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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 29 January 2019

             Cohen agrees to talk to House intelligence committee Feb. 8

            By MARY CLARE JALONICK  three-year prison sentence
            and JIM MUSTIAN              in March. Federal prosecu-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     tors  have  said  Trump  di-
            dent Donald Trump's former  rected Cohen to make the
            lawyer,  Michael  Cohen,  payments during the cam-
            has  agreed  to  talk  to  the  paign.
            House  Intelligence  Com-    Schiff, D-Calif., said Cohen
            mittee  on  Feb.  8,  opting  had  relayed  "legitimate
            for  closed-door  testimony  concerns"  about  his  safety
            after pulling out of a sepa-  and the safety of his family.
            rate public hearing due to  "Efforts  to  intimidate  wit-
            security issues.             nesses,  scare  their  family
            House Intelligence Commit-   members, or prevent them
            tee Chairman Adam Schiff  from testifying before Con-
            said  Monday  that  Cohen  gress are tactics we expect
            will  be  appearing  volun-  from  organized  crime,  not
            tarily and that the panel will  the  White  House,"  Schiff
            work with law enforcement  said. "These attacks on Mr.
            to make sure he is safe. Co-  Cohen's family must stop."
            hen  last  week  postponed  Cohen  is  also  scheduled
            testimony he was supposed  to talk to the Senate Intel-
            to  give  the  House  Over-  ligence  Committee  next
            sight  and  Reform  Commit-  month, in compliance with
            tee,  blaming  threats  from  a subpoena. That interview
            Trump  and  the  president's  is  scheduled  for  Feb.  12,
            attorney-spokesman,  Rudy  according  to  Lanny  Davis,
            Giuliani.                    one of Cohen's lawyers.
            Cohen  has  not  detailed  Also Monday, Cohen's law-
            the threats, nor has his law-  yers  announced  a  shake-
            yer. But Trump and Giuliani  up on his defense team as
            have  publicly  urged  the  he continues to cooperate
            Justice  Department  to  in-  with  Mueller  and  prepares
            vestigate  Cohen's  father-  for  the  congressional  testi-
            in-law,  insinuating  he  was  mony.
            part  of  some  unspecific  Cohen's  legal  team  an-
            criminal activity. Trump, for  nounced  that  two  attor-
            example, told Fox News this  neys  from  Chicago,  Mi-
            month  that  Cohen  "should  chael Monico and his part-
            give information maybe on  ner Barry Spevack, will rep-
            his  father-in-law,  because  resent  him,  replacing  New
            that's the one that people  York-based  attorneys  Guy    In this Sept. 19, 2017, file photo, Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, steps
            want to look at."            Petrillo and Amy Lester.     out of a cab during his arrival on Capitol Hill in Washington.
            Trump's  fixer-turned-foe  is  Cohen's  legal  team  de-                                                                       Associated Press
            a  central  figure  in  special  scribed  Monico  as  one
            counsel  Robert  Mueller's  of  the  "premier  criminal  shake-up  "had  nothing  to  authorities in search of the  dealing with the city of Chi-
            investigation  into  possible  defense  attorneys  in  the  do with fees."             truth."                      cago. He also represented
            coordination between Rus-    country."                    Cohen did not immediately  Monico  worked  as  an  as-    an  owner  of  Chicago's  E2
            sia and Trump's campaign.  The  legal  shake-up  fol-     respond to a text message  sistant U.S. attorney in Chi-  nightclub,  where  a  stam-
            Cohen also played a pivot-   lowed  what  a  person  fa-  seeking for comment.         cago  before  entering  pri-  pede  toward  a  door  in
            al role in buying the silence  miliar  with  the  matter  de-  Monico  and  Spevack  is-  vate practice. He has since  2003  left  21  people  dead.
            of a porn actress and a for-  scribed  as  a  dispute  over  sued a joint statement Mon-  become one of Chicago's  Most recently, Monico and
            mer Playboy Playmate who  unpaid legal fees. The per-     day saying they looked for-  highest-profile  white-collar  Spevack have represented
            both alleged they had sex  son,  who  spoke  to  The  As-  ward to "helping Mr. Cohen  attorneys  dating  back  to  a  former  Lithuanian  par-
            with  Trump.  The  president  sociated Press on the con-  fulfill what he has told us is  the   1980s,   representing  liamentarian  and  judge
            has denied their claims.     dition of anonymity due to  his only mission — to tell the  those close to the levers of  fighting  extradition  from
            Cohen  pleaded  guilty  last  the sensitivity of the matter,  truth as he knows it and to  power  in  Illinois,  including  Chicago  to  face  charges
            year to campaign finance  said  Cohen  had  not  paid  turn the corner on his past  powerful aldermen, a con-       in her homeland stemming
            violations  and  other  of-  "proper  fees"  to  his  legal  life  and  taking  ownership  fidant  of  now-imprisoned  from  her  allegations  that
            fenses  connected  to  the  team.                         for  his  past  mistakes  by  former Gov. Rod Blagojev-   there's  a  well-connected
            payments, and he is sched-   Davis  disputed  that  char-  cooperating as best as he  ich and several defendants  ring  of  pedophiles  in  the
            uled  to  begin  serving  a  acterization,  saying  the  can  with  all  governmental  accused  of  corruption  in  country.q
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