   mately, inflation.
              flation, which strips out vol-  2  percent,  but  that  was  in  negotiated  wages  of  "European households' ex-  But interest rates, including
              atile items like energy and  largely  due  to  higher  en-  2.2 percent in the second  pectations  regarding  the  the  headline  rate,  which
              food, fell to 0.9 percent in  ergy  prices  on  the  back  quarter,  up  from  1.7  per-  labor  market  have  dete-  stands at zero, are not ex-
              the  year  to  September.  of  steadily  increasing  oil  cent  in  the  first  quarter.  riorated  over  the  summer,  pected to rise before well
              That's  down  on  the  previ-  prices.                   He  added  that  the  cen-  which  is  unlikely  to  boost  into next year.q
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