P. 30

              Saturday 29 September 2018

            French scholar names model for artist Courbet's famous nude

            By SYLVIE CORBET                                                                                                    The painting, too, remained
            Associated Press                                                                                                    secret  as  successive  own-
            PARIS  (AP)  —  She  was  a                                                                                         ers were afraid to display it.
            courtesan  who  relied  on                                                                                          Her birth certificate showed
            financial  support  from  rich                                                                                      she  was  born  in  northern
            men  —but  preferred  the                                                                                           France  to  a  single  mother
            company of women— and                                                                                               who  was  a  textile  worker
            died  with  a  reputation  as                                                                                       and an unknown father.
            an honorable patroness of                                                                                           At the age of 14, she joined
            orphans.                                                                                                            the opera of Paris as an as-
            These  are  some  of  the                                                                                           piring dancer.
            biographical  details  un-                                                                                          The  wages  were  low  and
            earthed by a French schol-                                                                                          ballet   dancers   needed
            ar  who  says  he  has  identi-                                                                                     "protectors" to pay for cos-
            fied the model for a famous                                                                                         tumes and classes, Schopp
            19th century nude painting                                                                                          said.
            by artist Gustave Courbet.                                                                                          "She's  going  to  live  from
            Constance  Queniaux  was                                                                                            men,  but  she  mostly  lives
            34-year-old  in  1866  when                                                                                         with women," he said.
            the French master painted                                                                                           Queniaux  lived  for  a  while
            "L'Origine  du  monde"  (The                                                                                        within  a  group  of  female
            Origin of the World), French                                                                                        dancers  and  comedians,
            literature  expert  Claude                                                                                          but  proved  to  be  "second
            Schopp said this week. The   In this photo taken on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018, French historian Claude Schopp poses for a   rank" as a dancer, accord-
            painting  depicts  a  naked   photo in Paris.                                                      Associated Press  ing to Schopp. She left bal-
            woman  lying  on  her  back                                                                                         let at age 28 and became
            with  her  legs  spread  and  The  letter  said  the  woman  her, but immediately made  Original photographs of her  the  occasional  mistress  of
            her face hidden by a rum-    having  "the  interior"  put  to  the  link  with  "L'Origine  du  were held at the library.  Khalil Bey.
            pled sheet. The focus of the  canvas  by  Courbet  was  monde."                        "She had left very few trac-  A  very  wealthy  art  collec-
            piece is her genitals.       Mademoiselle     Queniaux  Like  a  detective,  he  fol-  es,  but  enough  to  follow  tor, he was also a woman-
            Schopp  said  his  discovery  "from the opera."           lowed the trail from the last  her," the scholar said.    izer.
            came  by  chance  when  The  letter  also  suggested  name and profession clues.  Queniaux's         name    was  He     commissioned     two
            he  found  Queniaux  men-    she  was  the  mistress  of  an  He  concluded  she  was  known  to  few  people  at  paintings    by   Courbet,
            tioned in a letter by French  Ottoman  diplomat,  Halil  Constance  Queniaux  and  the time — and that's how  including         "L'Origine   du
            writer Alexandre Dumas fils,  Serif Pasha, known as Khalil  confirmed  the  conclusion  the  identity  of  the  woman  monde," which he kept be-
            the son of "The Three Mus-   Bey.                         with  the  help  of  France's  in the painting was hidden  hind a green curtain for his
            keteers" author.             Schopp had never heard of  national     library   experts.  for 150 years.             private viewing pleasure.q

                                                                        Daisy Johnson, Rachel Kushner

                                                                        among Man Booker finalists

                                                                                                                               real — are on a list that in-
                                                                                                                               cludes  three  U.K.  authors,
                                                                                                                               two  Americans  and  a
                                                                                                                               Canadian."The Long Take"
                                                                                                                               is one of two debut novels
                                                                                                                               on  the  list,  alongside  "Ev-
                                                                                                                               erything Under," a story of
                                                                                                                               words and memory by Brit-
                                                                                                                               ish writer Daisy Johnson. At
                                                                                                                               27,  Johnson  is  the  young-
                                                                                                                               est-ever Booker finalist.
                                                                                                                               U.S.  writer  Rachel  Kush-
                                                                                                                               ner's gritty women's prison
                                                                                                                               story  "The  Mars  Room"  is
                                                                                                                               also a finalist. "Washington
                                                                       The panel of judges Jacqueline Rose, Kwame Anthony      Black," the saga of an es-
                                                                       Appiah, Val McDermid, Leo Robson and Leanne Shapton pose
                                                                       during the Man Booker Prize 2018 shortlist announcement, at   caped slave by Canada's
                                                                       Riverbank House, in London, Thursday, Sept. 20, 2018.   Esi  Edugyan,  and  "Milk-
                                                                                                               Associated Press  man,"  a  story  by  Northern
                                                                       By JILL LAWLESS             U.K.  poet  Robin  Robert-  Ireland  writer  Anna  Burns
                                                                       Associated Press            son's verse novel about vi-  set during the violent con-
                                                                       LONDON  (AP)  —  A  novel  olence and social division   flict known as the Troubles,
                                                                       in verse and a story about  in contemporary America,    round out the list.
                                                                       trees and the people who  "The  Long  Take,"  and  U.S.   The prize, subject to intense
                                                                       love  them  are  among  six  novelist  Richard  Powers'   speculation and a flurry of
                                                                       finalists  announced  Thurs-  eco-saga  "The  Overstory"   betting,  usually  brings  the
                                                                       day for the prestigious Man  —  whose  characters  are   victor a huge boost in sales
                                                                       Booker Prize for fiction.   both  human  and  arbo-     and profile.q
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