P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 29 September 2018

            Sabathia ejected,

            Yanks rout Rays, near

            home field vs A's

            By MARK DIDTLER              going  103-59  en  route  to
             Associated Press            the  2009  World  Series  title
            ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) —  and  moved  two  games
            CC Sabathia protected his  ahead  of  Oakland  (96-63)
            teammates, not his wallet.   for hosting the Oct. 3 wild-
            The  38-year-old  left-hand-  card  game.  The  Yankees
            er  got  his  246th  win  and  hold  the  tiebreaker,  which
            moved the New York Yan-      means  one  more  Yankees
            kees closer to hosting next  win or Athletics loss ensures
            week's  AL  wild-card  game  the  winner-take-all  game
            but may have cost himself  would be in the Bronx. The
            a $500,000 bonus.            wild-card winner advances
            Sabathia was ejected from  to  a  Division  Series  against
            Thursday's 12-1 win over the  AL East champion Boston.
            Tampa Bay Rays in the sixth  "We  know  what's  at  stake,
            inning for hitting Jesus Sucre  and  we  took  a  good  step
            on  a  leg  in  retaliation  for  toward it," Yankees slugger   New  York  Yankees'  CC  Sabathia  points  at  the  Tampa  Bay  Rays  dugout  after  he  was  ejected
            Tampa Bay reliever Andrew  Giancarlo  Stanton  said  af-  for hitting Tampa Bay Rays' Jesus Sucre with a pitch during the sixth inning of a baseball game
            Kittredge  throwing  a  pitch  ter homering twice to raise   Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018, in St. Petersburg, Fla.
            behind Austin Romine.        his season total to 37.                                                                           Associated Press
            Making  his  final  regular-  Miguel  Andujar  and  Luke   Sabathia  started  out  of  "Obviously that was a high-  million  base  salary  in  his
            season start, Sabathia had  Voit also went deep for the   the  Yankees  dugout  and  and-tight  pitch,"  Kittredge  one-year contract.
            thrown 55 pitches over five  Yankees.  New  York's  260   had  to  be  intercepted  by  said. "That's not a comfort-  Luis  Cessa  and  Jonathan
            innings to raise his season in-  homers tied the 2005 Texas   Boone.                   able  feeling  for  him.  It  is  Loaisiga completed a two-
            nings total to 153 — two shy  Rangers  for  the  second-  "I  think  we  all  took  excep-  what it is, I guess."   hitter,  giving  New  York  its
            of a $500,000 performance  most  in  major  league  his-  tion to that, I think, anytime  Sabathia stared and point-  third  straight  series  win.
            bonus in his contract.       tory,  four  behind  the  1997   you feel a player's safety is  ed toward the Tampa Bay  Cessa  gave  up  C.J  Cron's
            "I  don't  really  make  deci-  Seattle Mariners.         in jeopardy," Sabathia said.  bench while walking to the  homer in the seventh.
            sions  based  on  money,  I  With  New  York  ahead  7-0,   Romine  turned  to  the  Yankees  dugout  after  be-    Andujar  hit  a  three-run
            guess," Sabathia said. "I just  Sabathia  hit  Jake  Bauers   catcher  and  asked  Sucre,  ing tossed. Relievers in both  homer during a four-run first
            felt like it was the right thing  on the knuckles of his right   "Why?"                bullpens  stood  up  but  the  off Jaime Schultz (2-2). Aar-
            to do."                      hand with an 88 mph two-     "You  can't  throw  balls  at  other  players  remained  in  on Judge had a sacrifice fly
            Yankees  manager  Aaron  seam fastball with two outs      people's  head,  plain  and  the dugouts.                 and Voit hit an RBI double
            Boone  didn't  rule  out  Sa-  in the fifth.              simple," Romine said.        "You  don't  throw  at  some-  in a three-run fourth.
            bathia  (9-7)  getting  into  a  Kittredge  threw  a  93  mph   After New York opened an  one's head. He did what he  New York's four-run sixth in-
            game this weekend in Bos-    fastball  behind  Romine's   11-0  lead,  Sabathia  hit  Su-  felt he needed to do," Stan-  cluded  back-to-back  solo
            ton.                         neck with his initial pitch in   cre  the  lower  left  leg  with  ton said of Sabathia.  homers  by  Voit  and  Stan-
            "That's definitely above my  the sixth, and plate umpire   a 93 cutter on his first pitch  Sabathia,  likely  the  Yan-  ton, who had his 32nd mul-
            pay  grade,"  Boone  said  Vic  Carapazza  issued  a      in  the  bottom  half,  caus-  kees'  fourth  starter  during  tihomer game.
            when  asked  whether  New  warning to both benches.       ing Carapazza to eject the  the  postseason,  allowed  Tampa Bay's Tommy Pham
            York should still pay the bo-  "I  think  there's  no  question   pitcher and Boone.   one hit, lowered his season  walked  in  the  ninth  to  ex-
            nus.                         there was intent. You throw   Sucre  declined  to  com-   ERA to 3.65 and struck out  tend  his  on-base  streak  to
            New  York  (98-61)  ensured  one over the head, I hated   ment,  while  Kittredge  said  five  to  increase  his  career  29  games,  the  longest  ac-
            its  winningest  season  since  it," Boone said.          it's "just baseball."        total to 2,986. He has a $10  tive run in the AL.q

            Astudillo drives in career-high 4 as Twins top Tigers 9-3

            By TYLER MASON               gle  drove  in  a  pair  of  runs  2  1/3  innings  due  to  lower
             Associated Press            to give the Twins the lead.  back  tightness.  The  former
            MINNEAPOLIS  (AP)  —  Wil-   He  also  added  a  two-run  Twin  exited  with  the  bases
            lians  Astudillo  has  quickly  double in the fifth.      loaded and wound up be-
            become  a  fan  favorite  in  "I'm  just  trying  to  go  out  ing charged with four runs.
            Minnesota. Games like the  there  and  try  to  swing  at  "He was having a hard time
            one Astudillo had Thursday  good pitches and it's work-   breathing out there," man-
            only help add to the repu-   ing out for me so far," Astu-  ager Ron Gardenhire said.
            tation  of  the  player  affec-  dillo said through a transla-  "He  was  trying  not  to  land
            tionately known as "La Tor-  tor. "Just swinging at good  hard on his front foot, every
            tuga."                       pitches,  and  thankfully  I'm  time he landed hard on his
            Astudillo  had  a  career-   executing."                  front  foot,  he  felt  shooting
            high  four  RBIs,  Tyler  Austin  Minnesota  took  two  of  pain.  Just  got  to  get  him
            added three and the Twins  three against Detroit in the  out of the game."
            beat the Detroit Tigers 9-3.  final  series  between  the  It was Liriano's shortest start   Minnesota  Twins'  Willians  Astudillo  watches  his  sacrifice  fly  to
            Astudillo, playing in his 26th  teams  this  year.  The  Twins  since the last time he faced   drive in a go-ahead run off Chicago White Sox pitcher Reynaldo
            big league game, capped  won the season series 12-7.      the Twins back on Aug. 16,   Lopez  during  the  sixth  inning  in  the  first  game  of  a  baseball
            Minnesota's  five-run  third  Tigers   starter   Francisco  when  he  went  just  1  2/3   doubleheader Friday, Sept. 28, 2018, in Minneapolis.
            inning when his two-out sin-  Liriano  (5-12)  left  after  just  innings.q                                                     Associated Press
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